You have 1 post to suggest a plan to save your country. Go

You have 1 post to suggest a plan to save your country. Go.

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deport kikes

Artificial wombs, AI companions, all-male communes (no homo) where we raise the kids to be based and redpilled

Let it die.

Legalize drugs

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>suggest a plan
to slide my cock between those two mouths

I'm just gonna coom

better education

Nuke Israel.

Bring back workhouses for the underemployed.

>Legalize drugs
this is the best idea so far

Any person whose assets that have not been converted one step away from liquidity exceeds the savings necessary for them to live healthily and happily through retirement, and any corporation whose assets under the same rules exceed their five year expenses, will have those asserts taxed at a 90% rate.

Remove or strongly reduce all other taxes.

The rich should use it or lose it. You wanna be a job-maker? Time to make some fucking jobs. Supercharge the economy and turn it into a darwinist meritocratic capitalism bloodsport.

In all fields.

Fpbp. This country down the shitter the moment they were allowed back here. Rothschilds control it all now.

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Reaper virus

*went down


This is exactly what Herbert described the Bene Tleilax did in the Dune books.
(Spoiler) their women are the artificial wombs that they chemically lobotomize.

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Gas kikes and leftists, deport non-whites, become monarchy



ITS … IM...



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Destroy the cities.

End the Fed

ban the press

WTO Brexit

>lobotomised women
So, like, basically, women.

Fleshlights for everyone

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I should really post my own suggestion
>the only qualification for civic engagement (voting, jury service, etc) is to be a property owning white.
>ownership of all weaponry unrestricted to the above, for everyone else, spoon licences are mandatory.

Gas all kikes and niggers

Cut the electrical grid for 1 year (in Minecraft of course)


Its like catching and throwing rats out of your house - they will be back in a minute. You deal with them differently.

nuclear holocaust

no, women are neurotic

catatonic women are much better

We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children. Heil Hitler

make me absolute ruler. Unironically

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Based and Redpilled

take women's rights away

Nope, they will only pretend they are all being genocided and have another group of nations invade us.
Instead we should actually commit to it and reap the benefits of it rather than be accused of it and not gain anything from it.

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authoritarian right wing counter-revolution

Kill off the bottom third of the population in terms of intelligence, criminality, and political ideology. Gets rid of pandering to the lowest common denominator and saves valuable resources being wasted on lowlifes.


Ban/deport/exterminate all people of non-European decent or liberal/progressive/Democratic political beliefs.

Institute the Butler Plan nationwide

This. Fuck this gay earth burn it all down.

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(((WTO Brexit)))

What, are you a baby or something.


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9/11 big ben

How can you save a thing that doesn't recognize its illness?

I'd suggest secluding yourself somewhat and focusing on a smaller community. There are many. Cultivate a sense of belonging and work towards educating the small group you surround yourself with. Most of life is eating, shitting, sleeping, fucking. The best thing you can do for yourself is do these things well and with people you love.

Include people who value these things, exclude those become disruptive. Jews value monetary wealth over all else so they literally fit nowhere or they would have just stayed in Isreal. I don't think they can even stand themselves to be honest.

Has anybody benefited from porn, belligerent excess, or blatant false characterizations of reality in the media? These things exist for profit alone and lack utility. It's disturbing.

I'm not saying you can't be rich. I'm saying that destroying everything around in pursuit of monetary wealth means being unable to enjoy the world you can now afford.

Expand over the world and kill all non-Northeastern Europeans.

Maximum wage for businessesaand persons where anything above a certain amount gets taxed at 35% on top of regular income tax. No loopholes, no unclear language, no breaks for offshore/foreign headquarters, just a flat rate. Forces businesses and persons to invest back into the employees/company, breaks down too big to fail, promotes small/local businesses, and causes more people to manage a budget.

Of course the slaves to the almighty dollar will shit on this, but it does fix several issues with the current economy.

>welcome to Wisconsin, your local Government has decided your ((("based"))) small town needs an injection of half its population in Somalis.

Nuke the middle east. ALL OF IT

...lesbians? how are lesbians going to save a country? they eat pussy and don't like dick. you'll have no population in a single generation...

Yeah but its top tier fap material.

Is this what happened to you user?

Small groups of Somalis can be socially vaccinated or integrated. Large groups kill the host. I don't hate the ill, but I do refuse to let them infect me. It was easier before I started a family. Now the stakes are high. Who will resurrect me in future heaven with future medicine if a slave race of brainlets and Jew overlords eat my children for sport?

I'm being facetious but the point is apparent.

I honestly think this is the only real solution at this point. We need to destroy everything and start over. Our entire society is built on debt, that needs to go. Even if you got rid of just the Jews there would still be widespread corruption. We really need to thin out the population, of the whole planet, to just a few million people.

Real devout lesbians that are hot dont exist

Exclusive dikes are ALWAYS overweight and fugly


I’m gonna... IM GONNNA

>You have 1 post to suggest a plan to save your country.
Cut off the Internet and build a wall separating us from the West.


