How can anyone in their right mind compare or draw parallels between nazism and communism...

How can anyone in their right mind compare or draw parallels between nazism and communism? One side wants to bring down the powerful. The other side thinks the powerful aren't powerful enough.

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>How can anyone in their right mind compare or draw parallels between nazism and communism?

They're both authoritarian. You're a shitty commie OP.

Authoritarianism is a meme coined by dumbfuck Orwell. The US and British empire were the most authoritarian forces in history.

Why do you use a commie flag if you admit commies only want to make the jews even more powerful?

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I'm centrists leaning on the left when it comes to taxes its rich and big corporations must be taxed held responsible for the environmental impact they cause.
I don't want any more welfare refugees and I want my country to rely on Arab and Hamburger grease oil and get the hell out of NATO and EU

>not rely

Because they're both anti capitalist.

At least frame your question between fascism and communism.

communism is just client-side fascism

>the ussr wasn't as authoritarian

This is actually based.
Up there you realize the truth: casuality.
Cause and effect.
Action, reaction.
But the base is a triangle, not a square.

the USSR never killed anyone for oil

It killed people for wrongthink tho

For lithium

considering Gorbachev and Yeltsin existed, they clearly weren't as ruthlessly authoritarian as people claim.

I know, communism is far more similar to capitalism
>Rejection of all family, blood, and tradition
>Women aren't mothers but worker drones slaving away for an unfeeling boss
>All labor and production is controlled by a few jews with limitless power
If you're a goy and you call yourself either a capitalist or communist then you're a fucking dupe and deserve the fate your banker masters have crafted for you and your people

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Why bring down the powerful? So that everyone is weak, like you?

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SOrry, i didn't expand, the triangle at the bottom have one of 3 values, or immaterial concepts, or illusions on them (needed for a stable system), Ownership, Justice, and Control.
Ownership create the concept of private property, the base for capitalism (aka not retardation).
Justice create the concept of Equality (not bad in small doses), and it's the root for comunism (when you have too much of it).
Control create the concept of stability, safety, and it's moderly embodiedy my monarchy, dictatorship, faswcism, etc..
Thank me later, faggots.

it had to be because literally the entire world tried to destroy them

cringe kill yourself

Ayn Rand is a communist like most Jewish supremacists. All of her views are as godless and antisocial as any communist

Because if you aren't powerful and want power, you seek to either join or replace those already in power.

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>it had to be because literally the entire world tried to destroy them
That sounds more like National Socialism, when banker-backed capitalists and banker-backed communists joined forces because Hitler was mean to their tribesmen in Germany

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Yeltsin and Gorbachev were active during the Perstroika and yes people weren't mass killed back then, instead they were arrested and persecuted in other ways. Here are some crimes by their predecessors. Please attempt to deny them
Killing of Ukranians by Stalin
This seems a little familiar, spot the hypocrisy
Here is something from my homeland
Here is a casual genocide by Stalin
And of course last but not least the Gulag system

USSR wasnt back by bankers you retard

Ayn Rand and Solzhenytsin were both insane liars.

there are some parallels but that is never the argument against communism. this argument is all about collectivism vs individualism and those that resist the idea communism aren't even necessarily arguing against the goal of communism but they understand that human greed will always get in the way of that goal every single time. humans ruling over other humans is necessary evil and should be treated as such. also there seems to be this weird movement against white men that may or may not be related to this subject so your faggy little chart isn't explaining the current situation correctly. the left is taking part in the skin tribe wars that they accuse the right of perpetuating so yeah you people are like nazis.