What if we promoted labia majora enlargements (such as injections with filler, like oral lips) as being the new in thing

What if we promoted labia majora enlargements (such as injections with filler, like oral lips) as being the new in thing

Dumb roasties will have these giant bulging labias and getting their junk jammed with needles for Chad

Attached: american ideal woman.jpg (564x582, 45K)

This is so fucking gross

i promise you there is a man who fucks that and bought all that cheese, also the camera.

They already get genital cosmetic surgery spurred by comparing themselves to porn stars. Porn screws up both genders

moar pics

>being the new in thing
just convince them to superglue their fronthole shut

This happened recently.
Some wog girl did it and nearly died in surgery

Attached: Hi_there_cutie.jpg (364x546, 41K)

Found it, mines worse bucko

Attached: 68FE2E8C-D355-4260-8EDF-5CD55957FE08.jpg (640x1043, 432K)


Now now, don’t be so judgemental I’m sure she’s a lovely girl

Fail. Prolly so fat you need a flag pole to get at it

Attached: silva-1250x750.jpg (1250x750, 234K)

Cheese on tiddies HHHHNNNNNGGGH

>Mary Magdalene
Isn't that Jesus hoe?

Guys cool it with the hate, she has the best Jewish surgeons money can buy

Genders arent real. They are called the two sexes

Already been done, the woman nearly died in surgery.

their daughters' labias, not theirs

By Allah. How is this not considered a mental illness.

It's you isn't it.

>such as injections with filler, like oral lips
You don't need that, they use pumps to make the pussy pussy.

Attached: CNVELD-DJ0616-00_3.png (600x600, 57K)


I can't coom to this