Can anyone of you formulate a coherent premise?

Do you know what it is?
A normal logical premise?
How it is at the center of all politics?
Every single issue can be narrowed down to it's core premise. Once that has been established, the premise will provide you all the things you need to solve it. A proper premise comes always with a set of instructions, if you will, to solve a dilemma.
>doctor, doctor, my arm hurts when I raise it
>well, don't raise it

Attached: frank.jpg (1280x720, 71K)

Other urls found in this thread:

You don't need an IQ over 90, when you know how premise works.
You will never end up in situations, where above 90 IQ is required, when you know how premise operates.

>A normal logical premise?
>How it is at the center of all politics

lol. This one just fell off the Turnip truck.

>when the premise is correct, everything that flows from it, is equally correct
>when the premise is false, everything that flows from it, is equally false

Pure logic.

qrd, please, I have something else on my headphones.

As we finns say, clever will solve problems wise will never has to face.

I refuse to believe that this is some advanced science.

If it is, this world truly is the apes world, and I am nothing but a freak in it.

You do not understand the first thing about politics. You are conflating reasoning with politics.

I think this is what you're missing.

Have you noticed that the logicians aren't the ones sitting on the thrones?

OP is gay because xir’s aids virus seeps into every word xir types.

Good point. I am well aware of Niccolo Machiavelli and Sun Tzu. Few others too.

That's not the point. All of those gentlemn, were following a premise. To Niccolo "who to maintane power", to Sun Tzu "how to acquire more power".
See, you can narrow it down, always, to a nice short sentence.

*niccolo HOW to maintane...

Logical premise: the laws of thermodynamics are immutable and society should be structured to sit in an entropic minimum. Maximizing entropy (racemixing, adultery, broken families) invites extinction.
Your turn vpn shill.

convoluted shit.

>Jews keep raping civilization
>Well then we should remove them from civilization

When you narrow down an issue, to a nice, sometimes even beautiful sentence, everyone who reads it, will almost immediatelly get a solution to it. If you are presenting them a problem.

Just few words are sometimes needed, to cover a vast vast set of problems.

Good example as pure logic would dictate.
As we are humans, destroying one other is not the first thing.

We would ask, why jews want to destroy whites? What's their premise?

When we find that out.. what would we do?

Looks like you don't actually understand science.
Society should be built around thermodynamics. You have no counterargument.

To learn to think on premise level, is like gaining 1000 points to your IQ.

What's the premise of your argument?

A mathematical test that could reliably separate these retards from a common troll would be a contribution to the field of political science.

Though I'm not sure such a device would be possible.

Well, I am mathematically quite fucking imbecile. Reason for it, is that I don't use it. I know, when I need to, compute shit, but, I am an amateur on it. Simply because I don't need it. It comes to me as given.
>people are good at what they do.
Solid premise.

>Core premise
Niggers ruin everything.

Attached: life in the ghetto.gif (200x150, 1.08M)

That is a tricky one.
The problem is bigger than we can fathom. Yet, I am sure there is a nice premise for it somewhere. The fact that I don't know something rightnow, doesn't the answer is not there!
In order to find truth, one must accept first that the truth exists! If you can't do that, you run around in circles.

*doesn't mean

The truth is, niggers ruin everything.

Attached: africa no whites.jpg (948x676, 95K)

In truth that is very relative.
You need to establish the starting point, then introduce niggers, then exactly how they ruin everything.
All you have is non coherent noise.
Since we need only ONE black man to prove otherwise and your theory collapses.

logic is used to talk shit, it's no longer valid social capital. for example your post is just shit talking, there is no substance there.

everyone who sees logicians use logic to talk shit now understands that these people are disfunctional. for example qouting or citing fallacies doesn't literally explain how a given point will fail or what you propose to do about it, it's just mockery masquerading as an argument.

normal people see right through this. the premise of modern understanding is that talking shit is dysfunctional, so if you don't make a point when using logic then there is something clinically wrong with you. the logic is notwithstanding.

This doesn't mean, that I don't see the problems here with racemixing.
I just want you to clarify your points.
If you /pol, do it right, no one will suffer at all.

this whole position betrays the premise of uniformitarian materialism, so under your system there would be no way to talk about it because it would always be a nonsensical conversation, by technicality and by category, nobody would be able to talk about it. that's regressive.

If I close my eyes, will your monitor turn off?
>lets find out

>uniformitarian materialism
What's this? Didn't read further.

the premise is that there is a racial mafia printing money, starting wars, and being cruel to all who serve it. noticing this is now called terrorism.

Premise 1: OP is a faggot.
Conclusion: SAH GAY

Here's the thing.
Finding out a premise, out of anything in front of you, becomes additing. In a good way. It becomes a passion. First as like - solving puzzles, then in knitting - kindof addiction.
Eventually you will get consumed by it, then you find out you have nominated to a rank of an angel.

You are a moron. One back man might be ok. Getting niggers together in any concentration and you will have unmitigated coonery in short order.

No, the premise is, that there are numerous different groups, with different agendas, and they collide with others, for ever and ever, until their goals are the same.

you need to find the real word for what youre feeling here, and you need to take your meds.

How would you formulate that into a premise?

Oh these works in real world.
These are the only thing that actually works.

How do we know what YOUR premise is......??

You have never asked it

Answer is that I don't know.

And you know what.
>I don't know
IS a valid answer, when you don't actually know.

The premise is niggers ruin everything.

There's just is more to it than that

No, no there is not. Water is wet, and niggers ruin everything.

We need to come to terms, that different races are infact different.
When blacks are in their own evolutionary level, with their own kind, they don't suffer.

The premise in the west is that blacks suffer when they are not like whites.

No. They ruin everything. There is not one African country that is not a shit hole.

See, the premise is very incorrect.
When you have an incorrect premise, it will generate lots of unhappiness and suffering.

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Have you asked Africans, do they feel the same way?

Blacks have in Africa, the way they want to live. It's not your moral "right" to tell them they got wrong

Blacks have their own culture. Whites have their own. Mixing these, are the works of the Devil.

Could you elaborate?
What's the premise of your argument?

Learning the use of premise, it will give you actual superpower.
>you will never lose an argument
>you will see where things are going, years before anyone else

And so on.
Gift from me to you /pol.
Like Prometheus gave fire once, now you have been given reason.
/end of thread

It's not an argument.

The ones that can leave flee. The rich ones steal UN gibs.

Here's my premise, you fucking nigger. I claim that Jews are responsible for all evil in the modern world.

The OP is a socially awkward fag.

>Doc, doc, exercise hurts when I do it
Dont exercise!
>doc, I really like alcohol and cocaine, they make me feel amazing!!
Well, keep doing them! As much as you can!!

>fails basic logic

You can have a true implication with false premises dummy

>why jews want to destroy whites
The jews (Neanderthal) want revenge on the the Cro-Magnon (whites) who nearly destroyed them. The Holorock was 30,000 years ago.

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All Finns are mongoloid retards
OP is a Finn
OP is a mongoloid retard.

It's all about parasites versus hosts. The rest is consequence.