China Arrests American Spy Smuggling Weapons Into Hong Kong

More oppression of innocent American intelligence agents by the COMMUNIST Chinese.

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dear China

please kill this asshole

Hello fellow human non-Chinese propaganda bots!

Throw the book at him, China!!!
These fuckers think they are above the law.
Prosecute and execute, China!!

i'd double the amount of fentanyl produced in china and sell it with a 25% discount to the cartels as a countermeasure.

>air gun pellets
tfw mainland chinese actually think this is a weapon

the law is the law, and what this person did was illegal. he belongs in prison. if he doesn't want to respect the laws, he shouldn't travel there. this faggot is no better than the shit skin parasites invading our borders.

lol, what? Since when are small plastic balls banned in china?

wow airgun pellets, what a daring insurgency we are supporting

call me when the protesters start blowing shit up with c4 and get stinger missiles

where's it say they were plastic?

it says "Non-metallic air gun pellets" That means plastic bbs. Literally small plastic balls. That scares the PRC....

Somebody used the buffer at the bowling alley that day. mmmmmmmm

I envy airline pilots. Skychads with 6 figure incomes while I wagecuck in a cubicle. Pls fuck them up China, that's what they get for underestimating the sheer power of the Chink Might

>calling out CIA zog operations makes you a russian/chinese bot
MAGA fellow kekistani!

China doesn't have the authority to arrest people in Hong Kong, that's what the original protests started over before it snowballed into this. Also airsoft guns aren't weapons.

>"We found a white man that speaks English, he must be a spy!"
Chinks are about as trustworthy as Jews. The CCP has been trying to spin the protests as being some sort of American black op thing from the start, because as is typical of subhuman commies they never accept blame for anything and are flawless and pure, according to themselves. I am completely unwilling to take their word on anything.

It will be funny watching globalist try to justify doing business with china.

Hong Kong has CIA written all over it. They must be getting bored with the sand people.

China is an unstoppable juggernaut, the USA will only focus in Asia now, the USA has basically conceded the mideast to Russia, which is why things are getting aggressive in the region.

i for one welcome our new chinese overloards. i can help them prosecute seditious english speakers from my production cubicle.

the following thread is for you and no its not the wrong link

I get custom links now. I feel so speacial.

Attached: ed.gif (288x314, 1.13M)

>China manufacture airsoft pellets by the trillions for America, no one bats an eye
>Americans return a handful of those airsoft pellets, China loses their minds