Started reading for the first time in my life

>started reading for the first time in my life
>rapidly became a leftist

Uhh, I'm not convinced that Uni's are the problem, bros.

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>things that never happened

It is proven that education is highly correlated with being on the left side of the political spectrum. In-fact, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to be left-wing.

Go suck a cock

I read the Harry Potter series and now I vote only Democrat

An answer I'd expect from the uneducated

See, reading even children's books is enough to dispel faulty right-wing argumentation.

Stop reading Harry Potter.

Dumbledore dies, snape kills him.

list books that marked your leftist transformation

>What is brainwashing?

Why is it the education is the most reliable path to truth in all ways, but ideological?

The Republic

which books desu desu?

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A singular book? Not much of a list.

What’s say, the top 3 right wing books you read in this process?

It is all cherry picked, if the universities started teaching eugenics and racial science. You all would be advocating to sterilize niggers.

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Read Il Principe before you say anything

Discourse on Inequality, The Wealth of Nations

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I think you being too dumb to think critically is the problem

>And you learn to think critically by not reading books

I have a library in my home. I have radicalised hundreds of young white men.

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people with average IQ shouldnt be educated becaue they fail the think critically about what they are being taught. The accept it unquestionably just like bible thumpers and bootlickers.

It’s good that you’re getting an education, but your lack of reading comprehension, or perhaps an inability to count to three shows your journey has miles to go before you sleep.

Don’t get arrogant. Good luck with your future endeavors.

>An elephant is the trunk!
>no, it's a leg!
Remember that it's popular to talk about leftist talking points in books - you have to look for the whole pictures at brief, but visible tidbits scattered in the book and not talked about much.

Example from the book I started reading:
>Georgian society is rife with domestic violence
>half the book dedicated to it
>after modernization of police force and creating of NGOs targeting this, the domestic violence against women decreased
now something that was only written about in one paragraph at an end of a chapter
>...but domestic violence against men started to dramatically raise

Any data prior to removal of civics and federal involvement in curricula formation?

reading makes you more open minded at the beginng. most people get stuck there and leaning left. smart people start to see a pattern and go right

So do you want a third book, or not? What would you provide upon me naming a third book? To be honest it feels like you are using this as an excuse to not form an argument.

You couldn’t even understand one sentence, not convinced you could make it though an entire book

so that's why the more education people acquire the more left they become on average?

weird i read kant, hegel and nietzsche and the exact opposite happened.

Absolutely seething


Do you have anything else to say?

>not having a Master's in Political Science and being a right-wing monarchist
Plebe. I spit at your feet.
Had to get a lame office job though

>most modern education is propaganda

>been an avid reader my whole life
>radical centrist after swinging through several sincerely held but ultimately nonsensical political viewpoints
If you've recently picked up reading and suddenly have strong opinions on matters you barely understand you're a walking example of Dunning-Kruger Effect.

It's also pretty fucking rich that you're calling people uneducated while posting this atrocity:

>The Republic
The Republic slants heavily to the right, lol

>>rapidly became a leftist
Go suck contra's shriveled cocklet, faggot

>In-fact, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to be left-wing.
True, if you study irrelevant shit like sociology, gender queer theory and other college scams, there are not many left-wing people who are TRULY educated (usually STEM).
education != intelligence or knowledge

education correlates with wealth that correlates with dwelling in artificial bubbles devoid of real problems.

Your statement is asinine. What books? What about those books? Anyone can read some crap and believe anything.

>the virgin measured, Greek response
>the chad Roman “blow it out your ass”

what bs are you reading? the more i read the further right i go

We're all socialists here you know.

t. repressed rich faggot pedophile

Probably wouldn’t be able to understand it if I did

I received my certificate of indoctrination while wearing a cube of saturn. I'm now enlightened.

Only now?!

