The ((Russian)) problem.EVERYONE GET IN HERE

So Jow Forums we're quite redpilled on the Jews on the Neocons and on the liberals.But are we redpilled on the Soviet Union and although it's been 30 years since it's gone.Is it truly gone?

Now let's put aside the Russian Public Relations machine and look at it from a different angle.
>The Colonization BAD myth
It was spread by the Soviet Union to destabilize Western Control over Africa.Everything that the Western Left believes in is actually KGB destroy from within tactics.

They are doing the same thing with
People want less shitskins,yet the huge amounts of shitskins in the UK are not because of the EU but because of the Expanded Commonwealth which includes India,Pakistan South Africa (and other nigger shitholes).

>The leader of Socalists and Democrats in the EU ((Sergey Stanishev))
While his wikipedia page says Bulgarian,he is not.He was born in the Soviet Union.His father was a Bulgarian(?)Jew.He was one of the most corrupt politicians in Bulgaria who worked directly with the Bulgaro/Russian Mafia without shame.And now this spineless worm is the leader of the second biggest party in the EU.

>Using minorities against a population has it's roots in the Soviet Union as well.That's the reason my country has so many gypsies the Communists mass bread them:
a)Cheap dirty labor
b)Control the population through racial hatred,fear and poverty.Just like in East Germany half the population spied on the other half.

So in conclusion what I wanted to say is that maybe we're not living in some 2000 year old Talmud conspiracy but we're living in a world where a terrible Totalitarian system wasn't destroyed but just got tired of drinking the last remnants of Slavic blood and just moved West.The move wasn't sudden they're were drilling their way into the feeble minds of Western elites from day one.Weaklings like Pierre Trudeau,Jimmy Carter or every single french politicuck on this planet.

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What's the problem

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Still, Jews established communism, it's all just been a ladder for their race to seize power

The problem is that this board has an unhealthy dose of Russian influence.Influence that weakens us and makes us believe things that are contrary to our interests.

Can't argue with that.No matter where you go the Jews are there.But even without jews there will be Goyum that believe in Communism.

The first step is realizing the majority will never understand so stop trying to convince them. The next step is self preservation. The last step is finding like minded people you can trust.

That's a dude bulgar

ok, new meme?

Can the mods ban those fucking baitclicker with their PORNOGRAPHIC pictures?
Fuck off you fucking degenerate Jew,

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cool story, gipsy

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was it the body of a 13 year old asian boy that gave it away? degenerate and remember it goes in options field only

Russia + Jews = evil
Russia - Jews = good

KGB == Mossad.
If you don't know this then you need to get educated.

It's actually depressing how little photoshop effort went into the upper torso and arms. It gives a frame of reference which you can then mentally apply to the legs to imagine what he actually looks like, and it ruins the illusion.

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Oh look fellow Russians trying to derail.

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The USSR was created, run by, and brought down by Jews. Lenin was a Jew. He had a hand in writing the Protocols of Zion. Stalin was murdered because he got fed up with the Jews and their sit and was just about to embark on a massive purge when he died suddenly. By the 1980's it was clear that the USSR experiment had failed so they pulled it down, privatising all national industries by gifting them to various senior Jew Commissars and Politburo insiders, leading to the Russia of today which is run by Jew oligarchs.
You won't find anything about any of that reported on by RT, because it is, of course, (((RT))).
Russia is and has been run by (((them))), since the Tsar and his kids got murdered. Same as every western country really. The US has always been run by (((them))), the Illuminati was formed 3 months before the Declaration of Coincidence, sorry oops, I mean Independence. The UK got taken over for (((them))) by Cromwell. Sweden got taken over for (((them))) by Gustav. In France, it was the Revolution. In Spain, it was the death of Franco. In Italy and Germany, & Japan, the Allies won for (((them))) in WWII. Latin America has always been run by (((them))) but the large white population made it hard to fully control until very recently. Africa was colonised by (((them))), and their control was solidified during the civil wars they funded and armed during the 90's with weapons from ex-Soviet countries. China was won for them by (((Mao))). The rest of SE Asia was won for (((them))) by their respective communist revolutionaries. Thailand submitted to (((them))) voluntarily in order to keep their monarchy. Everywhere you look, there's a regime change followed by relative calm because they got what they wanted.

>>The Colonization BAD myth
>It was spread by the Soviet Union to destabilize Western Control over Africa.Everything that the Western Left believes in is actually KGB destroy from within tactics.

this was also propagated by the US.

both US and USSR hated the post ww2 french-British cooperation

No there won't hahaha
Communism is only pushed into kids by losers and media/Hollywood movies/TV/magazines/websites
Without Jews, that media contingent would vanish, leaving only losers as commuted Communists. And no teenager is going to look at a bunch of losers and decide "Wow, I want to live like these loser junkies, they've really got everything figured out!"

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Soviet communism was based on Lenism which had an added anti-colonialism angle.
Which was entirely because of russian upset over western European colonialism success.
The Soviets and Chinese then brainwashed thirdworld people to be anti-colonial.

Bulgaria will be a dump country for Africans

just wait

cum to Bulgaria

KGB is founded by jews and Zionist controlled

God that is one ugly hand

Is she a tranny or an uggo?

