Tds 465


literally just fucking google it

>The common misconception that floating ice won’t increase sea level when it melts occurs because the difference in density between fresh water and salt water is not taken into consideration. Archimedes’ Principle states that an object immersed in a fluid is buoyed up by a force equal to the weight of the fluid it displaces. However, Noerdlinger notes that because freshwater is not as dense as saltwater, freshwater actually has greater volume than an equivalent weight of saltwater. Thus, when freshwater ice melts in the ocean, it contributes a greater volume of melt water than it originally displaced.

literally takes 3 seconds, you can do it on the show. same with all their retarded grug revisionism about ww2. if you've thought about it or had it memed to you and it seems so easy, its because its not

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Other urls found in this thread:


why is it melting.

it doesnt matter why its melting, these grug takes are embarassing. people will repeat them, think they're smart, and get BTFOd by some redditor

TRS has been a joke for years now. Remember, they were recruiting Heimbach to be on their radio show just a few months before the box broke.

It's not a science show.
It's a comedy show with two brainlets and a smart guy.

Podcast? More like FEDcast LOL

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in the same part of the show they're complaining that Conservative Inc didn't give enough 'ammo' to debunk climate change and was just about free markets and shit so yeah its not just about comedy in these cases, they want to push talking points and they're grug as shit.

>literally just fucking google it
Yeah, it literally doesnt exist.
Still no rising sealevels

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why does it appear unadjustedsea level is falling but adjusted sea level is rising, what is being adjusted? give me context nigger.

dunno maybe this
>. One must adjust perceived changes in LMSL to account for vertical movements of the land, which can be of the same order (mm/yr) as sea level changes. Some land movements occur because of isostatic adjustment of the mantle to the melting of ice sheets at the end of the last ice age. The weight of the ice sheet depresses the underlying land, and when the ice melts away the land slowly rebounds. Changes in ground-based ice volume also affect local and regional sea levels by the readjustment of the geoid and true polar wander. Atmospheric pressure, ocean currents and local ocean temperature changes can affect LMSL as well.

>literally just fucking google it
>same with all their retarded grug revisionism about ww2
maybe you should take your own advice, gomrade.
Even a cursory glance at the evidence against the existence of a holocaust it enough to know why it's complete bullshit.

>fed poisoning the well with fed accusations against people who do the exact opposite of what feds want

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Their argument wasn't that the sea-levels wouldn't change, but that they wouldn't change significantly. And they were right.

OP has engaged in pilpul and has been rekt. Good day.

too many meme flags, not enough pirated show links.

>head of security exposed
>censor all comments questioning them
>refuse to respond to the allegations
>"nannananana I can't heaaaar you"

Literally the ONLY reason they would not at least respond to these allegations is if they are fucking true. Which they are

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don't you need to be looking out for your gangstalkers?

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this whole thing is so fucking weird
like when he was talking about his Mercenary experiences on trs and the Rhodesia podcast on Myth of the 20th century it really felt like he believed it too but then a couple of times he'd bring up something and they're like "yeah i saw that documentary too" and he quickly recovers. maybe he's just a pathological liar, like an actual psychiatric condition. its not like his anarchist podcast story makes much sense either

yeah, we've all seen these paranoid spergfographs before.

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Notice how in each case, the story he's telling is perfectly tailored to his audience.

When he's a libertarian, the story is about him doing drugs and meeting rebel band groups, and screwing around with trannies. When he's a white nationalist, his story is about being a badass mercenary fighting blacks in South Africa.

Amazing right?
And he's their head of security, in charge of vetting people for real life meetups. Amazing how he got that job in particular

I literally think he's a fed who is sent to infiltrate these groups, I'm not even kidding about this. I'm not some conspiracy schizo either, I'm convinced this is the case. Especially given how TRS is reacting to these audios. They went full blackout censorship mode on this, practically admitting their guilt. You can have a lot of criticisms of Anglin, but look at it from his perspective. If you saw this behavior, what would be going through your mind? Especially when you try to ask them about it privately, and their response is to block you

There's a bunch of suspicious shit going on with TRS, you know Mike Enoch was exposed for having a jewish wife? And not just any jewish wife, she was literally a far-left zealot who danced with gays on stage wearing jewish stars. This woman was ON their podcast! She knew about the podcast the whole time!

I was willing to explain this away "oh he married her before he made his ideological transition" or something like this. But the more this progresses, the more I'm rethinking this. I mean remember that he was instrumental in the Charlottesville stuff, he was one of the primary drivers behind that (maybe not the organizer, but certainly involved in promoting and coordinating it)

I simply can't believe that someone who puts this much time and effort into this ideology is himself not a believer. Mike Enoch is on our side. But that doesn't mean that he hasn't been compromised, we know that he got his charges dropped from his court case (perhaps he made a deal?)

the FED will fight anything that endangers the Liberal Empire. That includes White nationalism, Black nationalism, Communism, OWS, Tea Party, etc.

