9/11 and other False Flags

ITT we expose the various False Flags. I start with 9/11
From Rep. Weldon
>What I did not know, Mr. Speaker, up until June of this year, was that that secret program called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda in January and February of 2000, over one year before 9-11 ever happened. In addition, I learned that not only did we identify the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, but we identified Mohamed Atta as one of the members of that Brooklyn cell along with three other terrorists who were the leadership of the 9-11 attack.

>I have also learned, Mr. Speaker, that in September of 2000, again, over one year before 9-11, that Able Danger team attempted on three separate occasions to provide information to the FBI about the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda, and on three separate occasions they were denied by lawyers in the previous administration to transfer that information.

>Mr. Speaker, this past Sunday on “Meet the Press,'' Louis Freeh, FBI Director at the time, was interviewed by Tim Russert. The first question to Louis Freeh was in regard to the FBI's ability to ferret out the terrorists. Louis Freeh's response, which can be obtained by anyone in this country as a part of the official record, was, ‘Well, Tim, we are now finding out that a top-secret program of the military called Able Danger actually identified the Brooklyn cell of al Qaeda and Mohammed Atta over a year before 9-11.’ And what Louis Freeh said, Mr. Speaker, is that that kind of actionable data could have allowed us to prevent the hijackings that occurred on September 11.

Attached: 911 prediction.jpg (480x493, 64K)

Other urls found in this thread:


sesame street and comic books were in on it, yes, the perfect false flag
>pentagon not being a military target

>On September 11, 2001, the North American Aerospace Defense Command (NORAD) was involved in an ongoing operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to northwestern North America. The U.S. Military and NORAD had also planned to conduct several military exercises and a drill was being held by the National Reconnaissance Office, a Department of Defense agency. The operations, exercises and drills were all canceled following the September 11 attacks.
>Operation Northern Vigilance, was a NORAD operation which involved deploying fighter aircraft to locations in Alaska and Northern Canada. In order to simulate a hijacking situation including terrorist pilots
of course on the same day the attacks happened an awkwardly similar case was practiced resulting in confusion and bonus time for the actual event to go down unnoticed as it was thought to be just the practice. together with it gets clear that the US government aided in the event giving the perpetrators an opportunity to do it and increasing the chances.

Like always some CIA niggers used some radicalized patsies to do their dirtywork so that the deed itself isnt as easily traced back to them as there is no official connections. They always do that, wether its shooting, smuggli

>doesnt know that 9/11 was planned for AT LEAST 33 years since the construction of the first tower by the same kikes that own these publishers
>doesnt know how occult rituals work
>doesnt think its weird the Pentagon was hit the very day after Rumsfeld announced they are missing a couple trillion Dollars where they have no idea where it went
>doesnt think its weird that in the attack the next days all the documents relating to the missing money were destroyed

Attached: 911 docs.png (2944x3316, 2.73M)

Fun fact the middle left is an old spanish comic called "Mortadelo y Filemón"

This is the curse of pattern recognition. Humans are experts at it, and sometimes it haunts us rather than helps us.
>cartoon from 1976 that has nothing about planes
>lets FLIP an album cover backwards, and THEN find a 3-number sequence that coincides with the date of a disaster 22 years later.
And the rest are the same or worse as far as "revealing" foreknowledge.

9/11 was really just a ritual sacrifice and that all the other stuff, the cover up of the couple trillion dollars, the restriction of rights and increase of survaillance, the invasion of the middle east to secure the Petrodollar, the insurence scam, were all just a neat little bonus on top and to come crashing down on that very day was planned since before it was even build.

To show you that the Towers were planned to come crashing down from before they were build is rather is easy.
>Construction work began on the North Tower in August 1968, and construction on the South Tower was under way by January 1969

1968 happens to be the same year the 911 emergency hotline was installed
>In 1968, the number was agreed upon
>AT&T made its first implementation in Huntington, Indiana, the hometown of J. Edward Roush, who sponsored the federal legislation to establish the nationwide system, on March 1, 1968.
The emergency number that incorporates the date was started the same year as the towers were build that would later come crashing down on that date.

Furthermore from 1968 to 2001 its 33 years, which is an important number in the occult and especially freemasons like to us this number.

But why 9/11 and not any other date?
Tisha Bav is a jewish holiday thats associated with the destruction of their 2 temples, in fron of which Boaz and Jachin stood, to pillars symbolizing the duality of this world, one being the male, the other the female, good and evil, heaven and eart etc. 2 Pillars like the 2 Towers. Tisha Bav falls on the 9th day of Av, which is the 11 month counted from the jewish new year Rosh Hashana

Attached: 911 steelbeams.webm (550x310, 2.45M)

(For some reason jews dont count their months from New Year making Av officially the 5th month, but having Tischrei which inhabits Rosh Hashanah as the first month, Av becomes the 11th.)
So this holiday is on the 9th day of the 11 month while 9/11 is on the 11th day of the 9th month. What a (((coincidence)))

Also precisely 11 years before the event Bush held his infamous New World Order speech, while 11 years later on that same day Benghazi happened. on 9/11 1990 nad 2012

You want to know why all these people in the media could predict 9/11? Either they were involved or realized the symbolism.