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Vote VOX

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Mass purge of criminals, idiots with less the 90 IQ points, cluster Bs or psychopaths.


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It actually is very probably and not as far off as actual artificial wombs.
This may be a very interesting idea.

Could you point me to which Dune book/chapter/page/etc please?
Sounds like and Interesting read.

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Deport & expel all kikes, niggers, & muzzies

cancel privatization

its a retarded idea

>shouldadidn'thappened (but it should)


Replaced the Federal Reserve with my company :)

if its brown flush it down


If life s a simulation then there are no retarded ideas
just destiny lol

Death penalty televised for proven corruption in the government.

They are talked about in all the books but they really start to get fleshed out in Heretics of Dune and on. You don't learn about what the axlotl tanks are until much later.

move to an other country

nuke melbourne
nuke sydney

Racially based tax policy.
Tax darkies to subsidize white birthrates.
Also tax darkies to both compel them to leave and to subsidize their leaving.


Austria anexes us.

Civil War.

Also, The first 6 Dune books are imo the greatest works of fiction ever. Must reads, at least the first 3.

Destory the greedy waspjew bankers in london.

I'll check them out leafbro

>the greatest works of fiction
are you 12 years old


1) Execution of the elite. This means the bankers, the media men, the career politicians. Everyone who had political power and let this country get degraded. None of them are innocent, they are corrupters or they are complicit to the corrupters.
2) Found a Right-Wing Paramilitary Death Squad, at least one for every state. (California is going to need a lot more). Besides assisting in the execution of the elite, they will begin in the mass execution of Prisoners, Felons, and sex-offenders.
3) All Mexicans, non-whites, Jews, and other undesirables will be forced out of the country at gun point. If they refuse to leave, or if they are guilty of other crimes, they will be shot.
4) All Synagogues, Mosques, Federal Reserve Banks, and other undesirable buildings will be burnt to the ground.
5) Re-organize the government. Each state will have an authoritarian right-wing dictator and a militia (death squad), although they will all be beholden to me
6) Declare Martial Law (should have been step one)
7) Bring back all troops to enforce Martial Law
8) Communism doesn't work and Capitalism isn't a God. We will have markets and private property, however markets will be well regulated and well watched over.
9) Mandatory Church services (temporary). It doesn't matter what denomination, but you must attend. Don't think about trying to cheat the system by making your own "christian church", they will be monitored by the state.
10) After 20-30 years (maybe more, maybe less) the strict control and regulation will relaxed, although the state always maintains the strength and the right to use force to stamp out further degeneracy. (
(all of this occurs in minecraft)

Fine, then. After the bible.

Forgetting something?

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TRUMP 2024

If I REALLY wanted to go full hitler, you'd start with a purge of the universities of this fucking anti-nationalist and sociology feminist dog shit.
But I would focus on fixing student debt. Gang crime in toronto. Money laundering in vancouver. Make housing MUCH more affordable, what else.
Internet constitutions to allow for anonymity and freedom of speech and expression.
Start the national debate on immigration
Come up with some TANGIBLE 'climate change' positions that wont tax the poor
Encourage young people to start families?

Societal Breakdown under an oppressive left wing state.

lol I don't care what you read. Or if you read at all.

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you really want to nuke me nigga

show some compassion

"Literature" is rewarding but a) it's usually a chore to get through and b) you're missing 90% of the nuance unless you read it multiple times, read articles and essays on it, etcetera. I'd rather read something that doesn't feel like the mental equivalent of exercise and can more readily elicit a steady stream of emotional response than the lone sensible chuckle I produce every 20 pages of laboriously digested Gibbon or Tolstoy

Jagmeet Singh wins PM of Canada and sends all the racists to the caves of Newfoundland.!!

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Don't forget to nuke korea, china, russia, israel, uk, and saudi arabia

Right one is Gina Devine

Oh fuck


Amalek is So What

Amalek is the first to attack the Israelites after HaShem took them out of Egypt and showed all nations they are under divine protection.

When all nations were fearing the Israelites, Amalek said so what.

At a personal level, Amalek is the force that blocks the connection of thought (rosh, head in Hebrew) and emotions (heart). When you know that smoking is going to be bad for your health, but you still do it, that's Amalek. When you know the things you should do, but pursue your own egotistical inclinations, that's Amalek.

Amalek is lack of reason, lack of meaning, the force that in front of HaShem's miracle says so what, the blind, pure destructive instinct. In Jewish folklore, it's a demonic force located in the neck, because the neck connects the head with the torso, the place where the heart lies. In Hinduist/Buddhist thought, it's a blockage between chakras.

The command to destroy Amalek is the command to oppose lack of meaning, the instinct to destroy for no reason. In contemporary culture, Heath Ledger's Joker would be an example of Amalekite.

Just do the opposite of what I just posted.