
After Hiroshima, Nagasaki and carpet bombings on german cities, when the russians already did the dirty work: Are americans now officially cowards not storming area 51?

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The Russians did literally nothing vs Japan.
Sausage is for muslim threads and goes in all orifices

why would storming their own military bases make them not cowards? storm moscow and gangbang putin's daughter

umm guys is are the hands in the pic human hands?

see everyone realizes that being arrested isn't fun. But showing up at the gate/fence CAN be fun.

And it's either FUN, or BORING. I choose FUN.

You're in control of security for tippitty top secret technology the public isn't allowed to see under any circumstances. Do you
>A) Move the base (or things inside) the moment you're informed of thousands of autists planning a raid on it on the off chance one decides to go through with it and slips through
>B) Move the base (or things inside) the moment it became a fucking meme 50 years ago or whenever it was
>or C) Don't do your job and leave everything as-is

D) Start rumors about an insignificant base myself to draw attention away from the base you've never heard of.

>taking over a jap controlled area the size of the US in a month.
>not the main reason for dropping an A-bomb and sending a message to the incoming commie zerg

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Aren't the soldiers on the military base also Americans?

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Manchuria isn't the size of the us you retarded leaf, also Manchuria was third world as fuck towards the end of the war

I resent the US govt calling us clowns, when they're the fucking retards helping kikes rape and murder children.

Sure, and you gave USSR everything they wanted in Europe because your a 'nice people' lmao. fuck off with your cope.

According to Bob Lazaar (*sp?) They moved all the good shit to a different area
in Nevada back in the late 80s

The higher up humans in every sphere get bought out, racketeered, or blackmailed... what do you expect? Every person to go full Jesus or Hitler mode??
And did anyone else look at the hands in OP oic?

man i'd love to post related pics again but they banned me from uploading!

No, we did because America is owned by ZOG. Patton's could've taken Berlin first.

Our dumbest people are somewhat educated and not completely void of common sense.
>Restricted Area. Deadly force authorized
>No trespassing. Violators will be shot

Those 2 signs are mostly adhered to in America.

>when the russians already did the dirty work

Russians would have lost without the alies, They consripted kids and the 60 year olds and still barely reached Germany by 1945.

Why is no one commenting that these look like fucking aliens!?! Helllooo!

Except for defeating a million troops.

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the shame of the entire world

Fuck of hans your destroyed Europe 3 times in less than a century