Political implications of alien disclosure / what Delonge/TTSA is/are saying?

What political/societal implications can you see of what To The Stars Academy has said? Military/government/intelligence/private sector back up Delonge, and he admits that he has "said too much" about aliens. Here's tl;dr of what he has said.

But before jumping to it, consider the following: This sounds pretty batshit crazy and if generals/admirals/CIA/NSA/DOD/pentagon were not backing up Delonge, it would be instantly dismissed as a schizo chimping out in full retard levels that shouldn't even be possible. However, none of the military / gubbamint / intelligence / private sector personnel backing up Delonge has distanced themselves from him or what he has said, to the contrary, the support only grows.

1. Mankind is very likely to be a slave/drone race made by "The Others" (the "aliens").
2. "The Others" are in tl;dr ~Greek gods / Anunnaki / Hindu gods etc, however the local religious descriptions are warped as humans tried to make some sense and explain wtf they were observing.
3. "The Others" are possibly here on Earth for way, way longer than mankind and our Earth/solar system is/was some sort of expansion/outpost of their empire.
4. "The Others" for some reason like to instigate wars between mankind.
5. It's not clear as to why they instigate wars, but Delonge mentioned several times that they extract some kind of resource from Earth and it might or might not be connected, however human beings seem to be rather crucial to this resource extraction.
6. Human DNA and human consciousness "play a huge part in it".
7. There's several different types of aliens and they seem to not particularly like each other, "The Others" station within our solar system and on Earth, and there are some "bad guys" outside of our solar system.
8. There were several cycles of human civilizations and when mankind got too disobedient to the will of "The Others" they got 'apocalypsed'.

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Other urls found in this thread:


9. Personal interactions with "The Others" might be great experiences - they can heal you, gift you some gibs, download ideas into your consciousness - or the interaction might be utterly horrible nightmare where they abduct you and/or at the end someone finds your mutilated corpse - or they might simply ignore you.
10. Gubbamints know about all of this and cooperate internationally to gain some foothold in this game.
11. Gubbamints have some alien tech, as it was more or less "gifted" by "The Others" to us in "crashes" of UFOs that were 100% planned by "The Others".
12. Usually said "gifted" tech results in big amounts of people dying in a war, so gubbamints decided to suppress this tech and information of its existence.
13. Gubbamints gave access to some of said alien tech to selected companies, giving them massive advantage on the market, basically killing any competition said company had. If this info was to be made public, plenty of lawsuits/outrage would follow.
14. Gubbamints have acted as an adversary to people who reported alien activity, mocking them, painting them as a bunch of crazy people and in few cases ruining their lives as "the end justifies the means" as they see it as top national/global security threat that needs to be contained.
15. "The Others" for some reason want the gubbamints to gradually release this info and make knowledge about them more or less public. (some hints at them arriving on Earth sometimes soon?)
16. Gubbamints want to gradually drip-feed disclose this information before private missions to moon/mars reveal that there are alien structures there.
17. Tech, physics and science research / development which was made possible due to the 'gifted' alien crafts has created a ~70 years tech gap between secret black ops programs and public tech, as apparently they can time travel, anti-grav etc

So given a theoretical assumption that what he has said might be true, what political/societal implications can you see resulting from this?

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Also apparently the occult rituals that the power elites do/have been doing is 100% related to the aliens.


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>gubbamints to gradually release this info and make knowledge about them more or less public. (some hints at them arriving on Earth sometimes soon?)

Ah, so it's just project bluebeam, then.

hadnt read it all but doesnt seem far off at first glace. only certain parts of our DNA is much closer to pigs than chimps if i remember right. and ive always thought that we are only made for completing tasks- we're built for it when you think about it --just like ribosomes preform one task task in the cell, we will eventually become so programmed that we will act like the tiny little workers for our overlords


youre over thinking it
it is exactly the same as climate change, the same rich supernational autocrats want to control every single aspect of your life
go bother Eric Schmidt about it

aliens are still unidentified?

It does 100% sound exactly like project bluebeam, doesn't it?

how can we be "created" when we share DNA markers with literally every single living thing of past and present?

1) they are demons
2) they instigate violence because they feed off of negative energy and suffering

>trump told us to maga
>in the end, we came to realize we were the aliens the entire time

At this point in clown world they could say anything and get a meh reply from the masses. I dream only of the white ethnostate and I'm sure any other intelligent being would support that endeavor.

