>Ethnostate/settlement in Eastern/Central Russia beyond the Urals?

Would Siberia/Russian lands east of the Urals be a good location to start an ethnostate or at least a community based on those principals? Think about it
>Sparsely populated
>Out of sight and out of mind from ((Them))
>Thousands of miles of untouched land
>lack of authority
>Russian gov wants people to move out there
>Bounty of natural resources
>Russian government wouldn’t give enough of a shit to Waco your settlement and even if they would, you can always pay them off
>Nobody would bother you for owning illegal firearms and you could always pay them off or even buy proper military equipment for the right price because of the aforementioned corruption and huge surpluses of old but still effective guns and vehicles
>Can make money off of lumber and perhaps even oil if you get lucky
>Far away from degeneracy and a good place to raise children because of that
Seems like a good idea as long as you can get enough startup money and you and other people who are joining you know what they are doing and can survive out there

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Siberia is beautiful but very underdeveloped.

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Based. Also, you forgot to mention that with rapidly increasing temperatures, vast areas of newly habitable land will open up across these places, allowing even more room for expansion/cheap agricultural lands.

>yes goy immigrate go trash one of the last untouched spaces on earth while subverting the local culture
gee no wonder kike memeflags and burgers support this plan

Whites should settle this land or China will turn it into a nuclear waste land dump.
The local culture is just Slavs and gooks drinking themselves to death, it's not exactly St. Petersburg.

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>you cant have natural reserve otherwise the bid bad gooks will destroy them
>destroy the land first otherwise somebody will destroy it before you
litteral jewish mentality

>The local culture is just Slavs and gooks drinking themselves to death, it's not exactly St. Petersburg.
wrong, its milions of people practicing muh based larp religions and living according to the ways of their ancestors, everyhing Jow Forums loves
yet you're going to flood these guys with foreigners?

>Siberia is beautiful but very underdeveloped.
>oy vey look at all that untouched space, quick flood it with foreigners and crowd it until it looks like bangladesh
show flag
i bet on a burger

China will literally grab that land if its empty and it will be because locals are dying out or moving to European Russia so they can have a Westernized urban lifestyle.

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>China will literally grab that land if its empty and it will be because locals are dying out or moving to European Russia so they can have a Westernized urban lifestyle

they're not grabbing shit, they have a lot of internal issues, their external trade balance is decreasing and they are too focused on their internal market to do anything.
if theres any place where they invest en masse its africa
plus on an internal level they are getting replaced by uyghurs and mongols
there are enough forces there to nuke china twice
your argument makes no sense you're just trying to get people to move their to destroy the land and flood it with foreigners

>inb4 russian shill
no i am not russian i am just sick of seeing faggy thread like these inciting people to immigrate from a country to another, thats whats fueling globalization and the greater mixing of the culture into a bloated mess
this is nefast to both the nature and our own culture

>A white colony would destroy the land
Sure thing Chaim

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>implying a bunch of mutt neckbeards chasing away the locals, burning the land and cutting all trees wont destroy the land
show flag schlomo

Fuck off, shill. Definition of ethnostate means white. Assume quality whites (like most of us are). It's too easy to shit on an idea. Let's hear your better idea, faggot.

What's your real agenda?

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And it will be better after climate change.

>the jewish golem that wants to immigrate to subvert another country think i am the shill
> Let's hear your better idea, faggot
how about each one of us stays in its respective country instead of acting like a colossal faggot, plus you cant really complain about the lack of untouched space in your country
no immigration, fighting back against the globalists which destroy our countries by trying to overthrow them
as opposed to you (((memeflag))) that are pushing for immigration because of muh empty spaces

Based and redpilled.

Stand and fight, don't run and hide.

Many people have tried in the US. The government violently destroys all attempts to live secularly or ideologically-based. OP addresses this issue by explaining why the Russian government would be better in this area.

I'm not telling you to move personally you dumb meme fag but for people who live in nigger/spic/Arab infested areas and want to start a white colony it could be a decent solution. Provided you have good wilderness skills are are Jow Forums

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an old town that Jow Forums austists restore and get running again

build a small airport and a connection to a railway line with railway station and we have ourselves a little spot

yeah, lets go there haha, right next to a jewish ethnostate, ahahahahahaha

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Israel's Jewish ethnostate is surrounded by Arabs. This is much friendlier territory to whites than that is too Jews.


Electric grids would be the main problem. Everything else can be imported.

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jewish ethnostate is majority russian lmao

No, because Chinks already haved a lot of free space in their country.
And you know, Siberia is fucking snow desert.

And they won't even adhere to the local customs, right...?

Yeah space to live but they need landfills to dump their hazardous garbage in

no. It's cold af. Once its below -15C/0F it sucks.

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so basically lebenspraum? rembember what happend last time?

Potential colonialists should definitely be able to stomach cold weather. But is has his benefits, there's no poisonous shit crawling through grass and it keeps mudskins away too.
There are some geysers though.

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I knew some French dudes who had such a ethno village project in Western Ukraine mountain. They were already living in Kiev and wanted to buy a whole village in the country and settle white nationalists there.

It failed because all their Ukrainian urbanite girlfriends in Kiev had no will at all to settle in the middle of nowhere in deep Ukrainian country.
You can't beat the pussy factor.

Well, the government actually gives away that land for free, only to the citizens though.

Non-citizens can buy land for dirt cheap.

that would be free hot water
have some pipe connected and some detector that starts pumping on a timer everytime the geysers go off and then a little pump house and sheds nearby with tanks

>below -15c it sucks
I can work over an hour in -25c wearing shorts and no shoes
you just gotta get used to it


I've worked in -25C. It sucks ass. A lot of productivity is lost at that temp working outside.

the absolute state of american'ts

A lot of weight is lost also