If Jews are engaging in activity that is harmful to public order...

If Jews are engaging in activity that is harmful to public order, how does getting rid of them make society any less exploitable? If anything this would create a power vacuum that will lead to even greater chaos. Wouldn't it be smarter to create legislation which prevents this exploitation which has created so many grievances on Jow Forums?

Jow Forums will not do this because, despite being a supposed political board, they are too ignorant of politics to actually fix problems and will just point the finger at others instead.

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The military is the only entry the average American poster will have into politics

1.) Wrong.
2.) You can still study politics without being a politician.
3.) Plebs are mentally ill and the farther they are from power the healthier society will be.
4.) This is irrelevant to the question in the OP.

our government is owned by the private banks. legislation in their swamp will do nothing. we must regain free speech and create new systems. we must regain our own Constitution.

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Jews are batshit insane thats why they do that sort of behavior.

>far from power
this. our society is sick. we must learn our past before our systems work again. how many college grads can name these men? social science current education is indoctrination. politics is banker puppetry.

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>Jews are batshit insane
So is 99% of Jow Forums.
You have free speech. Now use it to answer the question in the OP.

>Wouldn't it be smarter to create legislation which prevents this exploitation which has created so many grievances on Jow Forums?
user, how are you going to create any legislation while the jews maintain an stranglehold on political power?

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Why get into an SUVs worth of debt when you can just start a political vlog

>how many college grads can name these men?
The painting is a little more complex than that. Firstly, the people in the painting are meant to represent people in antiquity while also being cameos of popular painters during the time it was created. (see pic related, can you find him in the painting?) Secondly, we have the two fellows in the center, who are clearly supposed to be Plato and Aristotle, engaged in conversation, cleverly telegraphed by the motion of their hands. "Where does the form lie?" Plato points to the abstract cosmos as Aristotle motions torwards the Earth. Thirdly, the painting is split right down the middle and we see people engaging in activities related to the aforementioned philosophers on either side.

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what does this have to do with the thread

>if someone is poisoning wells, abducting and raping children and then drink their blood is it a good idea to get rid of people who engage in such activities, surely someone else will just fill the gap that was left?

Do you realize how retarded you are? Only the jews will engage in this sort of behavior, that is why they have been kicked out of 109 countries and there are no problems when there are NO JEWS

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>there are no problems when there are NO JEWS
Do you really believe this?

>too ignorant of politics to
Start off with a premise, and end with an insult. Always the sign of an oven dodger.

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Yes, of course. Any minor problems we'd have without jewry would be negligible compared to what we have now. You're utterly blind if you can't see it

You're most likely a jew yourself because only jews reason in this manner. They think that "if I wouldn't do it, someone else would". Because they are devoid if any morals

>Start off with a premise, and end with an insult.
>starts post off with a premise and ends with an insult
uh oh

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a new and improved constitution. But constitutions monstly emerge only after bloody wars and that is a problem.
With everyday legislation you won't get far because it's too slow and too corrupted at this point (the corrupt won't displace themselves through legislation).
Part of that new constitution could have included that jews be expelled to Israel (peacefully).

>Any minor problems we'd have without jewry would be negligible
What are you talking about, retard? Everything 'jewish' now is shit that was clearly done by 'whites' previously. And if no one else would do it, then you should not have any problem with laws being created to make it illegal. I regularly see posts on Jow Forums about how 'whites' want to crawl back into the forest and suck Odin's cock, so don't pretend you are innocent and free of barbarism. Jow Forums posters regularly engage in aggressive, antisocial, insular behavior. If they had power they would be just as harmful to society as jews supposedly are. You just want to be the one holding the reins because everything is permitted if your 'tribe' profits in the end.

Napoleon outlawed jewish practices such as money-lending and the entire jewish community collapsed with 3 years, so if you think my method doesn't work you are ignorant of history. It has been proven to be the most efficient way to solve the problem.

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>Napoleon outlawed jewish practices such as money-lending and the entire jewish community collapsed with 3 years
haha wat

>In 1808 Napoleon rolled back a number of reforms (under the so-called décret infâme, or Infamous Decree, of 17 March 1808), declaring all debts with Jews to be annulled, reduced or postponed. The Infamous Decree imposed a ten-year ban on any kind of Jewish money-lending activity. Similarly, Jewish individuals who were in subservient positions—such as a Jewish servant, military officer, or wife—were unable to engage in any kind of money-lending activity without the explicit consent of their superiors. Napoleon's goal in implementing the Infamous Decree of 1808 was to integrate Jewish culture and customs into those of France. By restricting money-lending activity, Jews would be forced to engage in other practices for a living. Likewise, in order to even engage in money-lending activity, the decree required Jews to apply for an annual license, granted only with the recommendation of the Jews' local consistory and with the surety of the Jews' honesty. This caused so much financial loss that the Jewish community nearly collapsed.

