Washington Post: Next year, whites will be a minority of American children

Jow Forums acts like this is a bad thing. We'll be the new Brazil. A multicultural paradise with a white minority. Hopefully, our jewish masters take whitey's guns to make sure cumskins can't defend themselves when they're sent to the camps.

Oh, and big thanks to Donald Trump for accelerating the browning. You helped us a lot.


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bump lmao wh*Toid fuckin REKT


bump owned you fucking faggots, lmao white race is over in Amerikkka


and they alreadyy count half of mexico as white

>inb4 but muh inter European immigrants in Germany cope

arabs, north africans, kikes, half off the spics are counted as """""""""""""""white"""""""""""""""

the reality is, everything is much worse. whites are probably already a minority in the adult population. (((the powers that be))) are letting this information drip 5-10 years behind when it actually happens

*half of the spics

Being a minority while your peers are constantly brainwashed into thinking you're also privileged must be an absolutely terrible position to be in. I feel sorry for our white children.

Race doesn't exist racist. Minorities aren't real majority oppressor. Genders are fluid chauvinist patriarch. Stop ignoring me Bigot.

Is that you, Richard?

It is literally the chain of events that eventually forces people into camps like in SA. Wh*Toids in America are too stupid and ignorant of history to understand what's coming. LMAO. Turn in your guns, cumskins..for the safety of muh children!

Finally an enlightened comment!

>b-but muh fence tho

so whites become the jew. could be worse i guess

the jew had thousands of years to build a strong, cohesive community on the fringes. building up social and economic strength unique to the tribe.

whites would be jews thousands of years ago right at the beginning of the cycle. it's not going to be pretty.

>niggers and mexicans

There is honor is watching the world burn.

>justifying sitting on one's ass

According to jews, 100% shitskin would be perfect diversity, yes

Congrats. What are you doing right now? Posting from the treadmill? lol

Racial unity incoming.

I do that sometimes

Beautiful post. Thank you for this.

Rent free

Yeah trump is amazing, everybody should vote for him. Browning the country faster than Obama or Bush, and now at least American white children are a minority (and probably adults as well). Trump has been fantastic for us POC. Oh and best black and hispanic job numbers ever, fuck yeah.

bump how you like this cracker

It's official: Diversity means less white people in white countries.

And it's a good thing

>. A multicultural paradise

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>racist facts
Yikes. Um, no, Brazil is an amazing panoply of colors, just like America will be. You need to get with the program. Be better.

Yeah, the south and southwest are completely fucked. We should really be reconsidering where we put that wall.

Cool wheres my gibs n protected status at?

>We'll be the new Brazil. A multicultural paradise
Funniest thing I've read in days. Thanks for the larping laugh, OP.

You don't get any of that, racist

I like how they use the word diversity.as a euphemism.

Is diversity their "final solution" for white people

Fuck off Pablo