Catholics VS Evangelicals

I've decided that I'm going to convert to Christianity. Only problem is I'm not sure which denomination to join. I'm going back and forth between Catholicism and Evangelicalism. Catholicism is tied to ancient Rome, the world's biggest Christian denomination, intellectual and generally speaking the most aesthetic denomination. On the other hand, the pope is a raging leftist and they're wobbly on a lot of social stuff. Evangelicalism is pretty right-wing on social issues and seems to foster a strong sense of community, but on the other hand they seem kind of stupid and crazy. Which one should I choose?

This is political because religion is political.

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Catholic church is the only church

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Neither, go Orthodox. .

>not being Orthodox Christian
enjoy getting jewed.

Catholics are globalists involved with the pedo rings
Evangelicals are heretical zionists most of the time

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There are no Orthodox churches in my area

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Wow just wow, Luther was a fucking shithead

You could consider non-denominational. Better than Catholics.

Join an Orthodox Church or one of the Eastern Rite Catholic Churches because Roman Catholicism is absolutely cucked and the clergy full of fags.

Orthadox Christianity, or solo. Either one is correct. Leave the Catholics to boylovins

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Trad Cath is the way to go. The Church has and will survive bad popes.

You don't have to physically go to a church to practice Christianity.

evangelicals are basically crypto jews


I'll never forgive the media for dragging Benedict's name through the mud like they did. He deserved better. He was better than Francis, at least.

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There are no successful orthodox churches in any area

I'd imagine that there are a few in Russia

Speaking in tongues shit seems borderline demonic as well

It helps, though.

This is what I'm leaning toward I think

The Orthodox Church has all the problems the Catholic Church does, including the pedo clergy, it's just much, much less visible in Western Europe and the Americas so people who live there don't get exposed to it. If you're looking for a Church that doesn't have corrupt people in it you're never going to find it.

OP, become Catholic. We're the original Church, founded by Christ Himself. We also have the Eucharist, which you'll never get in a Protestant church.

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a few things as a catholic
catholism is the original and true cristian religion
dont fall for the "sing along" evangelical meme, they are sects in the very end
every religion has abuses issues of any kind
only catholics and orthodox fought against muslim for the freedom of Europe in the past, evans are against this behavior so they are cucks

This is not to say that Protestants are bad people or anything, I for one love all Christians and urge you to pursue whatever you feel the strongest calling
the best idea is to just pray at night and ask god to guide you to the proper rite

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There isn't a single Orthodox who would say to go non-denominational instead of Catholic. LARP better.

Good point, modern ortho converts are as ravenous as tradcats

Catholic Church is full globohomo. Catholics accept the evil it spews forth because muh schism is a sin. I guess it's a better sin than allow and funding child fuckers and the enablers of mass migration.

Evangelicals are generally just Zio-Christians who theologically are about as shallow as puddle and love Israel above all else.

I would say Orthodox or a non Zionist fundamentalist Baptist.

That's just another word for a fence sitting protestant.

I go to the Latin mass and orthodox are alright in my opinion.

>only catholics and orthodox fought against muslim for the freedom of Europe in the past, evans are against this behavior so they are cucks
This is a good point. Evangelicals are really into world-renunciation. They're constantly going on about how the end is nigh. This encourages institutional weakness.

Religion doesn't matter, what matters is tradition and tribe. If your family comes from a Catholic background and your conversion would make it easier to assimilate your religion into your family life, choose catholicism. if your family are evangelical, then choose that.

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Either way you're still worshipping satan and going to hell, so it doesn't matter which you pick. Jesus and Satan are the same character, fool, read closer.

Do you want to go to the City of God (Heaven) or to the City of Men (Hell) ?
Chose wisely...One is way harder than the other, but the eternal reward surely makes up for it.

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Protestants are all Sola scriptura Crypto-Jew who have 35,000 denominations who all claim to be the correct faith while following the Word alone; they're the whore of Babylon and the Devil's greatest ploy against Man.

