Are you a bad enough dude to betray your country and commit treason?

Are you a bad enough dude to betray your country and commit treason?

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Do you mean work for the NSA and illegally spy on people?

Sorry wrong pic

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Treason is breaking our Constitution. CIA, NSA... are breaking our 4th Amendment and committing treason.

He didn’t betray the country. He betrayed the government

did this guy betray England?
fuck tyranny.

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Messiah complex retard who now has to pay the consequences for his big head.

The negro president thought it was a good idea to listen to every American's phone calls and read all their emails. Funny old world.

Reminder that only prager U boomers hate this guy. Easiest way to spot an election tourist.

He betrayed our government. He is a patriot for our country. America is not the government. America is the people. It was founded on mistrust and hatred for governments. Snowden proved the founder's intent and confirmed their fears more than anyone. He is a fucking hero. Everyone who thinks otherwise should move to a more authoritarian state, where you will be more comfortable as a slave. As a dumb pussy faggot half man.

Basically /thread

go fuck yourself leaf. tyranny will topple. this is just the beginning.

yes i am.

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>betrays the deep state

Hmm. Hmmm... Hmmmm...

Yep, he's one of the good guys.

No because my head is on straight, unlike some other examples.

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"Snowden" was, and continues to be, a CIA op.

The "Snowden" character miraculously appeared just as the CIA's boy Obama (and his toadies Eric Holder and Lois Lerner) was about to go to prison for Fast & Furious, IRS targeting, and Benghazi. Then "Snowden" shows up with a few shitty PowerPoint slides with "TS/SCI" scrawled at the bottom - slides revealing nothing anyone in infosec hadn't known for years - and shazam! The non-stop MSM news coverage of Obama's crimes is stopped and never seriously covered again.

The most brilliant part of this limited hangout is the CIA didn't reveal any information about themselves, only the secrets of their mortal political enemy the NSA.

Fuck off, bootlicker. Snowden did nothing wrong.

My ex's mom actually worked with the guy years before he went all traitor, and by the sound of it the guy was a little shit. Constantly badmouthed coworkers and bitched openly when he was passed up for promotions a couple times. Pretty obvious from those who worked with him why he went traitor. He was jaded and wanted the notoriety.

Even now he keeps trying to stay in the limelight. If he stayed in the US and took the heat then I'd actually give him kudos, but no, he ran to Russia. Fuck that guy.

It's only betrayal and treason if it harms white people, as a collective. Alerting them of government spying is not harmful to them.

go play blckface leaf, follow your leader

>If he stayed in the US and took the heat
You feel he should've voluntarily let our dog-shit government wreck him? Sounds unwise, to me.

>their mortal political enemy the NSA.

A bit off topic, but can you expand on this schism between the CIA and the NSA? Or at least point me in the direction of some reading material? You dont hear too much about this...

Country, no. Nation? that should always be an option, in case hostile forces hijack it.

>Constantly badmouthed coworkers

If my coworkers were glowing shills, I'd bad mouth them too.

pick only one

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this is literally the boilerplate response whenever we see one of these threads

(((NSA))) is the most comp'd of all of the intelligence agencies

Snowden did us a favor, even if he's just a narcissistic CIA prick

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It's too big a topic for me to phonepost anything doing it justice, but it's reasonably well covered so some simple searches should get you started.

Short version: CIA are human intelligence (get info by bribing foreigners with pussy or crushing the testicles of their children with pliers), NSA are signals intelligence (use every device in the world to surveil everyone's every action 24x7). These are ways of spying on the world - as a means of controlling every human in it - as different as polar and rectangular coordinates.

In addition, as intelligence agencies, there's a natural competition as to which group gets the info first/best.

I'd also say CIA is the agency that most represents the globalist Deep State, whereas the NSA has marginally more respect for what remains of America's founding principles.

An even shorter sense of the competition might be:
>CIA: Obama+Clinton
>NSA: Trump

The CIA absolutely has SIGINT abilities- they had half of the conversations from UBL's sat phones and as evidenced by Wikileaks Vault 7 stuff we know they have similar capabilities to NSA TAO in DS&T.

They are jockeying for power and Snowden was hired to steal tools and also perpetrate a PSYOP on the world to make the NSA look like bad guys so that CIA could suck up their budget after they look incompetent. The Hawthorne Effect has been on full blast since 2013 and the average NPC normie retard doesn't care that every bit they type or input into a digital system is hoovered up by 100 companies and 30 government agencies.

The NSA and CIA (and IC in general) run completely independently of the standard 3 branches despite supposedly being a part of the executive branch. They help politicians make new laws and advise courts on how to interpret them. With them in power we have zero control over our lives- they can manipulate us without us ever even knowing by destroying relationships, releasing our secrets and physically damaging our devices.

They are the deep state.