How do i prevent my future daughter from becoming like this?

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Stop being rasis white boi

A race war can't come soon enough, can it?

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Don’t have daughters, only sons.

Forget your daughter, how about your son too.

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Don't vaccinate her

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I don’t know, enlighten us rabbi?

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Those looks... omg... they are so soulless... void of culture...

They are truly the spirit of our times...

Give her love and attention. Teach her skills that give her a sense of ability and self-worth.

send to private school

Kill her.

If she brings home a nig, she's not your daughter.

Kill your wife while you're at it.

I shit in op's mouth and he didn't even chew before swallowing

Show her this video from a young age. Tell her that's what niggers will do to her if she approached them

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Are we sure that second picture isn't an actual girl? I don't see an adam's apple.

Destroy the Jewish owned porn industry

Unironically have a non white daughter.

Make it really clear to her she will be raising a niglet without your help.

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What's wrong with that pic? It's just a couple who seem to love each other having a good time

Nigger faggot killer numero uno

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Rap music is the social contagion that infects young girls and turns them into jungle-whores.

White children should listen to white music.

Rap music is the enemy.

[Legal Disclaimer for Government Minders: Attached image is meant to artistically depict rap music being targeted for destruction. It is not meant as a depiction of physically attacking any individual rappers or any other persons.]

Attached: rapper.jpg (484x600, 106K)

Female psychology is very basic. They love to do what current-year society tells them to do which is always promoted as "rebelling" (even if it's very mainstream) and they hate to do what their parents generation tells them to do.
If you tell her to stay away from blacks she will go for blacks. But if you don't mention it she will still probably go for blacks.

You're fucked.

more of her tits?

She’ll be a hamplanet in 5 years

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Flag checks out
Have you serviced your wifes black bull today Sven?

Tell them the truth. they have an increased chance of basically every negative thing that can happen in their lives if they decide to tie themselves to a minority. everything from disease to murder to becoming a single mother of a mongrel. Tel them a lot.

Pedovores and their legacy and social media protectors are being delivered to justice

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you don't because that is the force of nature. women will always go for the meanest aggressor because weak nicelings will not protect their offspring or might even molest because of their scrawny cowardly mindset.

Dont have one!

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Tbh he did the right thing he would have stayed an incel as a male

these idiotic negros are so clueless about how good they have it over here. they would be castrated anywhere else in the worldby ugly racist fucks who are inferior to them in every way.