This Boat Holds $450k of New Debt and Consumption

Mass immigration may partly be about white replacement, but it's mostly about money.
It's not a Jewish scam, though they do serve an outsided part. It's a global corporate scam. It's globalism.
Capitalism requires constant growth. When your bank account is stressed you can continue to consume by using debt.
When you use debt you not only buy things, you also make money for the bank. Debt is the fuel, and it is required.

The consumer is laden with debt and tapped out. Organic growth is dead.
Culturally-abmivalent capitalists are driving mass migration. They want more bodies to take on debt and consume.
Corporations want tax dollars to be used to collect these new consumers for them, so they engage in the social justice conversation.
>We must help refugees, this is who we are.
>We must fight against racism (implying racism is an actual problem), and help those who need help.
>We are the good guys.
They are doing this so that they can continue to make money for themselves.
Meanwhile, these imported bodies drag wages down for most people. This increases the wealth gap.
Wages are held down by imported bodies and stocks of the benefitting corporations go up. Wealth gap widens apace.

The non-leader class of the socialist left does not understand this.
The right only barely does but confuses it with racial conspiracy which, to be clear, is not without merit.

It helps to know this and it helps to target the corporate class instead of the easily dismissed racial theories.
This wakes people up. Bernie Supporters are especially willing to listen when instead of "The Jews" it's "The Corporations."

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Other urls found in this thread:

This is too big-brained for this board. You are right though. The reason for the intense urgency to import is to delay the inevitable burst of the (((fiat currency))) bubble. Perpetual growth at any cost.

Yeah the debt paradigm has got to go. People have to be shown because they dont have the attention span to figure it out for themselves.

That boat needs to be blown up by a mine.

What I don't get is why the people who know better don't literally start running guerilla tactics on these craft.
It wouldn't even be difficult.

>This is too big-brained for this board.
It didn't used to be. I guess the shills won.

This is the reason people are coming back around to national socialism. Even Bernie Bros could come around to that, it's their core desire. They just don't realize it.

I think this is a good point.

I see the whole crisis as a gambit pileup between financial/corporate interests, identitarian politics, bullshit virtue signalling and all other kinds of shit jews and gentiles are up to.

This is also true.

This is the most difficult thing to do but we all must do our part lest all is lost.

I mean, it's basically international waters (technically economic zones, but whatever, let libya try to enforce). You could easily plant explosives on one of these travelers, tell them to carry the case for money. Or put bait boats that
>surprise! we're actually mercs that are going to kill everyone!
in both directions. that fucking bitch that's running africans to get rich, she should just be fish food at this point. talking to courts and "governments" clearly isn't going to keep anyone safe.

Because people just sit back and let this shit happen and then they wonder why it gets worse all talk no do

The goal should be to make it so fucking scary to get on one of these boats that one of two things happens.
Either the faggot "governments" start trying to secure these invaders, thus proving the point, or the invaders get the idea they're not wanted and start hesitating.
For now, Islam is making an army in the center of Europe, and we're watching because you faggots are waiting on Merkel and jews to come to reason.

Nothing is more depressing than seeing these invaders come to our European shores.

The only whitepill is news of them drowning.

>Mass immigration may partly be about white replacement, but it's mostly about money.
>Capitalism requires constant growth.

I stopped reading there. You're a marxist and thus have nothing worth while to contribute.

Fuck off back to leftypol.

Marx and Engles were racist.
Sit on a fist.

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I am looking for some economists' books that tackle modern economy from this angle. Any suggestions?

This is such an obvious thing, but so rarely discussed, it depresses me.

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the erosion of sovereign soil to bring about a nwo government. (((them))) are not behind it. want to bet on that?

If EU governments were serious, they could quickly and silently deal with every migrant boat. They have the radar, they can see them coming, and one anti-personnel explosive munition will sink them. You can tell the government is in the hands of people who benefit from migration because nothing is ever done about it

Governments and corporations are to blame

government is just a word if you hang all the traders

Get a fishing boat, learn how to make water-proof weapon cache, hire or enlist a few mercs who can scuba and do wet work without qualm. Really much easier than you'd want to know.
A few of these "rescue" boats that start being found washed up on Egyptian shores like ghost ships, and this game will change.
Same thing with Australia.
These jews running these operations count on nobody doing anything. They count on talking and being "orderly." They don't count on you taking back your own land.

>This is too big-brained for this board.

Hmm, are you suggesting that brain size correlates with intelligence and that intelligence is not determined by socio-economic factors?

Do please elaborate.

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>It's not a Jewish scam
>instead of "The Jews" it's "The Corporations."
Wrong, they're not exclusive claims. It's both of them.
JOOOO-posters are wrong about kikes being behind everything, but you are equally wrong by ignoring the fact that 40% of murican billionaires are heebs. Also the richest banking families tend to be jewish.

