Hey Jow Forums I had yesterday a weird nightmare...

Hey Jow Forums I had yesterday a weird nightmare. For the record i am born i Romaina (white w/ slav dna) and used to be a Nazi for 3 years and hung out with other political extremists. Now I'm just pretty far right. Here goes my dream: I was chilling in my room until I hear my dad say that there is somekind of march on the street behind my house so out of curiousity I opend the back door. There it was White-Supremacists/Neo-nazi's where walking in a small march. I knew because of their "blood & honour" shirts, army pants and combat boots. My Nazi switch goes off and I compliment one on his shirt. He gets very defensive and they gtfo. I shrugged it off (here comes the weird part) and go in my room upstairs and I see 2 blonde girls in my yard out of nowhere. I thought they broke in but my door was undamaged and closed. They walk in my kitchen and take a seat. They tell me I'm a filthy "non-white" and they where send by their father the leader of that group to accuse me of a false-rape charge
Thats when i woke up.

What do? This is for me really conflicting.

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It means you are cringe politically and God is not happy with it

“white slav DNA”
you wish you dumb gypsy

It's an omen. This bodes well.

shut up obese nigger amerifuck cunt. with your gay traitor land. GET CANCER

stop taking drugs

Fuck off gypsy faggot

I'm clean for over 2 years. I don't even drink. I just smoke ciggy's

you aint better than me mutt

Wow, you are cringe. God is not happy, God is based and you are cringe.

That you are a homosexual and suicide is the only option.

> Romaina
> White with slav DNA

You suck at LARPing

Romanians aren't Slavs they're their own thing

Nah man i just get pissed off when uncultured people call ALL Romanians gypsies.

Edgy af KEK

I mean I have slav in my family knuckle-head. Like I know Romanian are their own thing because of race and culture mixing.

Taci in pula mea de diaspora de kkt ce esti, te fut pe tine si toata familia ta de boschetari migratori.

Zice acest boschetar care bea spirt mona. Mai dute in pula mea

Jet bai migratorule du-te si prostituteazate in capitala pornului.

Gebaseerde jongen ook al ben je niet Germaans

Hai mai fa o infectie in spitalurile noastre cele curate. Mai pupo pe Dancila in cur. Futa-te dracu de degenerat cu sida in masa

It is not your thoughts, it is the way in which you act and go about things

Dreams shouldn't be deciphered like you would the plot of a movie. Dreams are more like a sequence of images that may or may not be Loosely connected.

All dream characters are you, or an aspect of your psyche represented in one form or another. The Nazis marching behind the house and not being open about their stance, probably tells about your wishy-washy and secretiveness regarding those beliefs. The two girls arriving at your house is probably something that you've always wanted to happen. But since these women are a projection of what's inside you, you fear that they will be traitorous and deceitful like you feel you are. There's probably a moment there before they revealed their intentions when you thought everything was going to be good and turn out right. But your political associations and deceitfulness in the past have ruined your future. This is probably the fear that's being exercised in this dream.

Ok m8
> knuckle-head
Ok so you ARE a gypsy

Jokes aside, you can't speak english well my friend xD

Dw though I know Romanians aren't gypsies. Romanians are Orthodox and anti Turk like us (Greeks)

Thanks man. Ik mag je! desu haat ik meeste Roemeenen. Ik haat die kanker-cultuur met een passie

I'm Greek but google translate helped

Pic related is you, Gypsy.

Attached: vee.jpg (1280x720, 109K)

Iesi in mm de curva nu ai niciun drept sa faci fite cu cine votam sau nu cand tu stai si freci pula la straini si va comportati ca maimutele ca nu puteti vota.

yes my friend full kebab removal that's why I watched the CC-shooting. Also my English is a bit fucky cause its my 3d launguage. I went from 6-12 yo on an international school where they pumped me with dutch and some Engilsh

Ach nee ik mag Roemenen wel, ik wil Roemenië absoluut nog ooit eens bezoeken en Corneliu Codreanu was ook een goede kerel, onze vrinden tijdens de oorlog.


Ba frecator de pule chronic ce esti. Traiest in tara lui nimeni. Tara asta mea facut viatza un cosmar insuportabil. Tara asta este o ruina dupa ce a atins-o cuminusmul cacat cu ochi ce est

Ja tot dat de Ruski-boi's begonnen te winnen en switchden we van ream. kek. btw probeer een smaakje van alles in Roemenie te bezoeken. Steden, Rurale dorpen en historishe dingen. En niet te vergeten de chickies

you're a dream-nigger, OP. The worst of nogs.

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Atunci stai acolo si numai spune ca esti roman, fi olandez si numai vorbi o singura data de tara asta da? Si spunele curvelor de acolo sa inceteze sa mai voteze si sa se planga nimeni nu vrea tradatori si ciori migratorii.

>dreams r real

KEK I love you leaf man

Shit happens, alsnog respect voor de Roemenen voor wat ze hebben gedaan.
Al van kinds af aan wou ik Siedenburgen of Transylvania bezoeken haha, echt een mooi land lijkt me het.

You could try killing yourself

Hai tati ca esti atat de salty ca nu traiesti untro tara mai buna dacat cacatul ala. Eu vorbec numai cu familia Romana si ma duc in Romania numai sa vad rudele mele. Am deja O nationalitate Olandeza. Iar tu inca be spirt mona si fumezi chistocuri din parc asteptind ca statul sa I-ti mariasca salarul tau de cacat.