So what was the purpose of the ritual? It was meant to kick off a new millenia (which starts in 2001, 2000 is still the "old" 2nd millenium). It symbolically destroyed the duality of this world, the order that God created, the old world order, and build a New World in its stead which is the One >>>WORLD TRADE

The 9 in numerology is material completion (In base 10 0 is the first number and 9 the last), Satanism is the worship of the self and the material.
10 is the number of Gods law (like the 10 commendments which you should uphold to live for more than the material world)
11 then symbolizes the transgrassion of Gods law, "going beyond" it, breaking it.

The Pentagon that was destroyed likely was meant to symbolize the destruction of the spirit (Like in alchemy the 5th element is the spirit symbolized by a pentagram with the spirit being the element on top, or in the bible life gets created on the 5th day bringing spirit into this world.)

Also when you write 9/11 in the roman numbers you also get the infamous Black Cube Symbolism (pic related) which you also see represented at the 9/11 monument in form of a Black cube led into the ground

>operatives made sure the explosives went off at a point high enough to prevent people from escaping
i thought there were no explosives?

also is this some primitive mememagic?

trump mentions silverstein buying the WTC just weeks before the attack

Trump mentions he says he doesnt believe the buildings collapsed only from planes and that he thinks they had bombs that exploded almost simultaniously

Attached: 911 cube.jpg (1100x534, 150K)

Pic related is a ring with common masonic and Jesuit symbolism. On on side you have
IXXI, 9 (IX) and 11 (XI) being a clear hint towards the occult influence behind 9/11, which was a ritual sacrifice planned for that very day since before they started building the towers 33 years before (33 being an important masonic number)
Furthermore the IXXI can be seen as 2Ms, turned 180 degree to another and put upon the other. From this we propbably get the many MMs around as a tip offs to other masons

Mickey Mouse (Disney even having Club 33)
M&Ms/Marshal Mathers/Eminem
Master Masons
Marilyn Monroe/Manson
JiMMy KiMMel
>Since 2003, the building's theater has been the home of Jimmy Kimmel Live!.[5]

Furthermore the ring could then hint towards MMXX, 2020, maybe even IX XI MMXX, 9/11 2020.
9/11 numerology is also related to the jewish holiday "Tisha Bav" on which both the temples were destroyed which harbored the pillars Boaz and Jachin I mentioned couple of times as the day falls on the 9th day of the 11th month in the jewish calender

well, i would put focus on only 2 pics. Mainly the simpsons one which includes the date as well the towers, as well as the supertramp, which features date, towers and is made out of a plane window.
Prevelant in both is the Orange colour, as the Magazine has in the Simpsons one or the Orange Juice and orange dress of the waitress. Orange is the only colour adding to 33 (important number in the occult used favorably by masons) in (pytagorean) gematria, which is the reason why Masons and occultists in general use this colour,

Attached: 911 Jesuit Ring.jpg (555x194, 29K)

One prime example of Judeo Masonic Magic
9/11 was a ritual aimed to transmutate the world, destroying the old (world order) and creating a new from its ruins. the phoenix rising from the ashes, shivas cosmic dance of destruction and creation, order out of chaos
The first step is to "destroy", bring everything into its baseform known as Nigredo
>In alchemy, nigredo, or blackness, means putrefaction or decomposition. Many alchemists believed that as a first step in the pathway to the philosopher's stone, all alchemical ingredients had to be cleansed and cooked extensively to a uniform black matter.[1]
black matter, like the black monolith, or the black cube which is the 9/11 memorial, a black cube led into the ground.

Next to the WTC, where 9/11 there happened to stand the Hilton Hotel next to it, which is a black monolith.

From this black mass you can gradually reconstruct the parts through certain steps creating something completly different, as they created the single tower from the ruins of the 2, E Pluribus Unum, Out of many one.

Now an user pointed out recently the that Kubricks 2001: A Space Odyssey also was published in exactly that year they started to build the first tower and implement the 9/11 emergency hotline 1968, 33 years (an important number in the occult), and the name of the movie hints even to the year 9/11 happened. The interesting bit about this is the black monolith in the movie and from what I got (didnt watch the movie) the monolith transformed apes into the modern humans much like the 9/11 ritual was meant to "evolve" the world/civilization

Basically they reenact what they want to do in small so that it then manifests in the big

Attached: wtc hilton.jpg (640x480, 82K)

>This is the curse of pattern recognition. Humans are experts at it, and sometimes it haunts us rather than helps us.
>>cartoon from 1976 that has nothing about planes

The Sesame Street magazine cover from 1976 was referencing the King Kong remake whose finale was filmed around the World Trade Center.

It's true that the movie wasn't yet out when the cover was released but the filming around the WTC in 1975 was impossible for people working in lower Manhattan to ignore and the pre-release publicity showing King Kong on the WTC was already in full swing.

