I believe that Germany would be a superpower now if Austria hadn't dragged it into their eccentric...

I believe that Germany would be a superpower now if Austria hadn't dragged it into their eccentric, self-obsessed bullshit out of solidarity.
WWI was because of Austria.
WWII was caused by an Austrian dictator
Bismarck failed because of an Emperor of Austrian origin disrespecting and attacking him.

prove me wrong.

Attached: austria.png (384x491, 291K)

So you're saying Austria is exactly like Scotland but without a leash?

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Austria is a better version of Germany

A European war was inevitable in the early 1900s, Germany was flexing its muscles and still hand wounds from the napoleonic wars they wanted revenge for.
If it wasn't the assassination of Franz Ferdinand it would've likely been started over colonial disputes.

Ww2 is entirely because France was so butthurt at Germany that they tied to cripple them with Versailles, resulting in a Germany ripe for a fascist populist to take control.

*had wounds

time to drop the european flag
yes, precisely.

you were THIS close to conquering the whole god damn world, but then some fucking potato-addicts just had to get all jealous and violent.
on us, the problem is that Austria is the most arrogant state of Europe, second only to Switzerland, but those mountain kikes at least have a reason to be arrogant, being the safest and wealthiest nation of Europe.

but Austrians? they take pride in everything they stole from Germany. the unification of an empire? if you ask an Austrian, his invention. Mozart? yeah totally Austrian. Hitler? no, he must've been german because he was bad.
Literally the only thing they do in all of history is steal things from other germanic nations, write their "property and creation of Austria" on it with a sharpie, and then wank each other's dicks about how superior """their""" accomplishments are.

why do you think it is ALWAYS an austrian who goes full fedora-lord atheism when he sees a christian?
because that's the natural attitude of an Austrian.
>I am so much smarter than everyone around me, even though I have no proof, it's just true because I say so
watch austrians post. repeat that quote I just made. you will notice that that is ALWAYS their mindset.
they're eternal fedora tippers.

>reddit spacing
what the fuck?
I made sure there's none. how did it sneak itself in?

>WWI was because of Austria
You spelled Serbia wrong

no offense, Ivan, but I doubt you can understand this on a personal level. it's as if I started telling you how the russia-china relationship is. that's your expert area, not mine, I'd be clearly talking out of my ass.

The Empire would’ve been United long before if German Protestant retards hadn’t fomented the 30 Years War and sided with French Swedes and Turks to commit countless atrocities on their fellow countrymen.

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would you elaborate on that? that doesn't ring a bell at all, but it sounds believable.

Germans decided that monolithically Christian Europe needed another version of Christianity without the baggage of good architecture and art. The Emperor of Germany, who was coincidentally the Catholic Archduke of Austria attempted to quash this characteristic outburst of German autism only for his German subjects to make common cause with all of their nation’s enemies including the fucking eternal Turk to devastate their own country and set it back a century in every conceivable metric. The 30 Years War is why Germany never dominated Europe and its ultimately why you lost both World Wars.

Attached: CA0322CC-1A4E-44E4-A844-BFDE34E05088.jpg (888x1133, 213K)

The fact of the matter is that Germans for centuries elected Austrians to run their country for them, only to sandbag these same leaders with iconoclasm, cowardice or both.

Prussia just fucked the French up and imposed heavy reparations on them. Germany was all right, the French were butthurt, remember their Emperor was captured by the Germans after all.

you know, one thing boggles me about that.

it doesn't sound very german to call art and architecture "baggage". yes, we're autists and we throw autistic tantrums, but we throw these tantrums to _protect_ our cultural heritage, not to abandon it.
my redpill senses are telling me there's much more to that.
the eternal german is gasoline, not fire itself. it needs a spark to ignite, it never combusts on its own.

also, this.
the greatest mistake the german ever made was trusting the Austrians in the first place. they left major cultural scars in german history, for their own, arrogant gain, at the cost of german self-esteem, lives, and ressources.

had we told the austrians to go fuck themselves, there would have never been a Franz Ferdinand. there would've never been a Hitler.
and there would've never been such a major hatred between Arabia and Germany; Arabia and Germany were _always_ allies from a cultural perspective, even Hitler confirmed that. it was just the Austrian Empire that went "LOL LEZ GET SUM HOT FUGGIN SLICE OF JERUSALEM; OH THEY DON'T LIKE GETTING INVADED? WEIRD. MUST BE SAVAGES, I GUESS."

Germans are franco-nordic people. austrians are indo-europeans. it doesn't compute. Germans just want to be autistic, build stuff, and get drunk, which is why we were always good friends with Sweden. Austrians want their dicks sucked off at all times because otherwise they don't have anything to claim superiority about, which is why they hang out with slavs, Swiss, and niggers, to feel like "the superior white guy" in the group, along with their fellow Swiss wannabe-ubermen.

thinking about it, Ashkenazis probably originated in the Alps.

You're throwing out a lot of truth pills, lad. I need a tall glass of water.

are you being serious or patronizing me?
if you're serious, I'm just warming up.
check this one out

>Jow Forums trying to be /his/
Yeah user, give it up.

but Juan... I check Jow Forums only once every ~4 years.

the place is too "toxic" for me. I just look for bigbrain fags who can enlighten me with more historical knowledge, and usually it's easier to find them in Jow Forums because Jow Forums gives no fucks about any information being controversial or "dangerous".

Based. All the best threads are German anons.

Did you ever consider you got the cucked british version of history? Look up Corbett Report WW1. It was the eternal anglo warmongers who feared German railways and feared a unified Germany. Kinda like usa and china today.

the english created the industrial revolution, and all it did was _get them on the same level_ as the germans.
because germans have the colonialist habits of anglo-saxons (since anglos are originally germanic) and franco-germanics, but were originally very Viking-esque, with the Germanes being "savages who do nothing but drink beer and chuck spears all day" to the Romans.
this means that the viking warrior spirit is the engine, and the anglo colonist spirit is the harness. it's an explosive combination that results in legendary amounts of productivity that surpass even the natural tendencies of "be productive to not freeze to death" of the Scandinavians and northern Slavs.

it doesn't mean we're wise, or well-mannered. it fucks with your psyche to be a mix of savage berserker and tea-sipping colonialist, and the crystalization of that is the commonly known german autism. but due to the insane productivity, it is still a force to be reckoned with.

if Germany and the Russians reunite, it's endgame for the americans. this is why there's so much "fear the Ivan" propaganda nowadays, it's not supposed to keep americans away, it's supposed to keep the europeans away.

did you know that the only reason for the UN's creation is to have an alliance ready in case of Germans and Russians working together?
this is also why the balkan region is currently being so extremely nationalized:
to create an anti-empirical barrier of nationalists between Germany and Russia, so that the Ukrainians, Belarussians, Poles and such would rather die getting squashed by a Tank Tiananmen style than to watch the Bolshevik and the Fritz work hand in hand to fight semitist bullshit.
yes, proxy defense instead of direct intervention.
middle east? korea? poland? come on, my dude. this shit is as old as Caesar's remaining dust.
this is classic semitic 4D chess. make people hate each other, and they'll keep each other weak until you find the next powder keg to ignite.

We should have kept you broken up. Even two pieces wasn’t enough.

yeah, and you should've died for the interests of i
come on, are you not a patriot? it is your duty to kill shitskins because some friends of Koch, Goldman and Sachs think you should!
killing people to make car go vroom vroom! sooo manly!!
U! S! A!
U! S! A!

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