Fuck off we are full we dont want foreigners or visitors.

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Transylvania is een must. Neem ook een Dracula wijntje als souvenier

Sa mori tu bai diasporeanule? Hai mars de aici cu fitele tale de iluminat, nimeni nu va vrea inapoi si nimeni nu vrea sa aiba nimic de aface cu voi asta ca iti dai seama cat de kkt sunteti.
Asa va comportati voi la voturi bulangiilor

Zie je dit is precies waarom ik me soort haat KEK

Beware the tradthot and (((leaders))) of the alt-right or whatever the equivalent is in your country.

take your meds dude

Nu ne vrea inapoi ca nu suntem niste idioti care ne lasam fututi de stat. Eu chiar nu inteleg dece inca ti la acel cacat sau esti atat de spalat pe (((chreieri))) de televisor. Succes cu autostrazile in tara de a 3a lume din Europa.

OP here will smoke a ciggy and I'll be right back!

Aceleasi argumente obosite
>muh autostrazi
>muh spitale
>muh scoli
Cu toate ca tara nu are doctori ca toti pleaca dupa ce statu le da tot ce trebuie sa invete si sa faca practica,dupa ce tot statu are grija ca ei sa iasa profesori, cu toate ca statul construieste drumuri in draci.Dar ce pot sa ceri de la ciori migratorii, te rog numai spune ca esti roman si majoritatea va uram ca sunteti niste fulgi de nea care se topesc dupa tot ce e vestic.

Ai uiat de coruptie? Sau esti pur si simplu retardat? Eu si cu maica-mea (doctor) am plecat de alcolo din cauza de sistemul ala futul. Nu pretene imi dai parere ca esti un taximetrist divortat cu o problema mica de alchol care face politica din sudoku depe ziar si facebook.

also back from cancer break

A deci mama ta care primea spaga ca altfel nu se uita la pacient? Foarte tare asta, oricat de multi bani va da statul tot vreti spaga si nu sunteti niciodata multumiti pentru ca nu sunt la acelasi nivel ca in Elvetia si Austria uitand ca nu avem economia lor.Si nu sunt taximetrist ci inginer electrician asa ca lasa-ma cu proiectile tale de kkt.

You dreamt about the upcoming civil war in Europe.
God bless you.

no you're a fuckint gypsy poo streetshitter

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romanians arent white dude, theyre like 25% indian lower caste gypsy.

>responding in a gypsy thread

Ea nu loa nic odata spaga si nici nu avea pile si seful ei era nebun ca arcua cu telefoane dupa toti. In tari civilizate nu sa poarta seful ca un cacat cu ochi. Eu cred a esti ica frustrat ca nai nici un doctor psychiatru sa-ti faca ceva lobodimie sau sa te unfle cu haloperidol ca tu ai niste delusi.

In addition to that : You should try to go back to Romania.
At least find the prophecies of your local prophet. He must be Christian.
France : Marie Julie Jahenny
Germany : Alois Irlmaier

elaborate my friend

you know I come from Timisoara cunt?

Not even for a million euro i will go back....

Then accept your fate and try to avoid these false rape allegations.

>Ea nu loa nic odata spaga
Asta sa o spui lu mutu, am auzit si eu povesti dastea de adormit copii.Esti un frustrat migrator care tipa in gura mare ca Romania nu e ca Olanda fara sa ia in considerare ca noi nu am avut colonii sa le furam si fara teritorii omogonene.

fuck it if i get rape allegations and I might lose the battle I might rape the bitches for real kek

Now that explain everything, your arrogance,your stupidity I swear to God that we need to balkanize to leave you people from Transylvania destroy yourselves.

Diaspora is not welcomed back they need to stay where they are.

Where do you come from faget?

ITT an ex-Romanian and a Romanian arguing about a shithole countrie with gay passion



Slavs and Romanians aren't white; gypsy or not.

The capital of immigrants and mixed races people shouldnt laught retard.

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that sounds fair but I look like a caucasian

The gayest place in Romania shouldn't talk gaylord.

Its the nb1 destination each year, but since you come from the most progressive and immigrant friendly part of the country I dont have expectation from subhumans like you.

I had a dream last night that there was a Somali living in my house and I grabbed him, accused him of having a gun and trying to shoot me, and I threw him down a flight of stairs, killing him.
My family laughed about it and the police let us off


nice fuck Somalia

Yes all of you born there are subhumans thank you for agreeing.

Hey fags I have to go right now. I have work to do

You should have asked who their father was. That would have been informative. So I just see two things going on in your dream. On the one hand, you’ve been rejected by the new wave of the political movement of which you were a part. This means they don’t want you. The women are there to destroy you. They aren’t feminists, but their tactics are the same as feminists. The group you thought you belonged to has betrayed you and has become much more active and cruel than you were when you were part of them. The fact that these people came to opposite sides of your house shows that you have been hemmed in by your prior political associations. You cannot join a moderate-right Nationalist movement now because of your past. You can’t leave but you can’t stay. My advice to you is move out of your dad’s house and get a minimum wage job. Do anything to avoid being the victim of a radical faction.

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