The politics of eschatology

Communist China is an excellent example of the undeniable importance of Jesus Christ to politics.

There are many other examples, but this will suffice.
Churchianity is allowed, as Catholicism(TM) only cares about worldly power. They gladly sacrifice any and all principles as long as they get a slice of the pie.

Real Christians are losing their freedom and their lives in China because they have Hope outside of the government mandated system.

The Chinese fear this because freedom from fear leads to independent thought.
See what is happening in Hong Kong.

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Our brothers and sisters in Christ bring a bag of clothes with them to their meetings because they expect to be arrested.

But, they GO!

They do not fear the oppression.
They welcome it.
They know it glorifies the Lord Jesus Christ.

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Christcucks need to be exterminated for the good of all folk and this planet. The only thing that has been more detrimental to our species than Christianity was the Younger Dryas impact event. Those who base their views on ancient Jewish fiction are the most degenerate beings on this planet.

They know it will bring the Good News to others and more will receive eternal salvation as a result.

China could benefit from a population who will obey the law and develop a harmonious society.

They instead choose genocide.

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Do you feel better now?

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Anyhow, like I was saying, China could benefit.
The Chinese people have a remarkable ability to cooperate.
This is abused by so-called Communists who are nothing more than the same rich tyrants who plague every nation.

They bury their own history and build a civilization on a heap of lies.

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lol china and jesus dont mix

Hong Kong could serve as an example of what China COULD be.

Instead, they seek to kill their best hope because those in power would lose.

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There are over a hundred million Christians in China.

What doesn't mix is this fallen world.
You, for instance.
You prefer to wallow in your own preferred sin.
You hate what Jesus represents because you would have to surrender your pride and admit that you do not measure up.

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Here we see perfect examples of why Christianity must be eradicated. It takes cultures and destroys their truth in order to twist them to fit a singular Jewish worldview. No ideology has ever been more degenerate and destructive than Christianity. Islam and Judaism pale in comparison.

That's because Islam and Judaism, like all other religions, are spawned from Satan to lead people away from salvation.

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Jews still hate Jesus after two thousand years!
They murdered Him and the guilt still burns in their racial consciousness.

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Satan doesn't exist. Yeshua doesn't exist. Yahweh doesn't exist. It's all Jewish fiction and anyone who believes in it is a subhuman degenerate.

How very enlightened of a viewpoint.
Enjoy your time in this world.
It's as close to heaven as you'll ever get.

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Here's a little bit more about the person you'll be spending eternity with...

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An eternity which will arrive shortly.
Almost forgot about the eschatology part of this thread.

The End of the church age is quickly approaching.
You will be free of us soon.
What follows won't be all that great, but God is giving Satan his chance to run things his way for a few years.

After that is brought to an end, Jesus will establish His Kingdom on earth (the real one, not the fake Catholic version).

Those who choose Him live on to enjoy it.
Those who oppose Him don't.

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yes, we know kike on a stick has mind control powers. all high-tier kikes who have achieved ethereal form has that power. it's nothing unusual.
repent to christ and let go of kike on a stick. just because jesus is purposefully throwing his visage away to three separate demons because he finds it funny is no reason to not seek him in his true form.
2/100 opium war stealing of silkworms from china luciferian demons

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Nonsense. Simple etymological research shows that you fundamentalists don't even know the first thing about your own tradition. Lucifer is a light-bringer who fell from heaven. The origins of the word diabolos are similarly along the lines of "cast down through." That myth is just another permutation of the ancient warnings against meteor impacts resulting from catastraphobia in the aftermath of the Younger Dryas impact event. All of the symbols and hidden meanings in the Abrahamic tradition are just copies of the "prehistoric" mystery school etched in stone from Gobekli Tepe to Giza to the temples and mounds of the Americas. The simplest research proves that a literal view of the Bible is nothing more than the political propaganda of Jews who took advantage of an already existing system to establish their own cult of control. It is for this same reason that all of the occultism in the Judeo-Christian tradition such as sacred number theory, sacred geometry, etc. is just another iteration of the mystery religion of antiquity. The only originality to the cults of Abraham is its insistence on dogmatic belief in literal interpretations and blind submission to cult leaders.