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trump on ufo : youtube.com/watch?v=eb0nZUVzq2o

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They explain it as:

1. They pretty much say that humans were edited. So there was some monkey/hominid and they picked that particular life-form for some reason, edited the genes and created the modern human.
2. He hints at a possibility of Earth being seeded with life by "The Others" in the first place, for unspecified reason, and then "The Others" would from time to time make some adjustments - like a gardener making changes in the garden - thus unexplained sudden bursts of proliferation of species / mass extinctions like Cambrian Explosion etc.

tl;dr in a video format


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>have empty niches
>organisms adapt into niches as per evolution
>"must be ayyliums"

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Are you able to read with any basic comprehension son? It's their message.

Tell me more about the slave colonies on Mars. It's pretty funny how Alex Jones gets uncomfortable and won't talk about it. He knows though.

1) we have the tech to see our own genes, any editing would have been found out long ago, unless the gubbermint suppresses such knowledge.
2) explaining the cambrian explosion as a mass filling of unfilled niches

I dunno, this type of info has been out there for some time. Don't see much change happening unless it's for profit like his bogus give me money to build spaceship crap.
But it's just a money grab.

It is just a slow release of info imo.

Something like 20% of people on earth are rh- bloodtype. This means their evolution didnt come via monkeys. Im sure someone can explain this better than me

You're missing the point. I'm not claiming any of this is valid or true. As in OP:

>So given a theoretical assumption that what he has said might be true, what political/societal implications can you see resulting from this?
>theoretical assumption

You do realize there are ex CIA, NSA, DOD, pentagon, generals, admirals and private sector people peddling this message? And the problem you see with it is "Hurr durr ayyliums can edit genes lolol we would detect hurr durr"?

It looks like you either want to de-rail the thread, or absolutely missing the picture.

I have no idea what you're talking about.

Well yeah but they don't really ask for any money. So it's hard for it to be a money grab if since almost 3 years they didn't ask for money.

it is fake and gay.

it is moot to try to picture a theoretical without anything to extrapolate from, literally anything could happen if ayyliums do decide to show up one day and dump this info on us


"Rhesus molecules are found in most life forms … ranging from algae to fish to human.. Even a few kinds of bacteria have Rh molecules. Rhesus factor has an even more ancient origin. It’s descended from a molecule called Amt. Amt is found in every living thing -- even in Archaea, which is possibly the most ancient life form on Earth.

So Rh existed a long time ago, way before humans or monkeys walked on Earth. "

His stars to the academy or whatever the fuck it's called wanted people to invest.
I find him to be a annoying shit head so I'm not to well versed in tom delo.

Ah, the Tom Delonge shill is back. For the record, do not trust Tom Delonge. Do not trust the government or former spies.

So: "You can't say make any predictions based on just the following info:"
> governments hiding tech / scientific progress for decades, creating a massive gap between public/secret tech and science
> governments hiding information about alien species from the world
> governments launching actions to ridicule own citizens
> governments picking favorite companies and gifting them with tech that allows to dominate and monopolize markets
> governments allowing waste of resources and human potential / work-hours on tech/research that is already obsolete for decades, including private companies, university professors, entire sectors of economy
> governments secretly pulling trillions of dollars from the market to fund this stuff
> governments admitting that the cold war was a lie to "mislead the aliens" and that USA and Russia were cooperating with each other in secret
> governments saying mankind is a slave specie and we're puppets for some alien overlords that can wipe us at will
Clearly it's impossible to make any predictions and extrapolations from this info. Nothing can be said how public would react.

If you're a business owner and you got rekt by a company that was gifted literal alien tech, 0 predictions can be made.
If you're a professor/phd working in science and it turns out the research was suppressed/obsolete for decades, 0 predictions can be made.
If you're a person whos career/life was destroyed because you were vocal about some alien stuff that happened to you and that got you put into a psych ward, and now turns out governments knew all along that it was legit, 0 predictions can be made.
All the money spent on looking for ET life in space, when this info was already obtained decades ago, 0 predictions can be made.
Governments lying to their people about almost every single thing for decades, 0 predictions can be made.

Not impressed.

don't care, gonna steal a spaceship, and enjoy space poon, lizard people can seethe when I fuck their women

How is this shilling. Show the shilling part. I'll wait.