It's about global monetary control as well as fucking over the European peoples (and the west as a civilization), who have been at odds with the jewish revolutionary spirit for two millenia.
It's fairly obvious when the same jewish bigwigs that push radical nationalism for israel push globo-homo multiculti for Europe and america..

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I'm fucking poor and the rich people who could finance some mercenaries would rather fuck off in their mansions doing fuck all

And until they start to have fire on their own asses, they won't. Why should they, it's a problem that makes them more needed.
It takes them being shaken sometimes.
Unfortunately, in this case, their literally ambivalent, or worse, about their entire civilization being lost to a tribe of people whose core teachings tell them to kill everyone who isn't part of their group.

You don't have to be rich. You can get a small fishing boat for a few thousand. You literally can just be a fishing crew.
Shit, steal the fucking boats if you have to.

>Unironically thinks debt cannot be cancelled in emergencies.
>Unironically thinks that capitalist geniuses don't see how importing unskilled, poor, low IQ people from worthless economies will not help the economy but in fact, destroy it.

ahahahahahaha, are you guys working out of a discord or something?
You glow so badly.

Leftists are such hilarious, worthless, inferior trash lol

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>Capitalism requires constant growth.

It's not capitalism you fucking moron.
It's oligarchy run society on every level by counterfeited money issued with interest.
Fucking moron.

Your talking points from Zeitgeist are so 2006.

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>They are doing this so that they can continue to make money for themselves.
I wonder how surprised they'll be when everyone has even less money due to increased taxes to support these 70iq Somalis that can get a job because they're legally retarded and don't speak English.

Honestly the pension/social security ponzi scheme that depends on unlimited growth just needs to end. Lower taxes and go back to multi generational housing instead of moving out right at 17, then sending your parents to a nursing home makes no sense and makes families weaker.

Yup. Growth at any cost

Dilate you dumb tranny, those hormones are scrambling your brains

Absolutely dead right on post.
Race and division are a control mechanism, and every side and angle is played to maximum advantage.

the only reason american capitalism has done so well is because of immigration, this is just another stage in history, i dont like it but i wont fight it.

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except when they aren't just that. literally homogeneous civilizations are the most internally stable, and thus, traditionally, have lower crime rates. lower crime means it's not your sister getting raped and murdered.
these aren't just abstractions.

>Socialism: America isn't taking care of poor people!
>Also Socialism: America needs more poor people!

>Capitalism: You are free to choose your future!
>Also Capitalism: So long as it's a future full of illegals getting welfare!

>Socialism: We are leaving future generations with an unbelieveable burden to fix the environment!
>Also Socialism: Let's leave them with an even larger debt, so they won't be able to afford to fix the environment!

>Capitalism: The small businessperson should be allowed to prosper or fail, based on the merit of their work!
>Also Capitalism: This statement does not apply to big businesses or banks!

>forgetting to change IP when false flagging advocacy of right wing terrorism so you can't try and get a pretext to shut Jow Forums down

Is there anything more pathetic than being an equity hire secret agent on the internet?

fucking hilarious

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US immigration was european, a diverse, but much closer to uniform culture when you place any Euro culture (traditional) up against Africa, ME, Asia.
You're generalizing far too greatly.

What ever. It's not terror to defend your nation. These are unlawful felons, many of whom are already identified as actors for terror groups or foreign nations. Hiding disgust is foolish. Fuck you, we speak freely in the US.

>I am looking for some economists' books that tackle modern economy from this angle. Any suggestions?

Try IQ and the wealth of nations. That's a really popular one over on leftypol.

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It is not immigration. It is an invasion of the west by Muslims. And it is EXACTLY what the Muslim leaders have told their people to do for 50 years.

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Maybe people are and you just dont know about it because all of the evidence is at the bottom of the ocean?

>Mass immigration may partly be about white replacement, but it's mostly about money.
No, it's mostly about destroying any homogeneity because a society that is too busy fighting with each other will never overthrow their rulers. Look at Germany. Hitler never would've come to power in a multi-culti shit hole.

If it was really all about money, then JewTube wouldn't demonetize anyone or ban anyone for disagreeing with Talmud Supremacism.

You should remember that at one point, your faggot ancestor had to pull a 160 pound long bow, every week, to do practice. Whatever you are, it's not a man.

It's about both

It about increasing consumer debt, raising real estate prices, lowering wages, and killing whitey. All these economic and social incentives go hand in hand for our elite.

I thought everyone here knew that usury created migration pressure.

In any case, revealing the debt scam is a 100% safe way to get people thinking about migration and border security. If there's no other red pills you can administer, the migration-debt connection is the one you can always point out.

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>Debt implies future repayment
>IQ 70 nigs repaying debts

And there in is part of the joy of studying these events. For the muslims whose imam is telling them to breed out christianity, atheism, and western culture in general, it's a chance to do my duty to my rape-god. For the careless jew and wanna-be royals, it's a chance to get rents on shit-holes I don't want to upgrade, and to make my security forces look important so I can raise taxes.