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Do you want to go to heaven? Become a Christian.
Do you want to stay on the road you're on, to hell? Join the Roman Catholic church.

There are internet churches. has a good archive of sermons, and most of them include gospel music too. I don't agree with everything he says and I haven't listened to them all, but it's pretty good.

Go Baptist.
>Catholics literally practice everything Jesus taught against and are behind some of the greatest atrocities in history
>pedophile city
>cool art though, the cistine chapel was pretty

>Religion doesn't matter, what matters is tradition and tribe
Totally disagree with this. If I was born into a tribe of cannibals I'd say fuck that tribe and their traditions.

I'm just saying they're zealous, they'd never recommend anyone going to Prot mass

That is an entirely theological question. For the best evangelical presentation, look at RC Sproul for the evangelical Protestant explanation

Find the series "what is reformed theology" on the first six are the Protestant position, 7 and onward get into calvinism.

Come post at if you want to talk about it

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>being traditionalist
>not following religious traditions

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Have you ever sat down to read the Bible?

If not, then I would suggest first reading the New Testament before trying to decide which denomination you want to join.
Pray, and ask God in the name of Jesus the Christ to reveal to you the truth.
Pray every time you go to read the scriptures and ask for understanding and wisdom.

Once you have read through the NT, then you should start looking at different denominations and their core doctrines and choose one that resonates the closest with what you read in the Bible.

Become Catholic, Orthodox or Mormon. Evangelicalism is basically Messianic Judaism

Orthodox aren't protestants. I might be misunderstanding what you're saying though.

Hell, hell, hell, saved, hell.
You suck at picking religions.

how do christians defend this shit?

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It is had to be a traditional Catholic in these times. However, that is to be expected. The Church will be brought to its knees at the end. This has already been predicted. Of it, only the few will be chosen who maintained the true faith. The Church ISN'T the pope. It isn't the Vatican. The Church is Christ and HIS faithful. It might do some good to read the early Doctors of the Church such as St. Aquinas. The role of the institution is to be a guide for the faithful. As I see it, the institution can both be a positive guide as well as a negative guide. The Vatican isn't just something good, but also something we should view as fallible to maintain our faith.

implying mormonism isn't but even worse. they believe that jesus was fucking magdalena and other bitches

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if you want to be a Christian, pay no mind to the cuck churches and subverted institutions and Zionistic mystery rites traditions

a good Christian is alpha, strong willed and has mettle. he fights to protect innocence and stops at nothing to dominate evil in all it's forms as best he can

a good Christian is a good samurai

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Follow E.Michael Jones.

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Catholics don't deny evolution

You are, the discussion going on was some user claiming he was Orthodox, and was recommending someone go to Protestant church
Kind of counter intuitive, if you knew any modern Ortho, because they're zealous and would never put any church above their own

only one answer

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>the blackest churches don't believe in abortion
>black people still abort the most

>which christcuck should i be


Only thing Catholicism had going for it was the tradition, because that’s the only thing making their interpretations not seem like absolutely arbitrary shit pulled out of some rando’s ass, but rather something christendom built block by block over time from divine guidance through apostolic succession. It’s absolutely pointless now that they are trying to change that for the sake of leftist sensibilities.

I’d go with whatever denomination you feel you identify yourself with the most. It’s worth doing a research of your own.

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You'll probably not expect this coming from a Pole but become a Protestant Christian, its the purest form of Christianity and what it was meant to be originally. Catholicism has diluted the faith with pseudo Church traditions that have been implemented without real reason, even now Catholicism is a meme.

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That's true. Most orthodox wouldn't even recommend Catholicism but they probably don't hate us as much as protties (at least I hope).

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Black church membership is very unimportant to them

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I used to be a massive new atheist I'm familiar with this type of argument.