The two you mentioned are only marginally less ridiculous than the others. The Supertramp one requires you to flip it backwards, and even then displays NOTHING about planes or Arabs or war or anything. The simpsons one is similar in that it shows an apparent sequence of 3 numbers which gained significance after the fact. There is no clean, disciplined logic that would make that poster significant until AFTER 9/11 happened. Which means it was not in anyway meaningful when it was first displayed. If it was a meaningful signal, it would have had attention before 9/11 happened. People would've been saying, "What is this sinister warning from the Simpsons?"

see So there you go...

All that pic does is prove the hijackers learned what to do from American media.
Also, who fucking cares? Why is it a big deal?

Lots of water flood themes since early 2016...

The dates aren't in chronological order. Saged.

Pic related is this guy
>Lewin served for four years in the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) as an officer in Sayeret Matkal, one of the IDF's special forces units.[4] Lewin earned the rank of captain.[2]

What is interesting is that the watch he is wearing on that picture is the Swatch Hijacker The hours, minute and seconds as well as the date all are on 11
>A passenger onboard American Airlines Flight 11, it is believed that Lewin was stabbed by one of the hijackers of that flight, and was the first person murdered during the course of the attacks.[1][2][3]

Some guy in the israel special forces just let himself get stabbed by some dessert dweller, while previously making some photoshoot with the swatch hijacker where every number on the watch is the same as the flightnumber in which he got supposedly killed by a hijacker. If you look for a more zoomed out pic of this you see its in front of a structure resembling the twin towers even

Officially he sat on seat 9B.
1+1=B, 911

>why is it a big deal the government aided and covered up the sacrificial murder of around 2000 of its own people in an effort to bring the new world order and drag the western world into an endless war in the middle east to mutually destroy itself with Israels enemies

Attached: Swatch Hijacker.jpg (620x507, 70K)

>why is it a big deal the government aided and covered up the sacrificial murder of around 2000 of its own people in an effort to bring the new world order and drag the western world into an endless war in the middle east to mutually destroy itself with Israels enemies
Yeah, why is it a big deal? That's exactly what I was asking.
1. It was city people who died. They have no value.
2. It was New Yorkers who mostly died and they has less than no value.
3. The NWO is going to happen regardless, and then it's going to immediately be met with natural backlash and be destroyed. Such is the way of reality.
4. War is cool, weapons are cool, etc. Wars are a great excuse to develop new weapons and technology. It's always been this way.

The Nice truck and Munich shooting, as those are fairly easy to expose due to their common link:

>He is known for covering the terror attacks in Nice and Munich in mid-2016 with a mobile phone, and he "explained how basic mobile technology allowed him to cover the two attacks".
Now it could be coincidence, however there are 2 small things that stick out. He started filming the McDonalds in munich appearently before the shooting already started, and this bit here
>Gutjahr is married to the former Israeli Knesset member and ex-intelligence officer Einat Wilf since 2007

Also he is an anti independent media shill
>On July 14, 2016, Gutjahr was on vacation in Nice, when the city was struck by a terrorist attack [13][14] He reported on Twitter and in the ARD night magazine (Nachtmagazin) and the Bayerischer Rundfunk. He made available to the WDR German television network a video that apparently shows the beginning of the attack; he explicitly objected to publishing the material on social networks, because he wanted to leave it to professional journalists to decide which images should be shown.[15][16][17][18]

And screeches anti semitism at the first chance
>His coincidental presence at events gave rise to conspiracy theories, alleging his presence at both events could not have been a coincidence. Gutjahr has pressed charges against these those who make the allegations[21][22], which he sees mostly motivated by antisemitism against his wife considering the often antisemitic nature of the hostilities[23].

Additionally you see Gutjahr casually filming the guy before the shooting starts
Almost as if he knew

If you dont see the value in exposing the nature of our so called leaders im afraid im not able to help you in any way.

Attached: hmmmmmm.jpg (717x536, 75K)

3/11/19 they might try something in Seattle if this thread gets 404'd its because i shared this

Now Sandy Hook

Newtown (which sandy hook belongs to) features 0 "Murder and nonnegligent manslaughter"

>In approximate 2 years from today there will be mass school shooting in Connecticut. A lone gunman will kill many children. That's a trick of propaganda. Step by step, they make it a totalitarian country.
>They have a false flag attack on December 2012 to justify their war on 2nd Amendment. The responsible gunowner is wronged as terrorist. The real mastermind of the shootings grins at the soap opera they directed. They treat you like fools. Do not have a logic confuse.

>The Sandy Hook Elementary School shooting occurred on December 14, 2012, in Newtown, Connecticut, United States
this fucker predicted the state, event and even fucking month 2 years in advance.

Another strong evidence is is the fake grief shown by the people on TV trying to rile up emotions. Look at this happy fucker at 3:10 until he realizes he is on cam
There was a video compilation showing very well the differences between grief displayed at Sandy Hook with the grief of real tragedies, but for (((some reason))) its nowhere to be found anymore.

There is also the issue that the the people on the scene were walking around in circles, almost as if they are meant to stage some activity on scene

tl;dw? I will watch it if it turns out to have happened.

