Becoming the UBERMENSCH

Bros how can I stop boozing, cooming, smoking, using drugs and otherwise being degenerate? I want to ascend to the highest tier of the mortal plane and be a master of my own fate and ascended chad nobody

Any advice from chadanons who have made it?

> inb4 just have discipline. yeah i know but is there any methods, mental states etc that can be recommended?
> inb4 no politics -- physical/mental/emotional state of young white men in the west to be able to overcome is 100% pol territory

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The chad nobody is the greatest shitposter who ever lived.

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the jannies bow before him in terror


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Someone once recommended me to read Benvenuto Cellini's Autobiography. I never got around to it. It's better advice than I can give you.

pick one thing and kick it in the dick. then move to the next fucker and kick it in the dick. keep repeating till al your demons have kicked dicks

Attached: zFgNw7y8On-4.png (300x250, 27K)

I managed to kick smoking weed right in its stoner dick but booze is much harder.

Fuck off with the discipline meme. "Discipline" is the same thing as "motivation," a spook, an imaginary thing that you say someone has when they do something well.

Do what you want. That's the true bottom line
If you want to do something every day, then do it every day.
If you want to try something new, try something new and see what happens.
If you want to quit something, quit it.
If your experience changes, and you change your mind, that's fine. Don't do things you hate. Let yourself do what you want.

Beware of spooks. You can spot them because they're totally irrelevant to you doing what you want, but people will complain about them anyway.
The truth is not complicated. Granted, the path to the things that you want might be complicated, but the principal of doing what you want is not.

Alcoholic user here. It's hard man. I drank half of a 1.75 every day for years before I quit. One day you'll wake up and realize you don't need it.

Study the works of Dr David Hawkins. He teaches that all life on earth has a level of energy from 1-1000. 1 being bacteria, 1000 being Buddha or Christ. If you assiduously follow the pathway of negation you can get to 850, from there it is prayer and affirmation. 4% of the planet are 500 (energy level of love) or above, 0.4.% 540 (energy level of unconditional love) and higher.

user, the problem is your irrational brain and habits are overriding your rational brain.

Go and dl Atomic Habits as well as Thinking in Bets from Library Genesis. Thinking in bets last chapter has some very good mechanisms for breaking irrationality, i.e. mental time travel.

What I mean by mental time travel is, as if your future self could travel back in time and tell you to not fap, drink, do drugs, etc or to tell you to work out. One way mentioned in the book is before doing something bad is the 10-10-10 method, i.e. asking yourself "If I fap now how will I feel in 10 minutes, in 10 months, in 10 years"

The way it works for bad things is that it weaponizes the regret you'll feel in the future for your failure and brings it to the now where you're about to make a bad decision. It could even work with something other than "10", for example, "If I fap right now how will I feel tomorrow" or "If I fap every day from now on how will I feel in 10 years, will I look like The Coomer"

Interesting. Will check it out. Thanks

And this

Cont. from Another mechanism is futurecasting. i.e. Imagine you see your future self holding a newspaper with a headline saying "Goal Achieved, user finally stopped a 10 year fapping addiction", what did your future self did to get to that goal. Complimentary to that is a Premortem

A premortem is the newspaper having a headline mentioning your failure in the future, figure out what steps did your future self take to fail horribly, then avoid those steps and use the regret you feel to fuel you into succeeding. One of the things the book mentions is that visualizing the negative scenario along with the positive scenario has a bigger success rate than simply doing hippie positive visualization.

The real Illuminat are not what you think. We have no rituals.
We do not worship ourselves nor Satan
Enlightenment is not gained through sodomy.
Wealth is not equal to enlightenment.
The true enlightened ones are the nobodys.
The regular people.
The everyday folks with faith and understanding.
The light sought by those who preform Magik rituals is false. It leads to darkness and enslavement.
The only true way to the light is through Christ Jesus and his Father Yahweh.
It's not Judaic either, it's Christian.
Jesus himself taught quantum physics to us and the elite were so blinded they never realized the secrets he taught were so powerful.
They rely on man power and wealth.
Covetness and greed.
A true man of enlightenment can defeat an enemy when outnumbered, outgunned, and lacking the enemies sophistication.
This is because they are enlightened.
Look at the numbers during the American Revolution.
It was our faith in God that allowed us to win.
Outnumbered at every battle.
We ripped them to shreds.
We knew something they didnt.
We still do.
Who won the war?
Who were militias?
Everyday nobodys.

The inherent problem with our brains is that we'd rather feel good now than exercising restraint and feeling much better later. That goes out the window when you bring the negative scenario to the moment you're about to make a decision because feeling bad now over making the bad choice overrides the instant gratification you'd feel by it.

Good info user thanks for this

One final note, it's much easier to break a bad habit if you have a support system in place. i.e. friends, hobbies, etc.

There's some studies mentioned in Thinking in Bets where rats addicted to cocaine water that would otherwise keep drinking it until dead would break their addictive pattern if they were placed with other rats in a social environment

To further expound on the point of , the fag that wrote this article explains that by manipulating your environment it's much easier and takes much less willpower (a finite resource) to make or break habits

This is horrible advice

Yep, what proposes is your standard hedonistic bullshit.

You will live and die in ignoble obscurity, with a philosophy of life like that.

You aren't a hero to anybody, not even yourself.
How can you bear to live in such a wretched fashion?

When I use the word "want", do you think I mean the way an addict "wants" more of his drug? Because that's not what I mean.

What I mean by "what you want" is what you consider most valuable, what you would sacrifice anything to have. Not "wanting" on a superficial level, but what you're truly living for.
For example, a couple of the things I truly want are to raise a family, to be a good role model for my children and my peers, and to be a good husband.

If you aren't working towards the things that you consider life worth living for, then you're slowly sinking deeper into hell on earth.

You can’t, it’s all genes and genetic determinism is real. You know why chad is good looking and has confidence? It’s because his whole life people treated him like a god because of his genes which in turn made him confident on a subconcious level (fake it till you make it is bullshit).

stop posting here