>so don't get educated, also education bad


>you're a walking example of Dunning-Kruger Effect
I don't believe so

>education bad

peak of every profession is dominated by those who hold left-wing views and the exceptions are proven grifters with profit motives.

I would like to try if you'd be generous enough

institutionalized academia is the opposite of becoming educated. and the longer you stay in, the stronger the inverse proportionality becomes

>education bad
You sure seem to lack it

Do you have anything else you would like to say?

I spend all my money on knowledge and tools.

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>I spent time reading this and therefore agree with it entirely
lol you're unironically retarded. I get why people are marxists but to stick with it you're either evil or stupid.

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It's more that the books published are ones that can’t have controversial ideas unless they are being greatly criticized. I know the feeling after my first two college english classes I stopped reading any literature unless it was really specific. Such as hard sciences and textbooks. Since I figured it was going to mostly be White or POC Feminism. Or the non-fiction was going to be about how Trump is a child rapist antichrist who wants to gas the muslims. Or literature along the lines of Trevor Noah’s Born a Crime which kept insisting racism is illogical and whitey fucked up everything through imperialism. Then the noble warring african tribes fought valiently against whitey. Best part was his continual condemnation of white people but then the men from another african tribe tried to rape his mom simply from being from a different tribe but no it was white people’s fault for that.

FFS, You can't trust retards with power and only the enlightened upper echelon's should have it. Did you even read it?

>I don't believe so
Yep, sounds like classic DKE.

>start reading books by leftists recommended by other leftists and jews
>start becoming a leftist
yeah thats the way it works. start reading some more books



I am a firm believer that leftists are just getting smarter to try impress women, thats why they are beta cucks and sois. They want womens approval. And for selfish reasons. So they all agree on the same shit they can legitamise it as a belief that is caring and for women to see it.

Thus your guided by your cock, and that is retarded.

When you actually use your brain, you realise that all these people are trying to solve problems in the world, without any experience doing it and have no physical experience in running part of the world and how the real world works is totally different to what ((( education )) brings, (((education ))) is nothing more than indoctrination by communists infilrating our education system.

>doesn’t understand the concept of the authors worldview

Lel, here I am with my MEng and I'm leaning so far right I'm already wrapping around to the left. Guess I'm nationalistic and a little bit a fan of state capitalism. Must be a Chinese bug I caught.

You are a g a y n i g g e r

you do realize the science says niggers are highly correlated with crime, right? what do you have to say about that?

>believes everything any authority says
>doesn't realize most educators are infantilized baby sitters
>thinks his professors arent given an agenda
What is it like to be living in total dissonance with reality?

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Don’t say Uni faggot. This isn’t Europe. Be an American or suck a black cock.

People who are moderately smarter than average think that they should be in charge. This is the conceit that drives centralisation and planned economies. Very smart people realise that the world is far too complex to be adequately understood by a human intelligence and opt for the hands-off, laissez-faire approach.

Going back to plebbit might be the answer though fag

That is basically the basis if those french pieces of shit like sartre and D&G. Fuck the french, jews without wit is what they are.

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why is communism on the left again? Its what happens when the country leans to far to the left and its a terrible thing because it doesnt work.War, famine. War, famine. Is how communism works, War, famine, growth, bust, War... is how capitalism worse. At least there is a positive side to communism and it repeats itself, whereas as communism is just miarable 24/7 until reverting to capitalism.

Do you believe that you are "a walking Dunning-Krueger Effect". If not, then you surely see how easily it'd be for me to use your words against you.

Could you provide evidence for any of this?

Black people in the U.S. commit more crime on average, yes.

Do you have evidence for these claims?

If you read books written by a single side of the argument you're obviously only getting one side.


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doubt it because im highly intelligent, in school, in college, everyone considers me an intelligent guy. I have a problem NOT trusting my own words instead of having confidence in them, so I doubt im a walking Dunning-Krueger effect in the way you imply Im at the initial peak of the graph because im not a retarded lefty. Lefties are some real dunning-kruegers.