Attached: Sandy Hook Predicted.jpg (1832x453, 168K)

There is also the always reoccurring issue of the shooter being on anti psychotics

While Lanza's Psychiatrist recently was charged 3 different accounts of sexual assault
and sexual depravity is a common sign of the deep state puppets as its a good source for blackmail

>While a school official did share this recollection with OCA interviewers, authors cannot independently confirm this recollection, and other records indicate Mrs. Lanza may have already had an appointment with the community psychiatrist set up at the time of the Danbury Hospital emergency department visit. Staff from OCA spoke with this psychiatrist during the course of this investigation in an effort to identify and obtain records related to the doctor’s evaluation and treatment of AL. The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed.

>The doctor indicated that all treatment records were destroyed."
Of course they were.

The next weird thing about Sandy Hook (aside from no footage of the shooting or the shooter even entering the building to be found) is that they demolished the whole complex

Just like they plan on doing with the Parkland school too
which may could be to get rid of any evidence.

Attached: Sandy Hook No Deaths.jpg (961x787, 193K)

In 1978, Isreali Agent Arnon Milchan makes the film "The Medusa Touch" featuring a 9/11 type attack where a 747 flies into the Pan Am building.

In 2000, Milchan, with help of his business partner Rupert Murdoch (both owners of Regency Films), would go on to make "The Lone Gunman", a spin-off of the X-files. In the show, a 747 is remotely hijacked and ALMOST flown into the WTC, before the pilot regains control at the last moment. This aired on Fox in March 2001, 6 months before 9/11, and was watched by 10 million people.

It sure is a coincidence that he is also friends with Netanyahu. Also, one of Milchans companies "Lacham" was caught smuggling 800 Nuclear triggers from the US to Isreal. The FBI negotiated the return of half of those triggers, Isreal got to keep the rest... Christopher Bollyn goes into great detail about this and 9/11 if anyone is interested.

Attached: israeli art students 1.jpg (662x4511, 941K)

Attached: israeli art students 2.png (767x8731, 943K)

have a bump

Attached: 911-luckylarry-5269.jpg (320x320, 32K)

Scalise was strongly against humantrafficing and childdiddling

Scalise gets shot at the baseballgame, and Pizza gets send to his office

He was then most likely brought into the same Hospital as Seth Rich based on the location, the MedStar Washington Hospital Center
The shooter is also known for abusing his fosterchilds
>In April 2006, Hodgkinson was arrested for battery, domestic battery and discharging a firearm, after he allegedly physically assaulted his foster daughter and two of her friends.
>A St Clair County sheriff’s department incident report said Hodgkinson threw his daughter around a room, pulled her hair and hit her. He then punched a female friend of his daughter in the face “with a closed fist” and struck the woman’s boyfriend in the head with the stock of his shotgun, before firing a round as the man ran away.
>Almost a decade earlier, another foster daughter living with Hodgkinson and his wife, Suzanne, had killed herself at the age of 17, according to the Belleville News-Democrat. The daughter, Wanda Ashley Stock, doused herself with gasoline and set herself on fire inside a car.
what the fuck? who burns himself as suicide? why not taking a hose and just redirected the exhaust fumes into the car or let it run in a garage or something? use the shotgun of the guy to make it quick. but fucking burning yourself? Maybe murder instead?

Also Trump brought his personal Physician to scalise
Furthermore weirdly congresscandidate Lindy Li seems to have a connection to the shooter.

well, its fair to say that most people in the media or intellegence agancy pawns. Wether its Mossad or CIA, all the same bullshit.

Attached: Aqua.jpg (1600x1000, 229K)

Brad Wenstrup helped treating the wounds of scalise directly after the shooting until the ambulance arrived and probably kept him alive
He was also quoted for saying "It’s just as easy as ordering a pizza, to order a person.”
the choice of words is no coincidence. possibly /ourguy/

the same doctor who is responsible for scalise, jack sava, also appears to be on the guestlist together with the podestas

he talks about in the beginning how it is normal to get shot and be relatively fine and later get into shock and collapse explaining the critical condition.
this article talks about why a gunshot to scalises hip, not just any hip, but scalises can be deadly
here it says he was in good spirits, and even called his wife and talked to her. scalise was on the verge of collapsing but instead of insteantly operating on him and stabalizing him they let him talk in piece all chilled out with no worries?
they already set the narrative up to make it seem like its normal if he dies
this bitch even already talks like he dead

Attached: Hello Darkness my old friend.jpg (590x876, 112K)

hodkinson, the baseball shooter had a list of targets but didnt shoot anyone on the list?
is he miserable at aiming? is the list fake news? or is that a list with targets he isnt supposed to shoot because those are (((theirguys)))? a threat like "you are next"? or the FBI giving an unofficial warning like "we heard there something, be carefull goys"?

furthermore hodkinson seems to have dissappeared months before the shooting
where did he go? certainly not targetpractive. was he maybe snatched up and MKUltrad in that time?