>the reason
Saving refugees whose countries we bombed
>the "real" reason
Fresh meat for the debt machine
>the (((real))) reason
Replacement and eventual global conquest.
If you can literally create money from nothing, what value does it actually have?

they won't but prices will increase so much that whites will have to pay higher prices and go into debt to afford anything

Soon you'll have to take out a loan to go to the grocery store.

Read Camp of the Saints. It's online for free

OP and several replies are carefully crafted to inject subconscious reduction of anti-semitism.

+0.02% change per innoculation is still a success rate.

honk honk

whatever that cute little kitten across the room will take in prizes if I roll her tonight.

>predator missile inbound

You don't need that much. You could literally solve this with molotovs and a fishing trawler.

Most people are docile sheep and most hardened killers either don't care or are getting a cut off the Mass Immigration Cheap Labor Loan racket.

Then you don't have to kill them, just turn their asses around. When they start shooting, and they will, you won't have to be hardened to send them to Davey.

>no argument detected

Yep, you're a leftist.

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wow, someone who gets it.

It's musical debt chairs. Keep that debt music rolling. As long as people are up scrambling around, and bringing new people in with clear debt slates, the game can keep running. Issue them new debt, the old debt interest gets forwarded into the new loans, and voila, you can keep rubbing your hands together for a while longer.

This is day one, bro. We all know this. The issue is that it's chicken or the egg. Or the kike and the capitalist. They're all the problem, but one of them created the idea of usury thanks to fucking Charlemagne, and they took to it like fish to water. Ever since then, nothing has been able to exist without it, no matter how hard anyone tries.
So this isn't news, you're actually behind the curve. The thing is, we can't get out of this cycle as long as jews live. And it's not even because they're all monsters, a lot of them aren't. But enough of them are, to say that we do actually need to throw the baby out with the bathwater, so the evil jews can't submerge themselves and disappear into the diaspora mass until they can reconsolidate.
To recap: capitalism is generally disasterous if not watched closely or practiced by altruistic individuals. Jews perpetuate and deepen the issues inherent to the capitalist system, assuming they aren't the penultimate source of these issues. They cannot be allowed to continue to subvert humanity.
14/88, and thank you for coming to my Ted talk.

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It's not American capitalism, and hasn't been since about the 50s. It's consumerism a jew controlled pyramid scheme. Don't be naive.

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Read Sowell, and you won't be a lefty faggot anymore.

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>rubbing your hands
Atleast you acknowledge their role in it, OPs trying to avoid that shit like the plague. It's their plot, their playbook.
There's no point in being coy unless someone is trying to be politically correct, which is a leftist thing. If it barks like a dog, smells like a dog, then it's probably a horse, right?

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Karl Denninger has written a lot about the myth of continuous growth

>What ever.

You literally got caught pretending to be two different people you fucking idiot... you were LITERALLY talking to yourself about advocating terrorism on Jow Forums.
That's fucking hilarious. Just find another thread you worthless fucking shill, or perhaps find a more respectable job than being a shit drinking paedophile democrat boot licker.
When the person is caught pretending to be two different people having a conversation about terrorism in an obvious shill thread? No, that's a fed or some other kind of discord tranny. You literally have another guy on the thread asking for "advice on economics" to "learn more about the (marxist)"perspective" of the OP that is trying to steer attention away from hostility to cowardly illegal immigrant scum towards the the "problem" of "capitalism" lol...

You guys are so fucking pathetic.

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Oh look, the shill is triggered.

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Notice all the women and children?
I didn't either.

>words words words words words
The left can't meme.

Unironically someone needs ram a bigger boat into it. or just sabotage the boats so they drown at sea or some shit.

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Same thing happened with women entering the workforce. More money to fleece from the sheep.

>unironically believes that the capitalist mode of production shapes the "unconscious mind", compelling it to become a profit seeking zombie.

You guys are fucking hilariously uneducated and stupid.

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>Perpetual growth at any cost.
Club of Rome simulated that back in 1972, concluded it leads to collapse in 2030s.
Boomers sold the world to pay the Jew.

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That was s good informative post, you are the one incomprehensibly mad, I think you’re the shill

The term you are looking for is fractional reserve banking

>Debt implies future repayment
It doesn't, only the interest must be paid on time to keep banks solvent
This is a dirty secret, you can rack up as much debt as you want provided you can pay on time.

Was Marx, dare I say it, /ourguy/?

>When you use debt you not only buy things, you also make money for the bank. Debt is the fuel, and it is required.
i d g i

When we see increasing blacks and other non-whites in our medias, it's not a subliminal message of race mixing, it's a subliminal message to those blacks that they should start being good goys and start contribute to society so that they may consume more. They want blacks to be as much of a slave to the system as the average whitey.