The implications are vast. It does not matter what the actual "truth" is, at this point it's better to forget that an objective truth exists at all. All that matters is what group of individuals will be the one to successfully push their narrative. For example, alien disclosure could even work out for a Nazi government (our alien Nordic brothers who created this supreme race bla bla) even if it's all fake. It creates an outside intervention that will convince/scare most of the people and will advance a certain political plan. If the Democrats forward their own version, it could be in the lines of "we are all humans, we must unite etc" and this could also be based on fake news. In the end, stop thinking about Martians from outer space and focus on who benefits from every version of disclosure.

Well this would explain our missing link, and rapid brain volume expansion 3000 years ago. Theres not much evidence for this other than interpretation of ancient legends, artifacts, paintings. Its all very fascinating. I consider myself somewhat skeptical and logical, but have seen some inexplicable(to me at least) phenomena. The idea of a being a slave to another race of beings isnt too intimidating because most of us live under ZOG or some form of theocratic zealotry. I think it would be business as usual as long as our alien overlords kept us entertained and distracted.

The secret space program.

I know exactly what the story is. The whole story can only be put together from various sources - but one of the biggest pieces of the puzzle is the CIA doc about remote viewing on Mars.

Basically...the story so far is this:

Martian's some how fucked up their own planet. It was either natural or they did it with weapons in the same tier that Tesla was about to discover. These Martians split into two teams, some to stay behind and basically die waiting for the others' plan to come through - and the others built an ark and came to Earth. Well, the ones that built the Ark either corrupted or got corrupted by a usurper - either way they never planned on coming back. So basically we got the evil niggers of Marks.

When they got here, being an extremely advanced species, they spliced their own DNA with local wildlife, creating humans, to be their slaves for ever.

That's what the current reality is.

So you represent a view of "facts don't matter, only thing that matters is who holds the power at the end of the day".

If this stuff is false:
- Doesn't matter if it's false
- But it matters who gains/looses power over this

If this stuff is true:
- Doesn't matter if it's true
- But it matters who gains/looses power over this

Well I guess that's one way to look at it.

It's the delonge angle and his ties to the government contractors.
I mean you could of spouted out all this shit and listed multiple sources.
But you didn't.

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Oh so you mean like the stuff about which the great-granddaughter of Eisenhower talked about? I have no idea. But I have a hard time taking anything about this seriously even as a joke, as you almost instantly come across "witnesses" that say the most retarded shit possible like:
> I worked in secret space program for 25 years cloning people for food/slaves for space aliens
> then they wiped my memory
> then they time-traveled me back in time 25 years
> because they wiped my memory, now I tell you all about it
> they instantly time travel and kill all the people who even mention it
> so hear me talking about it
> totally legit
Which seems either like a massive absolute retard-magnet flat earth style or someone wants to totally ridicule the idea of it.

>It's the delonge angle
What did you expect in "Political implications of alien disclosure / what Delonge/TTSA is/are saying?" thread? A lecture on Tibetan throat singing?
You've seen the "Delonge / TTSA" part, didn't you?
>"Delonge/TTSA says"
>what's the source?
Either your post is beyond retarded or I'm missing something here user.


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Some cia fagit blabed some shit on the alexjones show, to make it more reputable apparently. Then by mer happenstance msm then told everyone alex did it.
>you are here

UFOs != extra terrestrial space aliens

You fucken asked "what am i shilling"
I told you what some ppl saw.

Not my fault.
What's ttsa?

So your thread sent me down a rabbit hole, but from what I see these are not new ideas at all. Basically every point has been made decades ago. Theres even an episode of ancient aliens which is just tom delonges theory in one episode.

Let me tell ye of the glory of lyrans!

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Yeah apparently what he says is "nothing new" to hardcore UFO crowd, but what's different about it is that he has plenty of government/military/private sector/intel personnel backing it up. And apparently they aim at drop feeding this info to the "normies" that haven't heard anything about this yet.

No clue about this, I don't really watch Alex Jones.

I asked how this is shilling. Making a thread to discuss implications of what they say is not shilling their version. It's just a discussion of the topic.

What kooks are you listening to? Yeah I suppose there really aren't any palatable sources. If there were though they would be killed. Have you seen any of Corey Goode's interviews? He comes off as a nut job but I find his stories interesting.

Ok then I'll tell you the implications of titsandass and tom faggots need of money for space ship.
Fuck all.
Cunts a grifter

>"the most important secret never told!"
>Brought to you by - that guy who sings about wanting to fuck a dog in the ass

Yeah, this is trash. Not real. Humans wish they were important enough for this garbage to exist, but they aren't.

woaaaahhhhh kys retard

Well he left blink to spend all his money on this shit. He coulda kept touring and making millions a year. So I dont know about him being a grifter. I think he actually believes what hes saying. But his reluctance to fully disclose and reveal sources takes away from his credibility, and I dont think he realizes that.