>Prior to the mass shooting, Hodgkinson visited the senate office of democrat Bernie Sanders, whose failed presidential campaign the gunman had volunteered for. The FBI also said the shooter had been in contact with the offices of democratic senators Dick Durbin and Tammy Duckworth.
>"I have just been informed that the alleged shooter at the Republican baseball practice is someone who apparently volunteered on my presidential campaign," Sanders said in the statement. "I am sickened by this despicable act. Let me be as clear as I can be. Violence of any kind is unacceptable in our society and I condemn this action in the strongest possible terms.
but happens to not mention the visit. hmmmmm

>The FBI released new information Wednesday on the lone gunman
>According to the bureau, 66-year old James Hodgkinson acted alone in the mass assassination attempt, in what the FBI is describing as a “spontaneous” incident.
>lone gunman
just like with abe lincoln and JFK i suppose.and so spontenious he dissappeared months prior to the attack and had a list with him.
is anyone else thinking now?

Attached: Exploooooosion.jpg (303x246, 21K)

Lets go to Parkland, Florida

Hogg is connected to an organisation founded by John "Ya think UR hot shit, dontcha?" Podesta

how did he make this interview than during the shooting if he wasnt there?
>interview during the ongoing shooting while hiding
>"get rid of guns REEEEEEEE" is the only theme
>According to the Interviewer (Hoggs) and official timeline done either 5 hours before the shooting happened or 6 hours after the arrest of the shooter (9:32, AM or PM not specified)
you also see the light shining through in the background shortly at around 0:38. so its not 9:32 PM but AM, since PM would be dark in winter meaning it was made before the shooting happened

Said when he heard about the shooting he grabbed his cam and rode to school to film.
how did he make the interview during the shooting then?

Shooter was also on drugs
like most school shooters are

they already agreed to get rid of the evidence, like they also did in Sandy Hook

On the same day a drill was announced where the kids were told the police would fire blanks around. who didnt have that in school on the same day someone came in to shoot your school up for real?

One girl talked with Cruz when the shooting started

And appearently the actual shooter wore helmet, mask, bullet proof west and more combat garb, yet they could somehow identify him as Cruz

Attached: Kasky.png (1044x944, 1.23M)

The Vegas Shooting:
Paddock had Childporn on his PC (even though it was claimed the harddrive is gone earlier)

The brother of the shooter was arrasted for childpornography, making it likely that this whole thing is connected to pizzagate ("eating thousands of dollars sushi comped" probably hinting towards slang from Cheesepizza being switched to sushi)
I assume the whole Vegas thing was the bill for all the "Comped Sushi"

Then we have the security guard Jesus. First he was shot after the shooting started, later on it was said he was shot before. But that isnt the really interesting part. The interesting part about him is that he apparently dissappeared out of the hospital

He then was insisted on only appearing on that one show, at Ellen and nowhere else

Where he then proceeds to carefully just repeat what Ellen tells him what happened and confirm it while also looking kind of uncomfortable

He bought 33 guns in the last year, 33 thenation.com/article/stephen-paddock-bought-33-guns-in-12-months-that-should-be-illegal/

A women went around the festival before the shooting saying they will all die

Also lots of reports of multiple shooters.

the vegas shooting was on on Route 91 at October 1.
Route 91 at 10/1

Attached: viva las vegas.jpg (3094x2362, 2.26M)

Remember the "bombs" being send in packeges to CNN co?

No stamps from the post office even though package allegedly delivered by the post, later CNN changed the story claimed private courier
>Former CIA Director John Brennan, one of several high-profile critics of President Donald Trump to be sent a pipe bomb in the mail
>The "live explosive device" was delivered by courier to CNN's offices

Probably because people realized that the post stamps dont have stamps on them, meaning they didnt go through a postal office and neither had enough stamps for the weight.
Also the Clock used in at least one of the alleged bombs doesnt even have an alarm function to set the bomb of with the timer
The batteries allegedly are far too weak to set off anything even with propper other parts. (am no expert so can say anything on this)
In letter bombs you dont use a timer. Risk is too big of the package to be delievered with delay and blowing up to soon or the package being opened hours before the detonation giving enough time to leave.
The X-Ray of the one bomb showed the wires going to opposite ends of the bomb, meaning they wouldnt produce an electric arc as that requires the wires ends to be next to another and thus wouldnt have detonated anything either way

We also didnt hear anything about which service he used to deliver the bombs for which there should be a paper trail, or otherwise means he delivered 10 bombs in multiple states of opposing sides of the continent within 1-2 days.
We have now over 10 bombs appearently of which not even one detonated.
And in less than a day Alex Soros had an article ready published by the NYT how everything is Trumps fault

probably missed some things, feel free to add

Attached: Bomb CNN.jpg (640x360, 21K)

Some of the released JFK docs

the whole JFK assassination was possibly just a misunderstanding because it wasnt made "sufficiently clear that assassination should be excluded from consideration". Page 18

