You how someone put up signs that say "Islam is right about women" let do the same but make it say "Islam is right...

You how someone put up signs that say "Islam is right about women" let do the same but make it say "Islam is right about gays" and watch heads explode

Attached: ret4565676798799-;jgfi,xsc;' ']'#[-'[p'pk.png (508x846, 14K)

This one is better because women are good but gays are bad.

doesn't islam say stuff about dwarfs too?

Give it a nice rainbow and I’ll give it the go ahead.

The Muslim scholars don't just execute gays by throwing them off buildings for no reason at all. Their tiny Arab minds were not completely malfunctioning when quill met page on that terrible day of the birth of the Islamic scripture.

Islamic Scholars knew that there wasn't much preventing their fellow muslims from using Goats and other animals for sexual pleasure in public. If you haven't tried using a goat for sex, it's quite good, in fact as good or better than a woman because it's tighter.

Thing is all that is a slippery slope to your entire nation coming to an end when not-degenerate nations say it's a service to god to have every one of these Goat-fucking sand niggers killed.

And so reeling from genocides of times past, the scribe's quill met page: "Kill the gays by throwing them off buildings, they're a slippery slope to child-transgendering and after that bestiality".

There's no cognitive dissonance associated with this one.

just keep it to women, for now.
all women are gay anyways because they like dick

Islam is right about America.

It’s sad that you think Islam is based on race. Newsflash you can be white and Muslim. Second newsflash the Prophet killed a lot of ARAB pagans. In fact being a pagan was worse than being a Jew/Christian.

ADL is working overtime

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islam is right about most things. targeting women is more effective though since the majority of libshits are women.

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Problem with this one is that all the recipients have to say is “yeah, but Muh Christians.”

The Quran specifically calls out Jewish subversion.

The majority of faggots are libshits.

and this is a clear false flag to equate white supremacists to ISIS

no it doesn't lmao

> If you haven't tried using a goat for sex, it's quite good,

how did he know this?

Attached: clintugh.gif (210x198, 1.14M)

It's better cause Islam doesn't drop woman off builds for having a vage.

Print this

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this sucks.

Attached: ret4565676798799-;jgfi,xsc;' ']'#[-'[p'pk.png (508x846, 34K)