ITT: you become dictator of all of africa and you have 4 years to save it. Your word is law and the people wont revolt

ITT: you become dictator of all of africa and you have 4 years to save it. Your word is law and the people wont revolt.

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I stop feeding all the niggers and muzzies.

>Your word is law and the people wont revolt.
It's a good thing niggers are known for their law-abiding behavior and orderly behavior. It would be difficult to live with them otherwise.

Genocide the Bantu

Khoisan YES

Bantu are the niggiest of niggers

nuke it to high hell and create a lake

Forbid all international aid, the mass die off will solve 70 percent of the problem.


3 generation eugenics program

I'd just nuke it. They've lived around us for hundreds of years and are still violent poorly dressed retards.

send the niggiest of the niggers to Israel.

You know, I'm beginning to think Canadians aren't all that bad.

Just put jews in oven
Too much history there for nigs to destroy

>not shadman
shiggy diggy nigga

>not shadman

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I would trannypill them. Then they would go extinct.

I export them all to the USA and the UK. Now I have Africa. Maybe I'll put a Disneyland in the Congo.


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Nothing like a good old fashioned genocide can save that continent from retarded apes.

Order every African to kill every other African he/she/it sees.
Wait until there is only one left
Shoot it.

only one thing to do

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Everyone dies
Except for Boers and Khosians

How is this fixing africa


Fellas none of you are putting forth any actual solutions. You have 4 years, be creative and dont just kill them all
That guy def got omega giga aids or something

unironically I'd try Salinist/Maoist style communism
the two transformed their countries from feudal shitholes into industrial superpower shitholes with space programs in a decent amount of time so maybe it'll work for Africa (it would take more than 4 years though)

Cull or sterilize everyone with an IQ below 100, reinstate Apartheid, but with a time limit on how long it can last for (50 years).
Attempt to equalize education opportunities for all children, try to instill values of a "united brotherhood of man" within them.

>nationalize all natural resources
>forbide foering ownership of anything
>divide the continent in a thousand very independent homogeneous microstates
>expell the treacherous elites that have become frenchies and brits
>no taxes for economical or industrial activity
>barely any work regulation
>high taxes for propierty and inheritance
>crucify progressives
>be done with fake scam money

>Cull or sterilize everyone with an IQ below 100,
So kill 99% of the population kek.

I'm not wasting my time over there. just let it be natural again. it's the west that keeps playing in other places that keep messing those places up. just let them be messed up naturally for the most part.

There's no other way to rapidly increase the average intelligence of the reproductively capable population in such a short amount of time.

have all the different factions of men fight to the death. ban all black baby births.

All niggers die
I import pure whites
I exterminate any jew who sets foot on my afrika
I murder any nonwhite who steps foot on my land
And i look my people prosper and become the global super power, and then at the end I'll do a worldwide campaign for beating jews pogrom style + real holocaust

Step 1, test and then execute everyone with aids.
Step 2, test and then execute everyone below 110 IQ.
Step 3, death penalty for even petty criminal behavior, including children
Step 4, create tax Haven's, investment schemes, ecotourism attractions, and funnel aid streams into infrastructure investment in mining, sustainable forestry , desert reclamation etc.
Step 5, pay high IQ women to breed.

Now that Africa is law abiding, safe, and not impoverished, we lean into genetic engineering, legalize dubious medical research, relax ethical standards, zero tax corporations etc, leaping ahead in technology to become Wakanda with CRISPR and mandatory eugenics.

kill all niggers and import 1488 white national socialists make the fourth reich
the diamond mines and gold mines and oil reserves would allow me to pay literally every child bearing couple a million dollars to breed at least 10 babies

>he thinks he can replicate the selective pressures that formed whitey and chinks
lmaoing at you

State takeover of farming, leasing out to western countries in exchange for food.

A war with Middle Eastern countries, A because they're the source of many hardships and B because we need a unifying war to help bring the numbers down. Not to mention it's not like Africa is going to suddenly be a naval superpower, logistics would be an issue.

Complain about niggers on Jow Forums.

Kill all the niggers, import chinks instead