Russia says Johnson killed Kennedy, Page 5

30 pages missing

Tippett meant to kill Kennedy and be killed afterwards, Page 3

Tippett together with Rubenstein and possibly Oswald, Page 2

Multiple shooters and bullets


Cuban exiles apparently planned on killing cuban government officials

Talks about "black bag jobs" against domestic targets and "do not file" procedure. Page 6

appearently some George Bush that wasnt at the CIA handled some of the JFK files

Bush was friends with Morenschildt, a friend of Oswald

Bunker hunt, this guy
was questioned on the day of the assassination and 15 minutes away when Robert Kennedy

Attached: Do it for him JFK.jpg (1023x764, 198K)

Since 33 came up:
The unification of the polar opposites is something that stretches itself across many cultures. Be it the marriage, uniting male and female, often dressed in black and white, resulting in the magic of a new kid being born. Or be it the solar eclipse uniting sun and moon together. In the egyptian mythology osiris dick (male) that gets eaten by a fish (female) (pic), or the Washington Monument (a dick, male) standing in the vesica pisces (female). The 2 pillars, Boaz and Jachin which stood before Solomons Temple and represent the sun and moon, and again the polar opposites. Sol, solar, sun. mon, moon. Sol-o-Mo(o)n. Even the "Star of David" is representing the male and female being united with the opposing triangles.
There is NO Star of David, it is the Seal of Solomon and possibly Star of Remphan, Solomon used to commune with other spirits after his 700 wives tempted him. They called it Star of David because David is seen as a good king and thus tried to make this black magic symbol seem good

In case of the star we have the triangles that also additionaly symbolizes the 3, or with the 2 triangles the 33
All good things come in 3, the holy trinity, 3 nails used to crucify jesus, he came back from the dead on the 3rd day
33, 3 plus duality, good and evil, male and female (the "star of david", which originally is not a jewish symbol depicts the 33with 2 triangles coming together, the male and female energies coming together.) it is believed where polar opposites meet magic/miracles happen and especialy unification of male and female is a holy event in pretty much all cultures which creates the miracle of life, trannies are a perverted version of this most likely uniting in one body what god seperated mocking him and his creation
Jesus died on the 3rd april 33ad at the age of 33 at 3pm
Counting all the connections and connectionspoints including the hidden one on the tree of life/kaballah gives you 33. the number is also associated with gods promise

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Mortadelo & Filemon (middle left) is the only one I believe it's a casualty. The author did gags like those all the time.

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Be ready for the next false flag. Tsunamis for both coasts.

Attached: timesup.jpg (2142x2658, 1.09M)

The 9/11 monument also happens to be a black cube led into the ground.

satan (associated with saturn) meant something like "obstacle". everyone had his own satan. someone who incites him to do bad things, a bad habbit, an addiction, anythinghe should overcome. But then there also is THE Satan, Ha-Satan.

6 is the number of man, and his weakness. greed, egoism, egocentrism, all the materialistic desires, and i believe of this plane existence in general (the earth is tilted 23,4 degrees, or if you count from the other direction 66.6 degrees, life, on this planet at least, is made of carbon, the 6th element, with 6 protons, 6 neutrons and 6 electrons. 6 directions in the material realm, north, south, west, east, up and down, 6 sides of the cubes. Think About how molecules and icecrystals form in hexagonal shapes. saturn being the 6th planet with hexagon on its northpole). 666 is going over the top with the materialistic desires, pursuing and desiring only those and making you follow the path of satan.

The black cube of satan is a symbol for this material, 3 dimensional realm, and the time we fear is running out, which will let us die, and which causes us to do harm to others in order to lead a better life ourself. by thus the black cube also symbolizes time and death without either we wouldnt have these earthly desires causing us to do evil.
The 666 could also stand for the dimensions of the cube, 6x6x6, entrapping us in the 6, our weakness and temptations.

Our sole puprose, as i believe it, is to overcome (our) satan, proof we arent easily corrupted wether satan is just a symbol or a real entity. So while this world isnt evil itself, this realm of existence kind of makes the corruption a lot easier. When people worship satan, they dont worship some deity or enthity (well, some do that too). they worship this material world, the materialistic egoistic desires, and themselves.

Attached: 911 black cube.jpg (728x487, 100K)

Pic related. those 7 circles are called the seed of life.
One interpretation i saw is that its meant to symbolize the creation week, or symbolize the same as the creation week does in the bible
The center being conciousness, that expands to the circle. The conciousness then moves to the border of the circle where it expands again creating the second circle and so on until you got the seed of life. the 6 days of creation around the 7th one, God, the seed of life or whatever you want to call it.
By connecting the points of intersection you gain the (black) cube, as above mentioned symbolizing the material world and as such Satans rule.