Catholics merely tolerate evolution, it is not a salvific question. We are not anti-science, but abiogenesis is more scientism than anything else, and evolutionists disingenuously take speciation and adaptation phenomena as tacit proof of abiogenesis.

Watch this

Yeah I've been watching some of his videos lately he seems right on

If you asked an Orthodox whether you should go Catholic or protestant, the answer that you would hear the most is Catholic.

All the protestants including Martin Luther were catholics.
They're all dead.


And watch this after that.

>choosing a religion for political reasons rather than spiritual reasons
This is why I'll never take Christmutts on this board seriously, as well the fake pagans.

My only friends are catholic or orthodox, you'd think ortho would side with us, but you never know a persons true colors

What the fuck is wrong with Jehovahs Witnesses

smart kid
didn't buy into the world's narrative

Came out of the Big Disappointment, following a witch, and think that Jesus = Michael the Archangel.

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They're taught to not partake in the politics of the world.

Which protestant reformer do you allege is still living?
Which protestant reformer do you allege was never a Catholic?

Also, I can't wait to genocide buddhists and hindus if they keep up their voting bullshit

People were never meant to pray in Churches, the "if you don't go to Church on Sunday then you have a sin" was implemented to collect tax from people and get the priesthood more power in the society. It was never seen as mandatory of necessary for praying to be done in groups let alone Churches. On the contrary, it was suppose to be done in private. Not even a single mention of mandatory Church going in the bible as a rule.

most christian churches are not even majority republican and what does republican even mean? they're neocons who support gay marriage and immigration?

>this guy again
Oh boy. I'm starting to believe in the tribulation.

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not even religious myself, but please become catholic
Evangelicals are all retarded and dumb, they don't know why they believe shit, they just follow community pressure.

Since you said earlier that this was the way you were leaning. This will allow you to read the entire Bible in a year. Catholicism has 7 additional books compared to the Protestant Bible. Those which have been approved for authenticity by the American Council of Bishops are the New American Bible - Revised Edition, the New Revised Standard Version, and the Good News Translation, if I recall.

The NABRE, I believe, is the one in which the Mass reading come from. The NRSV is popular. The GNT version is consider more thought-for-thought rather than direct translation, but tends to use more modern descriptions to make it less difficult for readers. If you want historical versions, the Douay Rheims predates the KJV and is the classical Catholic Bible.

Are you serious with you retardation ? KEK

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It depends. If you like sucking Israeli dick, no matter what they do, go evangelical.

Saying that Luther was a Catholic is like saying Hitler was a democrat. Technically true but misses the point.

The world however will never agree to not partake in their politics, don't they realize this isn't ancapistan?

Mandatory church-going is good for fostering community, though.
watch vid

First step is to come a Christian, which you are.
Just stay non-denominational for now and instead spend your time researching.
Im personally a Catholic. a good catholic youtuber you should check out is

God bless

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I grew up around Pentecostals and none of them knew or gave much of a fuck about Israel. Their interest in politics basically boiled down to not liking gays. But yes the leadership of the evangelical sects is totally Zionist.

Evangelicals are christians only in the sense that they believe in Jesus, everything else is just made up shit. screaming, dancing, running in circles, believing that you can perform miracles if you become super saiyan. They have no ties to our older Catholic and orthodox roots. They have no culture.

It's in the bible, so you better ask a "priest" what "it really means".

Thank you for the reminder.
Catholics promote their own fanfic to the level of holy scripture, because they're their own gods.

So, no answers still, only ad homs.

Hitler was also a Catholic.
Inspired by Martin Luther, also a Catholic.
To finish the work of the catholic church by murdering all the Jews.

True, with that said, I don't have a problem with the orthodox. I mostly see them as long lost brothers who have their own beautiful traditions even if I believe they are in error.
That's probably true. If someone asked me if they should go orthodox or prottie I'd tell them orthodox assuming they weren't considering Catholicism.
That's just silly.