The babbling of those who quote the Bible is nothing more than the prattle of children who know nothing about this world. Empirical research into the ancient mysteries has shown that reincarnation is a fact, not the singular eternal fate dictated by the cults of Abraham. Threatening learned men with such nonsense as is found in the Bible is devoid of meaning, for the learned man knows that the Bible is entirely wrong.

You have been visited by the Win Worley of dead and dying spiritual kingdoms.

Satan's kingdom is coming to an end soon, but only if you take up your authority in Christ and go to war against the hosts of hell (Ephesians 6:12).

To begin, come to the Lord with the following prayer in you heart and on your lips:
>Dear Lord God, I am a believer who professes your Son, Jesus Christ, as Lord and Savior. As an heir of salvation, I am aware of the tremendous power and authority which you have delegated to me through your Son and your Word. Dear Lord, I now wish to exercise this authority for the furtherment of your glory and kingdom.
>In accordance with Luke 10:17-20, I claim authority over all of the enemy spirits.
With the above, you now outrank all powers, authorities, dominions, principalities, world rulers, kings, princes, Satan and all angelic ranks.
>In accordance with Matthew 21:21-22, I claim authority over all the enemy's Earthly institutions, corporations, agents, entities, etc.
The above gives you ground to launch an offensive against, for example, Google.
>In reference to Hebrews 1:14, I request protection against the blows of the enemy.
Very important. If you start praying warfare prayers, you're going to be on Satan's hit list pretty quickly.
>I bind the above to the third heaven in accordance with Matthew 18:18.

With the above, you can now wage war in the heavenlies. How you do this is up to you; plan and strategise.
For example, suspect a member of high society is engaging in nefarious activities? Send a spirit of revelation to enter into their midst, if something is being hidden, it'll become known. When it is known, continue to pray by sending out appropriate spirits to protect the course of justice.

Couple of videos on the subject:

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Cope harder if you like.
It won't help.

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>The wicked shall be turned into hell, and all the nations that forget God.


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A false Christ is not the answer.

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"Cope" would be cultists like you spamming ancient Jewish texts because rational inquiry has proved the falsehood of your beliefs. You have blind faith in lies because you cannot admit to the truth which is evident only through investigation. Your accusations of others being driven by pride is a projection of your own inability to admit to being misled, indoctrinated, and brainwashed to serve as a slave to evil masters. You assuage your fear, embarrassment, and resentment by assuring yourself that others will be punished for not adhering to your cult. Of course, that exact reaction is laid out in the cult manual which controls your life. In that regard, there really is no difference in the way cults like Scientology isolate and delude their victims and the teachings of Christianity. Blind faith in the cult, blind rejection of everything else. You are told to take the desperation you feel in wanting to be right as a sign of the presence of Yahweh, but it is in fact the last attempts of your rational mind to reject what even children can recognize as falsehood when not sullied by cult indoctrination. The more desperate you become, the more you delude yourself into blindly following the cult in order to ease your despair. It is through this process of ever increasing delusion that the Abrahamic cults degenerate people into worthless subhumans.

when you die you cease to exist. That is why resserection is so important. Jesus died and rose again defeating death once and for all. Jesus saves everyone from death. Because of Jesus everyone will eventually life forever with God. Hell exists but it is not forever. Those that go to hell will eventually enter the kingdom. God in the end will be all in all. Jesus saves all even the devil in the end. The blood of Jesus saves not just men but also demons.

