Why aren’t we throwing every last penny we have at this? Why are “climate activists” such cucks on this as well?

Why aren’t we throwing every last penny we have at this? Why are “climate activists” such cucks on this as well?

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Because it's not about what they keep pretending it's about

Then what is it about to them?

Because fission energy is already very well developed.

There is already inimaginable amount of money included. This shit is basically endless source of energy.

The isotopes used in fusion reactors are finite, user.

Because it takes a fuckton of energy to initiate fusion, and the whole point of energy production is to have a net energy gain. Meanwhile the only thing you need to do to initiate fission is to put a little too much of something in one place. Fusion is a meme; fission is better, and not just because it already exists, but because fusion is only viable when you are on a stellar scale and gravity can do the work for you.

Cuz yo are dumb ass wiggers, fool.


45-60 B B B Billions are not a lot?

This. Jews just want profit, no exceptions. Where’s the profit in free energy?


Fusion turns light elements like hydrogen into helium and we have oceans full of hydrogen.

It's about consolidating political power and control of resources into the hands of the 'elite' while the rest of us peasants are forced to live like the scum they think we are.

its about waging an economic war against the west and extracting more wealth from taxpayers in order to fund the governments handouts that keep them in power

Fusion is far superior. We will have our own "mini-suns" essentially if we get it up and running. Problem is, conditions needed are very difficult to set up and it currently more energy is put in that out. I heard the use of superconductors is being used to help the process.

*are being used.

Current nuclear power if more than viable without the need to "throwing every last penny we have at this". Solar, battery, and improved efficiency is already as clean as you are likely to ever get that is relatively inexpensive and can be done on a massive scale or individually. The non-stop search for other technologies for the sake of searching for the next new thing only further waste time

because activists profit from activism, not results
they get funding to ree about x issue. that funding will disappear if the issue is solved

You need specific isotopes for the fusion reactor tech we currently use to work.

Work on fusion energy began before the big environmental activist push. If fusion energy becomes viable, everything activists have tried to get has quite literally been utterly pointless.

There is a lot of deuterium in normal water and tritium is going to be bred from lithium in the fusion reactors.

Still finite.

Because how will the UN get billions of dollars from western nations if this happened?

dilithum crystals and beryllium spheres aren't just
science fiction.

Attached: crystal.jpg (986x714, 563K)

Climate activist here.

Fusion energy is DECADES away from being a reliable source of power. Decades we don't have. We need to invest in actual solutions that have proven to work and can be implemented rapidly, none of which applies to Fusion energy YET.

As far as I know no one is against it and would in fact would love for it to work, but the fact is the world's governments are mobilising fast enough so sources are finite. We have enough difficult time convincing mouth-breathers that we are in danger (as evident by the numerous climate denial threads daily on Jow Forums). You really think if we started proposing "let's sink half a trillion dollars into this unproven tech to save the planet" it's going to work? We are picking our battles with our very limited resources.

P.S. I hope Fusion energy gets realized in our lifetime.

Not by any practical measure. 1 in 6400 hydrogen atoms are deuterium and there is a lot of water in the ocean. That amount of energy availability is unfathomable. Humanity has run this long on some few cubic miles if oil.

>>a fucking leaf.

Solar and wind is a waste of time and money compared to the unlimited potential of fusion. You aren’t going to save the planet with comparatively shitty renewables. Fusion is vital.

So whats your thoughts on the west doing so much for environmental protection in the last 30 years compared to almost the total environmental damage of today being overwhelmingly done by non western nations?
What do you think should be done about Asia, South America and Africa to curb their reckless damage to the environment and worlds oceans?

>throwing every last penny we have at this?
We're 22 trillion dollars in debt and Trump spends our tax money on free jets for billionaires.

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