Koreans are white

I am white :]

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Your a meme flag nigger is what you are.

No, Korean popular culture is obsessed with being "white"

You are not white

No, you're a dumb slut

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You’re a fucking ching chong

koreans are shitskins in makeup

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I'm hard at work making the Korean race whiter

Asians aren't white....yet. I can help your country become white. I only charge 20$ for every Korean pussy inseminated.

You are asians. Only northern europeans are white

Why do Korean women have mutant jaws?

Attached: Korean jaw surgery.jpg (1194x942, 567K)

is that a fucking container of shaved jaw BONES?

We have been furnished with elaborate briefs in which the meaning of the words "white person" is discussed *197 with ability and at length, both from the standpoint of judicial decision and from that of the science of ethnology. It does not seem to us necessary, however, to follow counsel in their extensive researches in these fields. It is sufficient to note the fact that these decisions are, in substance, to the effect that the words import a racial and not an individual test, and with this conclusion, fortified as it is by reason and authority, we entirely agree. Manifestly, the test afforded by the mere color of the skin of each individual is impracticable as that differs greatly among persons of the same race, even among Anglo-Saxons, ranging by imperceptible gradations from the fair blond to the swarthy brunette, the latter being darker than many of the lighter hued persons of the brown or yellow races. Hence to adopt the color test alone would result in a confused overlapping of races and a gradual merging of one into the other, without any practical line of separation. Beginning with the decision of Circuit Judge Sawyer, in In re Ah Yup, 5 Sawy. 155 (1878), the federal and state courts, in an almost unbroken line, have held that the words "white person" were meant to indicate only a person of what is popularly known as the Caucasian race. Among these decisions, see for example: In re Camille, 6 Fed. 256; In re Saito, 62 Fed. 126; In re Nian, 6 Utah, 259; In re Kumagai, 163 Fed. 922; In re Yamashita, 30 Wash. 234, 237; In re Ellis, 179 Fed. 1002; In re Mozumdar, 207 Fed. 115, 117; In re Singh, 257 Fed. 209, 211-212; and Petition of Charr, 273 Fed. 207.

Strong white jaw

With the conclusion reached in these several decisions we see no reason to differ. Moreover, that conclusion has become so well established by judicial and executive concurrence and legislative acquiescence that we should not at this late day feel at liberty to disturb it, in the absence of reasons far more cogent than any that have been suggested. United States v. Midwest Oil Co., 236 U.S. 459, 472.

*198 The determination that the words "white person" are synonymous with the words "a person of the Caucasian race" simplifies the problem, although it does not entirely dispose of it. Controversies have arisen and will no doubt arise again in respect of the proper classification of individuals in border line cases. The effect of the conclusion that the words "white person" mean a Caucasian is not to establish a sharp line of demarcation between those who are entitled and those who are not entitled to naturalization, but rather a zone of more or less debatable ground outside of which, upon the one hand, are those clearly eligible, and outside of which, upon the other hand, are those clearly ineligible for citizenship. Individual cases falling within this zone must be determined as they arise from time to time by what this Court has called, in another connection (Davidson v. New Orleans, 96 U.S. 97, 104) "the gradual process of judicial inclusion and exclusion."

The appellant, in the case now under consideration, however, is clearly of a race which is not Caucasian and therefore belongs entirely outside the zone on the negative side. A large number of the federal and state courts have so decided and we find no reported case definitely to the contrary. These decisions are sustained by numerous scientific authorities, which we do not deem it necessary to review. We think these decisions are right and so hold.

The briefs filed on behalf of appellant refer in complimentary terms to the culture and enlightenment of the Japanese people, and with this estimate we have no reason to disagree; but these are matters which cannot enter into our consideration of the questions here at issue. We have no function in the matter other than to ascertain the will of Congress and declare it. Of course there is not implied either in the legislation or in our interpretation of it any suggestion of individual unworthiness or racial inferiority. These considerations are in no manner involved.

The questions submitted are, therefore, answered as follows:

Question No. 1. The Act of June 29, 1906, is not complete in itself but is limited by § 2169 of the Revised Statutes of the United States.

Question No. 2. No.

Question No. 3. No.

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An ancient Japanese chad laid so much pipe in korea during the war that this industry sprung up in response.

Koreans are white

no. you're lucky to even be considered human.

Not in your wildest dream, insect gook

The gook is wearing the most makeup and she still fits in with the ugly ones

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Larping as Christians doesn't make the pie face race white. Koreans used to pretend they were Japanese to gain tolerance in America. But The smell of rotten Kimchee oozing from their pores gave them away.

>Koreans are white

Attached: wrong.jpg (463x347, 28K)

Yeh, but your slitty face betrays you; I feel more inclined to plug in an electrical appliance than put my dick anywhere near it. Keep larping, powerpoint.


That isn't a normal koreans. her mom got fucked by gigachad. I hope she has hapa sons.

She looks better than all of them and they all are wearing about the same amount of makeup

thank you for posting my wife

From Lum v. Rice:
The Court held that this provision of the Constitution divided the educable children into those of the pure white or Caucasian race, on the one hand, and the brown, yellow and black races, on the other, and therefore that Martha Lum of the Mongolian or yellow race could not insist on being classed with the whites under this constitutional division.


there's nothing that i hate more than seeing gooks dye their hair

they're always these type of westophile gooks like koreans or some shit that like faggots and israel

Probably more plastic than white.

Plastic bleaches in the sun


Why are Koreans insecure and why do they want to be white?

Fuck off you k-shit capitalist trash. Your people's music is the foundation of your economy by polluting little white girls with fucking moon runes


not just the women kek