I have converted to islam after watching this video


I have made the shahada
The video has helped me after i have studied islam for about one year.

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islam isn't actually right about women

Into pedo mo huh?

>An entire verse is dedicated to women in the Quran, titled An-Nisaa.
>"islam not right about women"

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I converted to Mormonism after this posting on this thread

you gave your soul to satan, flag fag.

You must be some low IQ Arab. How does dedicating a chapter of your holy book to a particular topic, make your holy book RIGHT about that topic?

How did that video help you convert to Islam?

3 heretics

>assuming anyone who practices Islam has correlation to arab ethnicity
Anyways let's not get off topic here. You think you really did something there. Islam generally improved the status of women compared to earlier Arab cultures at the time, prohibiting female infanticide and recognizing women's full personhood. Not only this, women have to do the same duties as men within Islam. Need i say more?

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I blew a fat load on my monitor while watching that video. Thanx OP

Imagine being convinced to go to hell by a video. Shiggydiggy lost souls.

>I have converted to islam after watching this video

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Thanks i feel happy

You haven't answered my question. It seems your conversion was based on purely emotional reasons. Given your flag you should seek out a transfriendly mosque with a transgendered imam.

You missed the point of my post.

Islam goes too far with the whole hijab and niqab. That excessively veils women, also requiring women to be escorted around everywhere with a male mahram is also excessive.

Muslims girls are ugly af tho
Christian girls are the best

>Converts to Islam
>Feels the urge to get opinions from pol
Well, besides of you beeing a attraction whore, its your problem man, not mine.

People chosing between Christianity and Islam is like people who think theres still a political solution. I think youre or anyone chosing for these religions is delusional. But I get it, you want to be happy and to be appreciated by people. I dont even think youre a real man.

Christian apologeticists need to up their game, especially Protestants... I watched vid related, and the Christian side didn’t really make a compelling rebuttal to the Muslim’s arguments. Don’t they realize that Muslim debators are all over the internet and places like Speakers Corner in London, honing their craft, and that some of them are actually educated in philosophy?


>Educated in philosphy
>still being muslim

Guess the education didn't really work then.

Soon brother
The whites will convert or die

One point that Hijab made in the debate is that the Church father’s didn’t mention the Trinity for the first few hundred years of the Christian Era, until it was put into creed. Is this true? Made me think...