I recognise your deeb goncern

one thing though

he is not in charge of vetting

>I simply can't believe that someone
would put that much effort into typing that up.
lad, really now. tell us what's wrong with you.

bitch, I type over 100 words per minute

Looks like a load of bullshit.

Okay, even with all this into consideration. Why should I give a fuck? No dooms day predictions come close and our top offenders are Indian and Chinese. It's fake and gay. You mention the mass of salt vs fresh, but how much of a difference will that really make say compared to fresh water/fresh water ice? Any kind of alarmism on that subject is a fucking joke. Could it be a issue, sure? Will humans just work around it if it happens? Definitely. We don't give a fuck about human survival if we're not serious spending resources to get our life and information off this rock and on to another. Climate alarmism is a big fucking spook and no amount of shilling on Jow Forums is going to change minds. There's no difference when you try to correct who say niggers do crime because they're niggers with the paragraph long explanation of systematic racism and how it's actually white people fault. No one's buying

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Also you have a fucking memeflag. Your a fucking spook and a joke.

hurr durr x100? good job

Somebody post the link already.

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I was just looking up sea ice.
So I was right in my assumption that it does contain a bit of salt. But it is not as salty as sea water.

Amazingly, it looks like much of the extra salt displaced by the sea ice sinks to the bottom of the ocean and travels up to the equator, contributing to currents between the equator and the poles (literally one of the engines driving the undersea currents)

Pretty amazing

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are you trying to build credibility that you're not a total fucking retard? don't bother.

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Literally never followed any podcast faggotry and actively detest politico youtubers.
Why the fuck do you listen to this shit?
t. 1488

so basically the adjusted sea level is fake

Well, yeah, they were still doing the big tent thing.

Lol this says absolutely nothing. You find this shit convincing?

Does anybody have a link to the latest episode?

If the land is rising faster than the sea, who fucking cares?

The guy that writes the Occidental Dissent blog recently wrote about 10 very well-sourced articles exposing Anglin.

Not at all. Think about it.

The way that buoyancy works, if an object is floating it is displacing fluid equivalent to it's own weight.
So consider a mass of ice m1, with volume v1
It is displacing a mass of seawater m2 with volume v2

We know that m1 = m2
However, because the densities are different, v1 =/= v2

Since the density of water is lower, the volume must be higher for it to be the same mass as the displaced seawater.
So therefore the amount of volume it contributes to the ocean when it melts is greater than the amount it is currently displacing

Greater volume of melt water. Not greater volume overall

The argument that you're looking for his schlomo is that the ice is actually sitting on land so it's not floating in the water so therefore the water levels will rise

Lol, are you still going on about this? Do you think he rode on the back of a drone in South Africa? Do you think anyone believes that shit, or that he even meant for them to?

>Literally the ONLY reason they would not at least respond to these allegations is if they are fucking true. Which they are
Lol, this dumbass thinks Jayoh rode on the back of a predator drone in South Africa. Kill yourself.
>refuse to respond to the allegations
Well, yeah, the allegations are literally the dumbest things ever written on the internet.

>I literally think he's a fed
No, you don't. Shut up and get in the oven.

Only a fed shill would make public, unprovable accusations that someone else is a fed.

Are you that Andrew Anglin guy?

>user who posts crater brained infographs wants to talk about climate science

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yeah I saw the exact same thing said by black science guy on toe rogan like 2 weeks ago, who cares you salty bitch

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Anglin did a lot of optics damage.
the question now is who can legally organize people.
the weird answer is that its Fuentes.

The density of seawater is 3.2% higher than water. Since ice does have some salt, we can nudge assume that it's not quite this much. So call it 3%.

So since m1 = m2
m1 = p1*v1
m2 = p2*v2

p1*v1 = p2*v1
p1*v1 = 1.03*p1*v2
v1/v2 = 1.03

Therefore whatever volume of water is contained within the icepack, 3% more is how much it's melting would contribute to the sea level.

So how much water in sea ice?
Looks like Arctic Sea ice bounces between 28,000 km^3 in April, and 11,500 km^3 in September

Water is about 8.7% more dense than ice (of course that's not pack ice, that's normal ice, could be different, but let's just use this number anyway).
That means the volume of water is 92% of the volume of ice

So let's say the volume of water contained in the Arctic Sea goes between 25,800 km^3 to 10,600 km^3
The "extra" volume this represents should be 3% of that, so between 770 km^3 and 320 km^3

The surface area of the ocean is 361.9 million square kilometers, so melting this ice completely would add between .084 inches and .035 inches

I'm assuming similar orders of magnitude for the North Pole.
So if all sea ice was melted, it probably wouldn't even add 0.3 inches to the global sea level.

Of course the big problem is not sea ice, but rather glacial ice which is not currently displacing any water
So dumping 25.8 km^3 into the ocean should raise sea levels by approximately