Socialism doesn't wor-

>socialism doesn't wor-

You've got some explaining to do, Jow Forums

Attached: germany america.png (470x425, 105K)

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All of these violence and crime stats can be blamed on demographics

If American blacks lived in Germany, Germans would be 9.2 times as likely to be in prison, etc.

Socialism doesn't work but Keynesian "capitalism" is even worse.


Socialism isn't the same as democratic socialism/keynesianism you fucking room temperature IQ donkey

I don't see any downside user. I'd make 33.67 percent more monies and avoid all those shitty things by being american according to your chart of inaccuracies.

Those stats all include niggers. None of them would exist if you're white and live amongst white people and you wouldn't make 33% more, you'd make double, because that stat too includes niggers.

Krautniggers pay your debts then talk.

You're still a nigger. Doesn't matter if its US or Germanistan.

>consume 99.66% more oil
how is this possible?
I do fuckall and somehow use 99.66% more oil than germans?
A german lives the exact same lifestyle as my but only uses 00.34% of the oil I do?

>have more money
>but you work more
then work more in germany? americans work 2 or 3 jobs.

>use more electricity
yea, burgerland is a god forsaken swamp that is the same distance front he equator as the middle east, but its waterboged so it stays at 100% humidity year round. it sucks, so we have air conditioning.

> has a joke military
> doesn't pay shit for it
> has extra money for other things
> US provides protection
STFU you unruly vassal.

Why would I want to live 8 more months?

>you fucking room temperature IQ donkey
Socialism wont work because these dipshits are running it.
How in the fuck can you run a country when you spend over 2 fucking hours listening to trannys and spergs prattle on about triggers and clapping.
You "real socialists" need to dump these faggots out of your movement. Perhaps then you would gain some traction.

>let's ignore the real causes of these differences because the jews programmed us to be afraid of being called waaayyycist

ALL of the statistical disparities can be explained by demographics

what are those stats if you don't include black people? They seem to raise most every red stat on there.

>money to free time ratio is positive
>muh oil boogeyman
Yeah healthcare is fucked
>weather with far greater extremes, needs more cooling/heating
>lol still more money

Keep importing NewGermans™ and your numbers will start looking a lot worse very quickly

Except infant mortality, which is a silly comparison since germany uses a different benchmark.
that excludes many infant deaths.

blacks have higher rates of infant mortality.

Probably because here in Europe we use to walk more and use public transportations more.

Retard. 100% less would be none, 100% more would be double. Basically they're saying Germans use about half as much oil.

>Yeah healthcare is fucked
Because insurance is a Jewish trick.

So does germany. They don't count the same ones we do. They use a different benchmark. Google it next time instead of making me repeat myself.

Kill yourself reddit nigger fag.

What website is this?

Germany isn't socialist.

High taxes and large welfare is not socialism.
Socialism is government ownership of industry (means of production).

Attached: OPs_Mirror.png (439x332, 4K)

>be 9.2 times more likely to be in prison
spics n niggers
>24% more likely to be unemployed
spic's n niggers but there other factors at play here
>be 5.4 times more likely to be murdered
spic's n niggers
>have 22.43% less free time
Legitimate complaint. Loss of industry combined with both subsidizing dysgenics along with how much money we pour into the rest of the world.
Also factor in
>make 33.67% more money
>consume 99.66% more oil
America is a lot bigger than kraut land. Combined with poorly funded mass transit infrastructure because of 1. spics n niggers 2. popularity of automobiles and 3. the general attitude of american individualism.
>spend 89.94% more money on healthcare
Its a frequent issue of spic's coming from over the border to abuse the law that hospitals have to help everyone Spics cant pay the bill so hospital has to raise prices to counter balance the loss. Combined with the massive amount of litigation that exists and general state of patents. On the flip side however this results in a higher quality medical system. People with deep pockets come all over the world to burgerstan to use our healthcare
But overall after all the afformentioned yes you have a point kraut
>be 6 times more likely to have HIV/AIDS
>use 69.45% more electricity
Ever live in crippling heat for half the year if not longer? the southern half of the continent US gets hot as hell
>experience 66.67% more of a class divide
The massive amount of niggers and armies of spic's coming from over the border inflates the average amount of lower class people combined with the united states having large amount of millionaires/billionaires due to its sheer gravity on the global economic scene
>be 78.32% more likely to die in infancy
niggers and as other anons have said germany does those statistics differently
>die .88 years sooner
so what even after all the aforementioned points and flaws we have 10 ish months shaved off our life expectancy

>High taxes and large welfare is not socialism.
Nevertheless, in most advanced countries, the following will be pretty generally applicable.

1. Abolition of property in land and application of all rents of land to public purposes.
2. A heavy progressive or graduated income tax.
3. Abolition of all rights of inheritance.
4. Confiscation of the property of all emigrants and rebels.
5. Centralisation of credit in the hands of the state, by means of a national bank with State capital and an exclusive monopoly.
6. Centralisation of the means of communication and transport in the hands of the State.
7. Extension of factories and instruments of production owned by the State; the bringing into cultivation of waste-lands, and the improvement of the soil generally in accordance with a common plan.
8. Equal liability of all to work. Establishment of industrial armies, especially for agriculture.
9. Combination of agriculture with manufacturing industries; gradual abolition of all the distinction between town and country by a more equable distribution of the populace over the country.
10. Free education for all children in public schools. Abolition of children’s factory labour in its present form. Combination of education with industrial production, &c, &c.

What a surprise, commies don't read shit

>33,67% more money.
This alone is why I prefer to live in the US rather than this occupied shithole.
Everything else is irrelevant.

Are these statistics from before or after Germany became New Syria?

Attached: shake.jpg (1199x799, 99K)

It doesn't work you fucking bitch.
>1 post by this ID A

I.E. it doesn't work in countries where oligarchs already got their cut and are not willing to share. With ability to betray the country like banksters and their media did to Germany pre-ww2 if actual socialism ever gets "voted in" (not democratic socialism). The type Hitler implemented differs a bit because it allows private businesses to operate and build up national interest group without the ability to betray the country because the super rich are controlled, similarly how China does it. US does it as well, but their oligarchs are running the government currently, so even gives them the ability to stash their wealth in tax heavens, without even paying taxes to the motherland. If they're a gonna make billions, with power that comes with it, they need to be kept on the leash.

first doesn't count bc im not black
same with 2nd and 3rd
no 8 bc not gay
10 is a boon to whites like myself who would not survive living with blacks
11 also not a black so no

explanation is one thing ... inferior Africans at least inferior as in less civil

>all of the car crashes can be blamed on the fact that cars exist

I agree, socialism works, National Socialism that is