I want to snort poop from her asshole.

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How Jewish of you

It can't there's no welfare here.Turkey and Russia like the geographic territory too much military wise to leave as a dumpster.
Also in order for niggers to be anywhere there needs to be some non-nigger majority to keep things stable which Bulgaria does not have.You can't just make it Detroit since it's a key trade route between Western Europe and The East.So having Somali pirates on Dunava's bad for business.

Thats Cathryn Li, a girl.


There's nothing in the world I love more than Russian women

No it's fbi. FBI was caught trying to direct hatred of kikes for trying to genocide whites and turn it into hatred of Russians on 8ch. Now that 8ch has fallen, they focus their efforts here. They are easy to spot as they use nothing but buzzwords and their only rebuttal is to call you a schizoid.

>Soviet communism was based on Lenism which had an added anti-colonialism angle.
Whilst being colonialist themselves. The irony.

Nah man. You got rabbits like karl Marx to thank for the spread of communism and all this "sharing" bullshit. They've been promoting communism and usury for as long as they've been a tribal people. It all goes back to Jewish Subversion. You're pointing out the Soviet system spread out, but you forget the Jews subverted the USSR in the beginning. I mean Jesus Christ this is the place full of guys telling you that Hitler was the number one enemy of the Jews. Maybe you're just a pseudo intellectual plagued with delusions of grandeur.

Meme flag

Did they really try that? Why did they think that'd work, I thought the fbi only hires bigbrains? Literally everybody knows, and has always known throughout the reign of the USSR, that the Soviets were kikes. They fucking massacred 30 million white Ukrainians because the Ukrainians hated Jews and wouldn't let them confiscate their property as eagerly as the Soviets would have appreciated. Fucking Jew cunts.

Jävla bög!

World + jews = evil
World - jews = good
I found the secret code

i always read that the holodomor, if thats what youre referring to was around 7 million. either way, ive read gulag archipelago which confirms what you are saying. i believe it. it adds up. what i dont fucking get is how 200 years together is banned in the usa. i dont want to read a makeshift printer-paper booklet that may not be translated properly. i want a real book to hold in my hand. if it was available, i would go buy it right now.

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shut the fuck up Moshe

I am always suprised how many Russians actually get to go to US. Does Russia have visa less movment of people agreement with the US or something?

Oh look a Slav leech screeching about Brexit
Is it also Russia that makes me pay a 40% tax so your shithole country stays afloat?

Russia gives no fucks about kike ideas put into globalist constructs, it's all about realpolitik and making rivals weaker in any way possible.
It is still very beneficial for all who aren't globohomo, because any super-national construct leads to bastardization and improves kike diaspora position in the world, even if it does not implies including shitskins initially.
If you don't understand mechanics behind this you probably should lurk more.

Well considering they are the suppliers of gas to germany, partialy yes

The entire Ukraine was 30 million people at the time. Nice propaganda there Boris. Why not say 300 million or 3000000000 million. About 60 million died due to Stalin's repressions, less than 0.5% were Ukrainians.

okey, but this way of acting is tolerable only when you don't have a border with Russia.

I am not in any way shape or form Russian you fucking retard
I just disagree with you because you have a childs grasp of geopolitics and you dont know what the fuck you're talking about. You're a fucking idiot and you should try to stick to making threads about things you actually have SOME understanding of. Sorry faggot. But that's real life. Best regards.

40% tax is a fucking bargain in 2019 Europe!

There will be always war, and it should continue that way because alternative is decay of culture and demographics in nations that matter and globohomo government taking over and basically destroying all that is good about humanity with nigger bastardization.
There's thousand reasons I'd like to see p*tin and his entire mob hanged (generally related to what they do inside country), but I have to admit that current politics of working against globalization is probably best thing Russia does for humanity in last few centuries.

Oh I must have made a mistake like the 6gorrilion figure that the likes used for the gassening.
Don't worry, a helpful user corrected me. You'll find that correction if you lurk moar.

>There will be always war
Only because we are too cucked to do what must be done to the Jews & Freemasons, and any other group they are affiliated with.

shut the fuck up, streetshitter

okey, but for you guys everything is reason for war. Build a hospital in an ex soviet military base, for veterans from afganistan and Iraq(as there were no hospitals for soldiers at the time, only for officers), and what do you do? 2 years of border being closed, 2 brigades of rocket artilery stationed on the border(which is exactly 200% more then we have), and a warrning that such provcations mean all cities in our country are now a target for Russian military and we better take heed what we do. You over react to everything in an insane manner.

Or how in the 90s we asked if you maybe want to allow us to remove some of soviet soldiers monuments and gravyards from center of the cities, as this blocks us from growing them or building real roads that would make it so trucks don't go through middle of towns and cities. and your reaction was the beating up of our consul in st petersburg by "unknown assiliants", trade closed for 4 years and the warrning that if we touch anything all gravyards of our people that were slaves in syberia are going to be buldozed over. And when our goverments told yours that maybe you would want to take the bodies home and make them gravyards in Russia, you had a 2 week gas malfunction durning winter, blaming it on the ukrainians, only strangly enough they, belarusians, and germans were getting their gas just fine. you couldn't even send us our gas through the german pipe line, because of reasons never explained.