I have to say here that the 6, and all these patterns are commonly seen as a positive symbol as it is the blueprint of creation of life, but its only the material part of this, and according to the Bible the source of temptations, the Satan's, which we should work on overcoming with

So in this light atheism is low key satanism as both are about the material, about power, wealth, the flesh.
Christianity is about rejection of the flesh and embrace of the spirit. Where christianity tells you everything is God, thus you yourself too and everything else it means everything is connected to you while satanism and atheism teach seperation. no underlying connections and thus seperation leads to worship of the self, and only caring about the ego.
Where satanists and atheist desire to be blessed in this life and having it comfy christianity tell you you will have it hard in this life, prosecuted and attacked for doing the right thing, so you may have delight in the next live instead

Attached: Black Cube Seed.png (236x225, 33K)

Similar to the pyramids the 9/11 monument is aligned to Orion, so let us look into them a bit

i always heard they are tombs and help the pharaos to get to the stars after they died. however they never were used as tombs as far as we can tell, but i still believe they were meant to sent the pharaos to the stars. with the remote viewing docs we see how the CIA tried to astral project/remote view and use it to gather knowledge.
i believe the pyramids are meant to help tune into the astral realm where the pharaos then can talk with the gods/stars/whatever and gather knowledge. kind of like sensory deprivation tanks help with meditation and relaxation the pyramids likely served a similar purpose, and possibly tuned into the stars they are aligned with specifically.
in the case of those boxes in your video it may serve the same purpose without tuning into something, like orion.
seeing how the whole area seems to be tuned into the stars/sky/heavens maybe it was meant to tune into the heavens in general and make a connection to the gods in that way instead of just focusing on orion

could be the same without being attuned to the stars. again, how were those moved and put in those small places?

there also fairly recently were these news here
which indicates that the pyramids likely had some kind of energysource or even still have maybe, just one we dont detect/know about or the focus actually helps focusing the spiritual energy too enabling you to astral project or whatever. Also could relate back to focusing spiritual energy.

and then recently this comes out
Talking about special attributes of pyramid shapes in nano particles and how their position/the way they are turned itself influences the particles behavior

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However it seems we knew about quantum mechanics in the pyramids for some time already
>Note that the Earth inerton eld is also the principal mover that launched rather fantastic quantum chemical physical processes in Egypt pyramids (Krasnoholovets, 2001b), power plants of the ancients that has recently been proved by Dunn (1998)
this is from 2001
i assume that also plays into the seal of solomon symbolism or the mercaba/octahedron (a 3D seal of solomon basically) which symbolize the polar opposites

It should also be noted that in the stargate docs from the CIA they also use binaural beats to get the subjects into the state to remote view, they use frequencies and vibrations, which fits the special tuning of the pyramids chambers and hallways which likely then were designed to produce the right frequencies.
page 11
>contrary to what everyone knows is so, it may not be the brain that produces conciousness- - but rather conciousness that creates the appearence of the brain
this implies on one side that determinism is bullshit as our thoughts and mind isnt just a reaction to outside stimula and enables free will because of it. it also implies that the conciousness is not coming from the brain itself, that its something outside the brain and heavily implies the existence of something soullike not bound to the body

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John 14:6
Jesus saith unto him, I am the way, the truth, and the life: no man cometh unto the Father, but by me.

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The sesame street and super tramp album are reaching plus they weren't kiked. Now the SIMPSONS and Ironjew yes.

I think I posted all I have on this, so here some further readings on previous threads

Ancient History
Nazi UFOs and Hollow Earth

the occult principles behind 9/11

False Flags (9/11 included but not as detailed)

NASA being lying pieces of shit

MKUltra and other mindcontroll

Pizzagate (ctrl + f "hogg" or "paddock" dor the parkland shooting or vegas shooting)

Satanic and Occult Elite


Also i made a blog with all this stuff having the info in a better order

And if someone is interested I made a discord server some while ago since the threads were shut down all the time. People on there are autistic but knowledgable
discord gg/ZrGefu

The towers were iconic, and there was an attempt to bring them down in the early 90s. Them being referenced in the media before 2001 isnt some revelation.

Just remembered another one
CPP (((Shooter))) was an obvious false flag
he ran over a kid before and was left of without any charges. he had a debt to pay and the false flag was the payment.
also his father is an actor

as well as he himself seems to be too, or at least in the movie business

and he lived in Haiti

this all hints towards the connections to the higher ups. they didnt just choose some random guy

also the trafficcam shows there was prior knowledge to this incident and they made sure no footage will be found

yeah, just ignore that there are also among them ones that make a connection to the date of the attacks.

Attached: traffick Cam.jpg (2974x7639, 2.68M)

This braille is the Braille attached to the infamous timecapsule of the denver Airport. Didnt get to the rest, but the last line reads
>Menmorabilia ! [probably means "from" and i did a mistake somewhere] the people of the year (number) 2001
Why does it, from 1994 tell you to remember the people of 2001 which usually is said about people that fall victims to catastrophes?
From 2001 (the year they reference) to 2094 (the year they open it supposedly) its 93 years. Flight 93 is one of the flights that were kidnapped on 9/11. I seem to recall that number popping up in other occasions around 9/11, but cant recall them so dont quote me on that

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the timecapsule itself

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some bump

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You always catch my attention, are you christian?

Kikes always say”who cares. Why is it a big deal?” You outed yourself. So gas yourself. Kikes don’t have empathy for goys.

