What the fuck. What the fucking fuck. Why arent we rebelling?

What the fuck. What the fucking fuck. Why arent we rebelling?

In 30 years:

>live in sewage pipe pods
>forced to eat bugs
>state enforced homosexuality
>live in countries with white ghettos and less than 30% white
>social credit score
>western world debt will be due
>no platform for conservatives outside Ben Shapiro and PragerU
>conservative platform will be exclusively Israel and GDP
>abortion fetishes

Jow Forums what can we do legally to stop this future from happening? I cant do it anymore

Attached: Screenshot_20190920-161957_Chrome.jpg (1344x1288, 662K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Lmao you forgot a couple things:

>automation unemploys everyone and you will be on nigger tier

>jews will probably go to mars and abandon us in their hell

>global warming makes large parts of planet uninhabitable

>if youre white youll be forced to work for MUH slavery

>immortality will likely, if not, been discovered and only usable by jews while you help them create it/ pay for it.

Welcome to the future. Bigot

Whites are already wage slaves to pay for shitskins tho.

>a 'loneliness crisis'

It's only a crisis if you aren't enjoying it. I prefer being alone, than listening to the constant chatter and bitching of a woman. This is just the L.A. Times looking for edgy points.

Nothing. We're going to hell and it'll probably last until after you you die.

nice source you got there Sam

Keep coping
The end is near

>jews will probably go to mars and abandon us in their hell
They have absolutely no interest in that. They'd rather sit on a throne of dead bodies and nuclear waste. Also, kill yourself for reddit spacing.


Sick bullshit. Who is the author?

I have finally accepted the slippery slope is not a fallacy.

I trained myself to eat raw meat I will thrive you will die cuck

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In the west, civil war would happen long before it could reach this point. Now in places like Sweden and Germany? Ya I could see them fully accepting this.

also anyone have that greentext of
>gay men kissing is equivalent to seeing maggots in the brain of a straight guy

Same bullshit they did to Jow Forums when some beta uprising happened a few years ago.

it was funny when it was on South Park

>if you haven’t yet killed yourself to stop climate change, then you must be a Nazi
All the fags will kill themselves, we win

Post freely.

Attached: Islam is Right About.png (627x789, 32K)

Sigh. Look kid, you may have your heart in the right place, but eating raw meat is a good way to get some deadly parasites in the wrong place. Like your heart, brain, liver and intestines.

Fucking cook yer meat. You can even do it without giving off smoke or light. Learn how to cook in the ground. Look up Hangi cooking.
Be well, hang tough, fight smart.

Bitch, Mars is hell, not here.

this is your mind on r/atheism. if your life is so bleak why continue living?

Tfw no half Arab bf

What's the number 1 news network in the US?
How many bugs have you eaten today?

If you believe all that, you should kill yourself

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what kind of jewish shit is that!?!?!

Attached: jewish agenda tactics.jpg (599x549, 106K)

>>live in sewage pipe pods

Do I get to keep my dog?

Fake and, unironically gay


So long as the Jews all leave, we could actually recover from the rest.

It's not even funny anymore. Outlandish things that were suggested to happen just a couple years ago are happening.

And that's why you're oppressed and being genocided.

Fake and gay.

It's fake and gay ylu dumb newfag.

The old slippery slope. At first it is, just let people do what they want in their own bedrooms. Then it is slowly pushed in the media and school. Now they want to force it. What the fuck people. The day for rebellion is near.

Is this website legit? A few weeks ago some meme website make an article on "state enforced homosexuality", so...

I'm quite shocked they openly used the phrase 'state enforced', or am I the only one?

No op you don't get it. I'm going to post an "islam is right about women" sign at my college. Things are going to be ok.

It’s fake. Search turned up nothing, but no link is the OP is the real giveaway.

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Our government can't even build a fucking wall what makes you think they are going to make 150+ million people gay? Life is life, the government/society have very little say in it. Stop blaming others for your short comings you bunch of bitches

Surprised nobody's posted it yet

Attached: state-enforced-homosexuality-27365795.png (500x536, 146K)

Some kike, probably


Trash economy

Attached: tom-ford-every-man-should-be-penetrated-at-least-once-9670942.png (500x691, 139K)

That's genius.
>They'll want to attack us
>They can't attack muzzies
>Or the faggots
It twists their logic like a pretzel.

Google mage search proves OP is a fag

Capitalism. We Stalinist Communists keep telling you, but you don't listen!

>We are living in Forever War

Attached: 1563687753139.png (671x774, 327K)

>Google mage search

Are you looking for wizards, or are wizards helping you look?

LOL, you had to train yourself, cuck?
Here we eat raw beef since our childhood, it's called carpaccio

sweden is talking about eating people and canada is pushing bugs. i dunno dude i can see an article like this being real nowadays

10-15 years ago, we laughed at this and called people saying this would happen crazy conspiracy retards.

Now here we are.

First thing I thought of.

>jews will probably go to mars and abandon us in their hell
That would be amazingly beneficial, so I HIGHLY doubt that would happen, if it could, which it can't.

I am Jewish and we literally laugh our asses off at you weak pussy faggots. We slander/mock your culture, your way of life with this LGBTQ trash and you just take it up the ass. Lol stupid fucking goyim.