>Edward Longshanks expels the jews
>no jews for over three hundred years
>Napoleon bans the jews from performing their tricks without a license
>lasts for ten years, jews exit the ghettos and invade the professions and then are back to their tricks
man legislation is so much more effective

your entire point is discussed by william luther pierce and his radio broadcast on this subject.

long story short; when whites exploit whites, it's for monetary gain. they atleast have a semblance of keeping the civilization moving so they can continue to exploit the fruits of the very productive labour.

when jews exploit whites, it's to undermine and destroy them permanently, to usher in a jew-only dominance.

this was the point of constitutional law. then the jews took over and taught everyone about 'rights' instead of the law. rights that the jews can tell you when, where and how to use. how convenient.

Gee, I’m not sure I can remember the guys name. Anyway there was this guy like 70-100 years ago who wrote a book answering your questions exactly. Then he enacted his plan and the whole world destroyed his creation because of group people who also cannot remember run the world. Maybe someone here can remember his name or the book even.

protocols of the learned elders of zion? by an unknown russian?

or the jews and their lies, by some weird christian goy?

how about 200 years together by some onions cheechan

Hitler took them to the Antarctic... not going to say "as a human blood sacrifice", but....

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You know the protocols is forgery that predicted the future though user? Dr. Peterson hasn’t heard of 200 years together so it must not be important.

Also the Lutherans have disavowed that kooky go Luther.


>Wouldn't it be smarter to create legislation which prevents this exploitation
There has been plenty of legislation in the way of Jewish subversive activity that they simply circumvent, historically mainly through trial and error and maybe most importantly perseverance.

There be no job in the government that a greasy kike does that a white person cant do. Germany did it why can’t anyone else. I’m sure there will be short term problems but the long term benefit it clearly worth it

>be church
>disown your own founder hundreds of years later because you love jew coom

when traditionalist lutheranism

Ummmmm you said jew coom!!!!
Im cooooomin right now!
I love jew jew coooooooom
Oh Oprah save me there is so much coooooooooooooom!!!!

>when jews exploit whites, it's to undermine and destroy them permanently, to usher in a jew-only dominance.
No, it's for money. Lots and lots of money.

Based OP. The problem is ultimately with the incentive to exploit, not with the ethnic group that happens to disproportionately exploit. Even if every Jew on the face of the Earth disappeared, Elite Asians and Whites would just pick up where they left off.

>If Jews are engaging in activity that is harmful to public order, how does getting rid of them make society any less exploitable?
It's one million-strong mafia less to worry about. They torture their own babies to make them fanatically loyal.

>They torture their own babies to make them fanatically loyal.

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Wtf, I love our baby sacrificing overlords now!!!!

>Wouldn't it be smarter to create legislation which prevents this exploitation which has created so many grievances on Jow Forums?
Why not do both?

I never liked how Socrates is off to the side since Plato's work revolves around Socrates- even after he became more of a stock character in his books.

However, it does fit Socrates' personality to be at work rather than being dramatic.

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>Wouldn't it be smarter to create legislation which prevents this exploitation which has created so many grievances on Jow Forums?
Legislation isn't enough. You have to create the will to be an honourable person. And unfortunately that is impossible in this day and age. People simply don't care.

How many people consider car insurance exploitable? They just do it. Even if the accident is true they exagerate their injuries. Just enough. Get a payout. Thousands do it. There are rules against it. It is impossible to really catch it. And it in turn increases the prices for thousands of consumers.

This is one tiny example that people do. And it isn't even the big bucks investors exploiting markets and currency. Unfortunately this is how the world works. When there is a strong growth there is just enough trickling down to improve society. But right now the middle class is being pushed down so all it means is those at the top exploit more.

This is what happens before any collapse. This is how an Empire collapses. Corruption and exploitation.

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This thread isn't about baby sacrificing conspiracy theories, it's about economic exploitation. E.g. causing recessions, getting bailed out by the public, corporatist rent-seeking.

I'd rather not live in a society where its easier to justify genocide than it is to pass common sense legislation.

Are you Jewish?

>if you get rid of tapeworms how will that make you immune to other parasites?
>if you lock up murderers, how does that prevent car theft?
>if you stop drinking alcohol, how does that make you any less susceptible to addiction?

>to pass common sense legislation.
Banning the Talmud is common sense legislation

>This is how an Empire collapses.
No, this is how an empire is born. Eventually, the senate's power will weaken from populist reforms and someone will come along and knock it all over. Better hope your new boss isn't a dick.

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>if you get rid of tapeworms how will that make you immune to other parasites?
Yes user, you pass legislation to improve the quality of meat and teach people how to cook their food correctly. You don't just treat for worms over and over. You think like a nigger.

>yes, goy, just pass legislation to outlaw contaminated meat, but don't get rid of the tapeworm
The argument is that the jew, by its very nature is a tapeworm, and that tapeworms and tapeworm like behavior should be outlawed first and foremost.

>whatever you do, don't get rid of the tapeworm
t. tapeworm

Answer my fucking question.

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Tapeworms will go away if you remove the conditions necessary for their survival.

>Tapeworms will go away if you remove the conditions necessary for their survival.
the death of the host?

we had this legislation all over the world since forever, only recently we gave women and nonwhites rights

Look at this high minded newfag. Coming on Jow Forums and using conspiracy theory as a pejorative. Your in the wrong neighborhood nigger, lurk for 2 years before you post.


