You first wonder why Liberals love horseshoe theory so much while saying "extremes" touch other

You first wonder why Liberals love horseshoe theory so much while saying "extremes" touch other.
Then you remember a circle has no middle.

Attached: hs1.jpg (1024x1024, 113K)

horseshoe is a false premise. the reason why natsocs and commies resemble each other so much isnt because theyre "far-right" and "far-left", its because theyre social authoritarians with planned economies.

Wait catholicism is not further than conservatism.
Jesus = Hitler 0.1 confirmed

That's not the point. The point is that liberals claim far-left and far-right touch each other, yet they never dare to represent the political spectrum as a circle.

Because every single point on a circle is an extreme, relatively to the farthest point away.

the fuck you talking about? anyone with even the slightest knowledge about politics knows that its a spectrum, not a single line from left to right

Natsocs are fuckin commies

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"Equality" is "Centric" when clearly everyone is NOT equal. NOTHING is equal in this world. Equality is a myth and therefore lunacy and delusion. Oh wait...I guess Lunacy and Delusion is the mainstream mindset afterall. Okay it's centric.

We are Catholics, we are not right wings or left wings. The reality is that we are seen as right wing because we seek the truth and apparently conservative people speak the truth 90% of the time. Also, if I say I am a leftist or agree with a leftist idea I am banned from the church.

Society: When 75% of people are retards but 75% of retards agree that you are the retard so somehow that makes them right.

Except science does not support equality between the genders or races. In fact, it's quite the opposite.

centrists, which usually means either social or classical liberals, dont advocate for equality of outcome. thats far-left position. they advocate for equality of opportunity which means freedom.

>hating nazis because they are communists
Literally in no other part of the internet can I find such a gem. Thank you for this saturday morning giggles

If 75% if people are retard, then what is the definition of retard? How are we defining retardation?

Whoever composed this image needs to be extrajudicially executed before their genes accidentally slip into the rest of humanity.

Horseshoe theory is shit
Cone theory is based

How are communism and anarchism on the same wing

>Monarchists aren't even on the horseshoe
Comfy being a non-spectrum ideology.

because a binary view on politics doesnt have the nuance to include both economic and social policy in it. thats why the political compass is popular, because it includes both

It's called a horseshit theory because it's horse shit

>Islam is far right.
>Catholicism is right.
>Anti-vaccine is left.
>Feminism and equality is center.
Whoever made this image is as retarded as OP.

Horseshoe theory is total bullshit. It assumes liberalism is the center of the universe. Don't even take it seriously. It's not even worth discussing, liberals are just full of themselves. They're like fish in water with no self reflection. Everybody else can see liberals critically.

Politics is a sphere whose middle is individual interests and whose outside enveloppe is collective interests.
The sphere is made of power. Inside flote spawning and despawning clouds of political ideas and positions, according to the movements of the sphere.
The sphere is set in motion by internal movements and contact with physical reality. The point of contact with physical reality is the equilibrium point on which the sphère rests until its put into motion again.

Fascism is left wing

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