John Podesta
>w-we only killed those children as a sacrifice to the ayy Gods!
Sounds like the deep state is trying to use Project blue beam as a cover for their child fucking and murdering.

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Sounds like the "second coming" to theists

I really thought ayyz as basically godlike, which they may be
But as time goes I they seem more real and less, well, idk if there's a word for it...

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Well, there is a peace of dna in humans that separates them from all other life on Eattb

Its no less extraordinary, the level of tech it must be to pull off the maneuvers we've seen it might as well be not of this Earth.

It's all disinfo, Tom Delonge said the CIA told him "Aliens activated the Air Force ICBMs to goad Russia into firing at the US"

Which doesn't make any sense and is propaganda meant for dabbler unaware shitters for bluebeam.

Greek/Norse/Hindu gods are nephilim op

Have you not seen the obvious shift from the government and MSM from crazy conspiracy theories to this being a legitimate discussion? Fucking moron. Go play fantasy football.

I always saw Mars as the planet that did indeed reach the stars, but the martians were very barbaric and ruthless. Planning on terrorizing other worlds and enslaving them. They were immediately stopped by a higher lifeform and planet destroyed, 2/3 its original size as the final result.
Venus to me was the world that destroyed itself. A nuclear fallout occurred and all life gone in a blazing inferno.

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wake up. you’re in a coma from sucking your own dick and falling onto your head

>the interaction might be utterly horrible nightmare where they abduct you

This. Long time abductee. Theyve placed implants inside. Me. Have some in my right foot, one under my jaw and anoyher on my left forearm about 4 inches from my elbow. They cause great pain. Doctors wony remove them. Just say I picked up shrapnel some time. Say I stepped on sewing needles thst are 1/10th the size of the smallest sewing needle and they made it all the way up to sit between my ligaments in a perfectly symmetrical pattern.

I dont talk about it because nobody will believe it, and I am subject to ridicule. From what I can tell, after the aliens finish with me, the government picks me up and attempts hypnosis to make me forget. They do examinations and ensure the implants are in place and active, then flood the room with n2o and dump me back home.

Plus nobody takes you seriously when you tell them the aliens force you to have sex with aliens and hybrids. Some look human, some look reptilian some a mixture and lack features like lips or noses.

Then why havent any other animals evolved to having capability for speach and intelligence on par with humans?

Get fucked, he did not spend all his money on this shit.
He bought some books regurgitate some herpaderp, had some mics back him up. Then set up gofundme campaign for something that isn't going anywhere.
I'm not saying that some of what he says isn't true.
But fuckman you have to make your own mind up.

>For the record, do not trust Tom Delonge. Do not trust the government or former spies.

They want us to think they do not exist or the ETs have good intentions. If they jad good intentions, they would not be operating covertly. And cant say muj gubmint don wanna cause a panic, whennthe government is causing panic at every new viral outbreak or uses shootings to scare people to give up rights.

>Mankind is very likely to be a slave/drone race made by "The Others" (the "aliens").
we were made to mine gold and other resources for their survival

Take your meds.

Im going by what travis barker said, which I feel is a more reliable source of information than an australian shitposter telling me to have sex.

>extra terrestrial space aliens
Some are. There are also omni dimensional aliens, but they have little interest in us. There is also extra dimensional, and they do have an interests. Youd call them demons or angels in the distant past.

No thanks

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That guy is being played by disinfo agents to be a useful idiot. Just because some intelligence agency feeds you "secret" infos doesn't make the info real. Extraordinary claims require extraordinary evidence. The only evidence we've got from ttsa are some blurry videos. Not enough to convince critical thinkers that these are et crafts.

Advanced as they may be, they aren't god's. We're all just creatures of a finite universe. God isn't an entity, but a force. Hinduism has it right if you can see through the personification of the deities. That is just to make the idea approachable to the commoner. If you're supposed to, you will see past the personalities and instead see natural forces and other elements of physics. For example, Shiva is time/entropy. I'm not saying it's 100% correct, but there is far more right than wrong.

all of this sounds entirely plausible to me

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all interviews I have heard with Tom he sounds completely serious about what he believes
Gubbament officials on the other hand may just be misdirection
but nothing states here is new news

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>The only evidence we've got from ttsa are some blurry videos. Not enough to convince critical thinkers that these are et crafts.