Are you Jewish or not?

the angry whites on /pol only live online, they have no ability to change the laws of the real world like their ancestors did

It is for both, Jews want us dead, and they want us to pay them for killing us, whereas European rich people un-corrupted by Jews only exploit to a point, and that point is far short of societal destruction.


Oh sure, many hosts will die if left untreated, but the people wise enough to avoid the tapeworms in the first place will thrive without a constant stream of new idiots getting tapeworms and demanding society come to a complete halt to save them.
>b-but the tapeworms tricked me, i shouldn't have to take any responsibility! save meeeeeee
Bye bye.

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I am not Jewish.

The elite make the laws. Jews are heavily, inseparably entrenched in our elite and own our entire financial industry. So unless you have someway of completely dismantling our elites and entire society, I'd love to hear some ideas on how this would work through "laws".

Is there something wrong with being Jewish? Why do feel a need to declare that. Are you anti-semetic internet nazi?

A legislation is far from enough, you need to recreate every possible aspect of this society to jew-proof it (technology, education, nutrition, healthcare, academia, government, justice, police, media...) and this requires less jews sabotaging whoever tries to implement it.

Ok, so your argument is that it's immoral to remove tapeworms from people, because tapeworms have rights too? Why not save as many people as possible by treating tape worms? Why not create a zero tapeworm policy? Because let's be honest, tapeworms might evolve, and they'll start infecting vegetables. Are you going to ban vegetables too?

>Is there something wrong with being Jewish?
Is it a very worldly backwards religion, I suppose.
>Why do feel a need to declare that
Someone asked.
>Are you anti-semetic internet nazi?
Nazis are cringe.

When is the last time you got tapeworms?

I live in a country with not a lot of tapeworms.

Using nazi instead of National Socialism a thing you literally know nothing about. Inb4 history channel, read Mein Kampf.


Lurk 2 years before posting.

The only reason NAZI Germany was successful at all was because they enacted the economic policies of their main political opponent and then took on enormous amounts of debt to build up the Wehrmacht and mobilize before anyone could get a serious defense ready. The whole volk movement was based off of outdated medieval institutions like the Jesuits and fucked up the government and public works considerably. Ironically, a system created to unite people for a common good devolved into constant infighting, which is why Germany could barely get any new tech out and constantly had miscommunications and grid-lock.

Its simply a bad system.

>If anything this would create a power vacuum
Not if it's done correctly.

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>which is why Germany could barely get any new tech out and constantly had miscommunications and grid-lock.
this kike can't be serious

Fair enough, there are some true conspiracy theories, I shouldn't have used it as a pejorative. But at any rate, I don't think there's any evidence that Jews tend to sacrifice babies, and even if there were it's not happening on a mass scale- the economic behaviors of Jews is having a larger societal impact, and I think that is mainly what OP's post is referring to.

Cannot tell if you are a kike, shill or recent history major graduate. You do know that people lie and that not all history your taught is true? I’m sure a learned person such as yourself has read National Socialist primary source material right?

>You do know that people lie and that not all history your taught is true?
Do you?

I agree with most of your response, and appreciate you trying to keep things on topic. BUT, there is important 30,000ft view of things I do not believe you understand. There are many intentional distractions you still believe in that are not allowing your brain to see the larger picture. This image board is a mess of shit, so as to be confusing. If you spend enough time observing the things you see here you will eventually, have your mind elevated to a point where having a conversation about economics or politics is irrelevant. As far as your desire for evidence of my accusations, hang for a while.

Kys faggot

>If you spend enough time observing the things you see here you will eventually, have your mind elevated to a point where having a conversation about economics or politics is irrelevant
On the contrary, I predict you will eventually grow out of your edgy Jow Forumstard phase and see that everything you think is relevant is actually a superficial clown show. Start with the Greeks.

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>my ancient nazi propaganda is irrefutable evidence!

Why haven’t you killed yourself yet faggot? I would try to rebut your grow out of it comment, but everyone is a 400lb virgin in their parents basement on the internet. I cannot help myself, I own dozens of antique out of print books, that cost $100’s-$1000 of dollars many of them have things in them that scientists are just discovering now.

>dozens of books
lol wow, dozens. we have a big brain here.

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It's ok our own race wouldn't betray us

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this is a kike

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How do I know you aren't the kike?

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Being this high of a level shill. The stink of cripple chan is all over you, and you must be on the clock to have this high level of dedication. Langley? Private contractor on an air base? Anyway your glowing.

funny how he has the fuentes talking points

Your schizophrenia concerns me, but I appreciate the bumps.

With a working Constitution, we will not have a power void. The 10th amendment gives all other power to the states and the people. Our Constitution is beautiful due to it’s simplicity. We will rebuild!

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He is definitely some kind of glow in the dark nigger. There is no way he’s doing it for free.

>arguments are so good that Jow Forums thinks you are a paid professional
feels good man

capitalism is judaism writ large, if money is all you care about you get what you deserve

yeah, they're trying new angles on Jow Forums after the christcuck bullshit failed

don't flatter yourself ratboi

Your right, I’m going to take my meds now. I’m also going to sleep soundly in my nice house with my wife and children. Goodnight friend.