/mrg/ - Mixed Race General

The general for discussion of mixed race superiority, stifling of the mixed race agenda by majority monoracial forces, and the eradication of all monoracials, as well as how best to use monoracials to our advantage.
We are not affiliated to, and do not welcome, Zionists and the Kalergi plan.

>Socioeconomic outcomes for mixed race children are better
>Greater genetic diversity makes for taller and smarter children
>Mixed race people are more symmetrical and therefore more attractive

Remember that the monoracial hates you and is never your friend. They (especially the niggers, sandnigs, and poos) will try to use you for their agenda; reject them. If there were such a thing as a "superior race", it would get no sympathy if it were under attack. People would hate and envy it...
You are not white
You are not brown
You are not black
You are not yellow
You are better

Attached: MuttPrideWorldWide.png (1087x1087, 491K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Kill yourself

I'd tell you to do the same but we'd need to test to see if you'd be good either as a slave or a breeder first.

you dumbasses are aware this is already a thing, right?


>There's a group of mixed race people, with a name, in the worst continent
>Why are you making a general about establishing dominance?

bump for visibility

You are a degenerate

The United States is one giant mutt factory and if anyone complains the kikes, faggots, niggers, and the mutts themselves rush to scream "Diversity is our strength!!!"

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Imagine not having a single race/ethnicity in the majority of your gene pool lmao

>"Diversity is our strength!!!"
War is peace!
Freedom is slavery!
2 + 2 = 5!

We need you to say "Mohammad the Prophet is a faggot" and "Xi Jinping is a Winnie the Pooh nigger"

>if anyone complains the kikes, faggots, niggers, and the mutts themselves rush to scream "Diversity is our strength!!!"
The kikes, faggots, and niggers have their own agendas. They only use mutts as a stepping stone to further bolster their monoracial superiority goals. The mutts are misguided and led to believe that they are members of the darkest half of their heritage, when they're just being used. Societal gaslighting is one helluva drug.
Genetic diversity is a strength. Outbreeding depression has not been proven in epidemiology.

Add Canada to that please. Also why all the antagonism towards the normie races? Leave them be.

Attached: bunny-girl-screenshot.png (1280x720, 629K)

Imagine being the literal equivalent of sibling marriage to another group of humans.
The prophet Mohammed is a faggot and slept with a 9 year old, and I'm willing to bet most other Mohammeds are equally shit. Mixed people should not care about the sensitivities of monoracial cultures.
I do like Jow Forums though, so saying the second thing is just gonna fuck over my ability to enjoy this website.

>mixed race superiority

Attached: race mixing, problems with blood.jpg (3544x3880, 1.7M)

nice try shlomo

Fuck you. Blue helmets are good targets you manipulative mother fucker!

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>Also why all the antagonism towards the normie races?
Imagine how monoracials feel when they see a different race infiltrating their country. Then realise that, given our heritage comes from aroud the world, mixed race people are the local inhabitants of the entire planet, and are forced to see it absolutely infested with warring baboons.
Of course we want them out. Idgaf where, just get out.

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mestizo master mixed race reporting in

Not mixed race. Too dark.
The amount of shilling in this thread must mean something.

>literally just minusing by 10% every graph

Sounds LARPish. I'm more interested in cultivating unity and pride among mixed race people.
>Not mixed race. Too dark
This is what I mean. Our cohesiveness is badly lacking.

Attached: bunny-girl-screenshot-2.png (1280x720, 762K)

Holy shit he's right.
This is your brain on homozygosity.

>tfw broadly western yuro but still 100% european
Wish I was a more solid ethnicity, im pretty much 50/30 Bitish Isles and 20% Mainland mystery meat.

Is this accurate?

Attached: american dna.jpg (2663x1609, 379K)

So is it bad for french and german to mate, or polish and italian?
Or just with non-european races?

My bad, I thought you were replying to the post above yours.

This keeps getting posted, seems fake and gay.

Kill yourself.

Attached: mutt mad.png (898x904, 971K)

The only identity I have is an ethnic last name despite being raised by First Nations people in the US. ie. nothing matters except that Democrats see me as a Fucking White Male and southerners see me as a half step away from a nigger.
>tfw can't wait for the Day of the Red Sticks

Attached: abenaki_flag.jpg (1500x900, 93K)

stay mad while your country falls to neoliberal marxism cuck

>USA flag included
top bants

The best way to cultivate unity and pride is to recognise objective truths about monoracials
>Constant attempts to atomise mixed races or gaslight them into supporting a monoracial cause (e.g. sentiments of "white + black = black")
>Drawing attention to poor mental health among mixed races (which is entirely caused by atomisation) as a point against miscegenation
>Lack of individuality (and likely a high degree of self awareness) among monoracials - the monoracial only wants other people to look like itself without concern for objective intelligence and beauty, which makes it more open to intraracial cuckoldry
>Constant shilling, either against miscegenation or for the idea that miscegenation promotes monoracial causes
Monoracials use Jew-like tactics against the mixed races. By recognising this, we can undo their fragmentation efforts and become unified.
The child in is clearly not mixed race, though. The child in might be, but is again just one anecdote against the simple science.

As a mutt it’s in our best interest to breed with white women and return our DNA home.

Your country has already fallen, Carlos.

Attached: 49 percent.jpg (720x558, 42K)

His name is Giovanni Tyrone Al-McSanchezberg.

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I'm whiter than you and change your filenames achmed

This is your brain on inbreeding. What a sad state.

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Way to be condescending mutt, every mutt country on the planet is a shithole. You belong in a destitute shithole but here you are living off the decaying fruit of white men.

le 2% face


french girls make wine with their smelly feet

Attached: wine feets.jpg (896x1267, 1.06M)

Hahahah get fucked spic


I don't really see a problem with this sentiment minus the whole "you need to be eradicated" thing.

get fucked how you didnt say anything

> the eradication of all monoracials
there are no monoracials, you filthy nigger
and remember to never racemix with niggers

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sucks to be you