Their are 3 resserections. The first one is for believers, the second one is those who on judgment day are found in the book of life. The last group are those that go to hell and die again, and are later on resurrected when death is abolished. When God abolishes death those that went to hell and died there will be resurrected.In order to get into the first resserection you have to believe that Jesus is Gods son, that he really died (ceased to exist) and that he rose again from the dead three days later. Both the idea of the trinity and an afterlife invalidate true beliefe in the gospel. Jesus cannot die if he is God and he cannot die if death does not really exist (afterlife). Also the beliefe in free will contradicts the gospel. People who believe in free will believe in salvation by willpower, it the difference between faith in Jesus, and faith in faith. Faith is Gods gift, you cannot choose to believe in God on your own. God makes vessels of honor and dishonor. Before you are born, whether you would go to heaven or hell was already chosen for you. Check out the links to find out more.

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Hell is not forever. The people that go to hell will eventually get out and get saved. 1 Corinthians 3:15

Mathew 5:26 Jesus says hell is finite and you will gry out when you finish paying.

Matthew 18:34-35. Jesus again says you will get out when you finish paying for your sins.

Mark 9:47-50. Jesus is talking about hell and says everyone will experience the fires of hell, and that it is good. Not only that but Jesus is quoting Isaiah 66:24. And Isaiah 66:24 literally says that the people that go to hell will literally die and be turned to ash.

Malachi 4:1-3. The last chapter of the old testament says that the people that go to hell will die and turn to ash.

Satan Dies! Satan is killed and turned to ash by the fires if hell in Ezekial 28:18-19.

Here's the thing OP. After going to hell and dying again, eventually at a later date God abolishes death(he litterally kills death) and all the dead people rise up again (if they are still dead then death cannot die) And God will be all in all. 1 cor 15:25-28.

Jesus is the savior of all men and especially of those that believe 1 Tim 4:9-11.

Everyone who inherits original sin because of Adam will be raised up to life because of Jesus. 1 Cor 15:22

The death of Jesus justified all mankind. Roman's 5:18.

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So what you're saying is that since you rely on your own understanding, not the finished work of Jesus, it's hard for you to just be content knowing your future is going to be okay?

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Again, Yeshua does not exist. It's a fictional character invented by Jews. There is no truth to the Bible. The truth does not fear investigation, which is why the false cults of Abraham demand faith and obedience.
I have no worries about the future. As the ancients said, this life and this world are simply temporary manifestations of a permanent whole. As Arjuna is told in the Bhagavad Gita, death is illusory because what is real cannot be killed. Every day, researchers gather more evidence proving that Christianity is false and the pre-Christian mysteries are truth. It is only cultists who follow false teachings who worry for the future, turning that despair into zealous, blind faith to avoid the wounding which would result from admitting to have been duped, brainwashed, and enslaved.

Not even Catholics pimp this heresy.
Universal salvation is yet another Satanic distraction from actual salvation.

I can see how you could skim over the Bible and come up with annihilation of the soul, but universal salvation?!

You have never read the whole Bible.

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Again, you are wrong.

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I go to a Bible study during lunch break at work sometimes and it was started by a guy from China. In China, they jokingly call the prison seminary as most all of their Church leaders have been arrested/killed. Those people have real faith and sometimes it makes me wonder how many Christians America would have if we underwent the same persecution.

Why would I care about a medieval forgery? The first time the Shroud of Turin appears in history, it is in a letter from a bishop to the pope explaining that it is a fraud. If it were real, it certainly would have been known to the gospel writers since those texts were written decades after the supposed time of Yeshua, yet it isn't mentioned a single time. An object proving the core of the cult beliefs would be the most important thing to the early Christians, but not one mention of it appears until that letter explaining it as a fraud. None of the relic hunters such as Constantine's mother, who returned to Rome with objects peddled to her as genuine relics from the crucifixion, mention such an object, which would have been the holy grail (another item which is not mentioned at all until the Knights Templar invented it as a means to spread a subversive message about pre-Christian occultism) of relics.

Every single avenue of investigation one can undertake shows that Christianity is false. This is why Christcucks reject reason, logic, and anything else that isn't blind faith in the writings of ancient Jews.

It would be the best way of bringing revival.
Churchianity has almost destroyed America.

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