What about dr lier? He removed implants from patients. Some turned out to be nothing, some had specific pripertues that would not be able to be replicated by any known technology?


>If they jad good intentions, they would not be operating covertly
Nigga think for a second, do you realize how retarded the average human being is? When given a chronic problem people will usually try the same shit over and over again like a broken record, most people have no idea why they do what they do and merely brainlessly just chase away pleasure. 20% of the global population is responsible for 80% of what you would consider as "humanity", the rest of the population are nothing more than glorified monkeys.

Now imagine you had the tech to feed meth 24/7 without side effects, do you think most people wouldn't take the offer? Hell most people on first world countries would, they willingly reduce their own IQs with weed even thought the pleasure pay off is much lower. Imagine someone like Soros, AOC or your average general with tech that can easily create a planet destroying weapon. Now imagine your average E.T. has weird ass shapes, furries, big eyes/heads from anime, you name it, how the fuck do you think your average brainlet population would react? Hell even on this board people automatically equate that to demons like a bunch of schizophrenic fucks. There are more reasons to NOT make an open disclosure than not.

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I think his point is that it's impossible to actually know, so the only way to consider the likelihood of it being true, is how much the narrative fits with the person's agenda.

Organic robotic workstation with language learning capabilities.

I could believe it. Perhaps NPC meme is the ultimate red pill.

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In that case why even bother with us? They could just sit back and watch us destroy each other. No need to interfere. No need to abduct and experiment. They want or need something from us or they wouldnt even bother with stopping here.

What did he say? Sounds like fagit.
Hope the dog has found a good hiding spot.

For additional enlightenment on the subject of the ayyylmaos one need only observe the
>Qmap and Qweb of the #GreatAwakening, hat tip Dylan Louis Monroe.
I would post them here except that every thread containing either of them gets pruned, deleted, or archived instantly. hmmm...

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For as stupid as humans can be, our brain is still more advanced than any computer system. Sure we may not be able to multiple ten digit numbers in nanoseconds, but we are still able to use our senses and decode the information faster than any computer system can.

I don't believe in alien abductions. I believe however that military abductions could be a thing to traumatize people, and experiment with mk ultra techniques.

To The Stars Academy


These are not mutually exclusive, user.

take your wack retarded alien (((freemasonry))) and shove it up your ass

What's in all this fast space then?

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Basic answer? For the same reason we interfere with tribes in Africa. Monkeys in the Amazon forest and penguins on the Antarctic, because intelligence is analogous to curiosity and intervention.

My own theory due to my experiences seeing MORE than one person saying the same shit, people who have no way of knowing each other or even speak the same language, points towards at least in part what Steven Greer said. We have, on some level psychic abilities and E.T.s are very interested on that, some of them are literally space missionaries whose objective is to "do good" which requires them to help lesser species, some of them probably have a fetish for control like our elites, and that's what most of them want to protect us from. There are also things like humans being mentioned as "recipients" which only makes sense from a spiritual perspective, as well as earth itself having some sort of "guardians".

It's a submersible drone carrier that they're covering up with AYYlmaos

Yeah was playing spastic, it's how it unfolded.
Take note.

I honestly wonder what the fuck are we them, because if many E.T.s do have the ability to change dimensions, and OUR souls are basically from a different dimension, tied to these bodies, how does all of that work? Because the religions that do talk about souls are always unanimous on the same thing, our souls are immortal. If thing from different dimensions do not die, how would life for them even work, is it even considered life?

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Can the aliens really not cobble together a truth seeking algorithm better than us?

Fucking pathetic if true frankly, 3/10 ayys apply yourselves.

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Space is fake news

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>These are not mutually exclusive, user.
of course they are
all the people into this alyum nonsense are seeking an answer to a question
the same answer religious people are seeking
the question "what's the fucking point of being here?"
it doesn't matter wether you consider aliens to be gods or just space apes, point is, you consider them to be at the very least our equals
we're unique and alone, and that's the first clue to consider finding salvation or a meaning to all of this
problem is you look outside instead of looking inside
you need to reevaluate your priorities because you've lost all individuality and group consciousness at the same time
just by believing even for one second in some kind of hollywood reassuring reality

And I'm positive kikes are behind it all

>There are also things like humans being mentioned as "recipients" which only makes sense from a spiritual perspective, as well as earth itself having some sort of "guardians".

Any good links for looking into this?

Lier interviewed some of the doctors.