This is absolutely irrefutable

This is absolutely irrefutable.

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Well your neighbours are gardeners and boring people, I think the chance of them invading you is nonexistent.

How come FBi memes are so gay? How many gays work there? Is it mostly gay Democrats these days?

Where TF would we go tho? Everywhere else is allready shit.

You aint gonna do shit fat nigger

>I think the chance of them invading you is nonexistent.
They've already invaded us.

Hey why don’t you kill some more women and children at your border some more asshole.

pick one, dumb boomer

Military wise, I meant.

Getting rid of muslims is a pleasure
You can thank me later

didn't Johnny Depp seek refuge from the Dubya Administration in France?

also Lee Harvey Oswald sought refuge in the USSR, to much fanfare, then sought refuge from them back in the USA, significantly more quietly

You burgers have such a high opinion of yourselves

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Explain Florida, New Mexico, Houston, Detroit, Camden, S Chicago, Los Angeles, San Fran, St. Louis, to start.

>behold, the ego-maniacal USian

Dont need us to die militarily, just make us collapse from the inside and just keep walking el Norte

didn't some Americans run to Canada when Trump was elected?

Never say never

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What do you mean?
Houston and Florida have both rebuilt itself after multiple natural disasters

American exceptionalism isn't an opinion, it's a fact. Your country is our bitch. We can help you learn to defeat the Emus, if you like

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No, but quite a few did when we were drafting people for the Vietnam War. It's part of the reason Canada's taken a leftward direction in the decades since.

I think New Zealand has successfully built a moat to keep emus out

Not nearly enough. Besides, those people aren’t Americans.

>American exceptionalism isn't an opinion, it's a fact.
Cringeposting isn't funny.

This, however unlikely in our lifetime, would be a reason for Americans to run to another land.

With guns?

Don't you get it dumbocrat? patriots are rise up and shoot all volcanos foreign and domestic

The Jews will send American kids to defend us.

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It hasn't happened yet so. Prove it

Ill take a wild guess and say I would bet you wish someone whould have done something before your leaders sold your country off.

Prob sounds better with aussie slang added in but there it is.

Leftists, welfare queens and city people will leave.

Good riddance.

How does it feel knowing youll get genocided just because your grandpa lied about it happening to him?

When my family used to live in Texas near the border, my dad would have fun with target against illegals trying to come in

Umm, tell that to half of Tel Aviv, with american passports

I dunno, your ancestors ran away from Europe when things got tough, so I'd say running away is in Americans' blood

Stop boomer posting you fucking nigger. You won’t do shit and you never will.

Didnt a bunch of Americans ran off to Liberia to avoid being discriminated against?

Remember when all those pinkos said they'd leave the US for Canada if Trump got elected?

They never did.

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You preach american exceptionalism, yet by posting that comic, you demonstrate your complete ignorance of even the most basic concepts upon which america was founded, that being rights being bestowed by god and respected by government, not granted by a piece of paper or long dead men.
Your ‘exceptionalism’ of the last 70 years comes from the very internationalism that you all now profess to despise, with The Powers That Be using your nation as a bludgeon to keep everyone else in line.
Nowadays, your only exceptionalisms are in the exporting of diabetes and degeneracy.

If your guns collect dust to begin with you’re never gonna use them.

Considering twin towers and havaiji gave muricans national traumas i'd say you are correct

I cant wait for the door to door confenscation teams to enter the bad neighborhoods in Chicago and Los Angeles. I only wonder what the left will do when they drone strike their pet minorities.

Google "white flight" boomernigger. You and your entire worthless boomer generation did nothing but run away when things got slightly tough. You won't fight shit. You'll cower in fear while sending the police after the actual men who will have to fight to reclaim that which you surrendered.
All boomers need to die.

Those are not refugees. Those are zionist turbokikes.

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>implying La Creatura isn't mutant enough to thrive in the remaining apocalyptic wasteland by cannibalizing its fellow mutts

>implying America as a nation even exists
>implying this hell is worth trying to fix
>implying "Americans" would ever do anything except bomb Iraqi school children to death

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this, we close to dusting them off too.

What do you expect, they are in the jewish foreign legion after all.

I thought you'd never ask

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Why can't you stop the white flight? Why can't you stop living in gays suburbs instead of actual cities?

What will you do when Yellowstone blows it's top?
Can't fight a volcano with guns

>we dust off our guns and fix it

Clearly you haven't, then again we haven't sharpened our knives.

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dust'em off