Stories that never happened please.

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It's proven that education is highly correlated with respecting marshal Kim Jong Un. In fact, the more educated you are, the more likely you are to respect him. All the experts agree that he learned to drive a car at age 5 and can hit a hole-in-one every time when playing golf.

Many formal education institutions have been hijacked by left wing propaganda. It's not just that conservative views were pushed aside, they are now being outright banned in many universities. Also, many studies which show this correlation only count formal (degree granting) universities. I've met plenty of snobs that think they are highly educated, but can't even check the oil in their car. Not that checking oil is the final determination of education, but just an example that only one kind of education is being counted and it's one where the institutions built around it are only ever presenting one side of an argument.

The difference between conservatives and liberals is that liberals only ever read liberal news sources. Conservatives read both. Harvard University and The New York Times were once highly respected institutions in education and journalism respectively. They are now piggy-backing on that reputation to force one particular world view. What made them credible to being with, and are they still doing what is necessary to maintain that credibility? I say they aren't credible anymore. Liberals have decided that the rule of "once credible, always credible" applies and that it can never be lost. So they repeat the lines of "A Harvard study shows..." and "According to The New York Times...", not realizing they might as well cite soccer mom Karen down the street as their source (and they often do that too).

Go right ahead. I do try to bear in mind that I might be less knowledgeable than I think, but really everyone is susceptible to DKE and questioning other people's opinions (alongside your own) is definitely something you should continue to do.

It’s not over yet Jew.

soi boys and cucks, sexual fantasies associated with being whipped and controlled by the female due to his lust, insecurity and greed. They are ALL lefties, not righties. Basic observational truth, don't need a study to see that it is true if you look at the real world.

You. Are. A. Cuck. Dilate. Seething. Faggot.

> peak of every profession is dominated by those who hold left-wing views and the exceptions are proven grifters with profit motives.

prove this

Commendable post, wish you the best of luck

It'd be easier if you provided an example of a field that doesn't fit the description

Why are incels and right-wing beliefs so highly correlated?

>A soccer mom is an equal authority of information than Harvard University
I don't think this is true

No, faggotry is.
Thanks for proving it again, OP.

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I don't consider myself to be a homosexual

>has read only one book in his life
Yep that checks out

> It'd be easier if you provided an example of a field that doesn't fit the description

No. You made the claim now back it up. Either prove it or expose yourself as someone full of shit

You're just kneejerking now. Time to stop posting

As you wish. How many fields of study do you want me to validate for you?

Do you want to say anything else?

>has read only one book in his life
Yep that checks out

> As you wish. How many fields of study do you want me to validate for you?

20 fields. There can be no conservative counterpart to whoever you post at the top of the field. Also, prove that well known right wingers are grifters

I have read more than one book

because incels are a made up group of people as shaming tactic by the "compassionate left" to determine the enemy (right) project their own obsession with being approved by women onto right win men who aren't getting laid and "can't" (as if that is a measure that can be taken with defined classes "can get laid and cant get laid") get laid because of their "right wing beliefs" or "hate of women".

I think your dad must have sucked.

You've only named 1

Also don't say Guns, Germs, and Steel lol

Tfw OP doesn't want to talk to me. OP what do you think of the fact that CIA pop culture is based off of the ideology of sabbatean frankist jew Walter Benjamin's ideology? Why didn't you reply to my post with Baudrillard calling you a retard? Do you not know who he is?

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Cool. And to elaborate, when I said "the exceptions are proven grifters with profit motives", I did not mean that individual exceptions among a left dominated field are grifters, but that fields that are dominated by right-wingers are invariably grifters with profit motives. With that clarified, would you like me to continue providing the 20 fields?

I named 2 more here I could name more that I have read if you find it persuasive

I apologize, I am replying to a lot of people, I lost track of you. If you could direct me to your previous post I will give my best attempt at a response.