(((1 post)))


You are the kikiest kike I’ve seen. Gas yourself kike.

yes. Christ is Lord

Shhhh goy. No one can dare remember how a movie showed the towers being almost blown up by a plane jus SIX months before the attack!

>Orlando shooter worked for G4S
>G4S hired a crisis actor agency in Orlando

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makes me think. Just like right next to Sandy Hook they had some FEMA drill planned.

some selfbump

911 report and their models were full of BS. The three towers were brought down by controlled demolition. The firefighters know.

TRUMP knew Truth on 911, maybe he can do something about it.





The destruction of WTC was an occult ritual.
>the Twin Towers represented Boaz and Jachin, the columns at the entrance to the Temple of Solomon
>Boaz and Jachin represent the two key energies: ying and yang, male and female, strength and beauty, north and south, up and down (duality - like the Star of David)
>WTC builder, Rockefeller, says the buildings are the perfect combination of "utility and beauty"; he also owns Jerusalem museum housing remains from Temple of Solomon
>Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies
>Twin Towers destroyed in consciousness altering event at start of millenium to usher in this new era of transhumanism
>Replaced by Freedom Tower where both towers are combined, one up and one down, like a Star of David
>2001: Space Odyssey is about man's evolution to transhumanism - he touches the black monolith and transcends human form to a space baby
>9/11 happened in 2001, next to the Millenium hotel designed to look like the black monolith
>madrid bombing was 911 days after 9/11
>sept 11 is the first day of the coptic calendar, first month is named after Thoth
>2001 was the start of the new millenium not 2000 (there was no year zero)
>33 years from groundbreaking to destruction pentagon groundbreaking sept 11 1941

Fuck kikes!


>Luciferianism predicts/wants a new age of transhumanism; Kaballah and freemasonry believe one attains perfection by mastering and combining male and female energies
baphomet is the perverted embodiment of the unification of opposites what God seperated in the beginning is united back, destroying the duality, like it was done with 9/11 symbolically

body of man, and head of the beast, female tits and a male dick, the dark and the bright moon, pointing above and below, the head forming a hexagram (afaik usually associated with the material and the world) and a pentagram (afaik the spirit). weirdly a goat isnt among the animals associated with saturn.
The Goat symbolism likely comes from Capricorn, the zodiac that Saturn (associated with Moloch, just like Baal, Cronus (eating his own children like Molochs childsacrifices) and of course satan) rules.
So they push trannies to bring this bullshit to the next level, and yes, most of the higher ups are trannies to exactly for that reason

Also it basically underlies the believe that there is no good or evil, that all comes from God, and that (((they))) merely embrace the side of creation others deem ugly and which Christ told us to reject and overcome and follow the spirit instead, pursuing the flesh, embracing the beast, the beast/goat being in charge, being the head In example while normal unification of male and female results in new life being born, thus being a unification of life and creation trannies are the same principle, unification of male and female. but their endresult is infertility and usually suicide. they are a unification of death and destruction. a mocking of Gods creation and order

Supposedly the priesthood of moloch all got their dick cut off and dressed in drag, but i didnt really confirm that yet.

Attached: Baphomet Washington.jpg (535x480, 68K)

Also the same like the Rebis in Alchemi,
>After one has gone through the stages of putrefaction and purification, separating opposing qualities, those qualities are united once more in what is sometimes described as the divine hermaphrodite, a reconciliation of spirit and matter, a being of both male and female qualities as indicated by the male and female head within a single body
the Hermaphrodite. Greek myth iirc states originally man and woman were attached to another on the back, and eventually seperated which is why we search our whole life for our soulmate. Some even claim Adam was androgyn until Eve was taken out of him.

Also im fairly certain you would enjoy or >archive.4plebs.org/pol/thread/225132599

Never forget the controlled demolition of the World Trade Center by Israeli spies on 9/11/2001.

Attached: Israel.jpg (1000x1163, 266K)

why did i never hear about the Urban Moving van actually having a picture of a plane flying into the WTC?
Also remember, on that day 3 buildings collapsed perfectly into themselves like any demolishers wet dream, because they were randomly hit by 2 planes. Professional demolishers need to do precise calculations and put the charges in the perfect spots, and even then it goes wrong a decent amount of time. Yet 3 buildings being randomly damaged by 2 planes did so perfectly.

Proto meme magic.

based and hollow-earthpilled
You make good threads Hans

thanks user, But all I do is return what I was given.
>8Heal the sick, raise the dead, cleanse the lepers, drive out demons. Freely you have received; freely give
I was given this all freely in earlier threads by anons and God who led them into them and helped me understand and piece it together, and since it was handed to me on a silver tablet i feel the best way is to return the favor. Even more so since I started making these threads in hopes of getting new info, to learn more, and this wish was fullfilled far greater than I could have imagined, and im still given more and more stuff all the time. So its not really that altruistic since in the end I always hope to learn more.
Its said that sometimes the best way to help yourself is to help others, and these threads taught me that this is true.
Be the change you want to see in the world.

basically. Imagine the world as a sea. Waves on this sea are events. Now all the small mentions in the media before 9/11 were like throwing a small pebble into the sea, they make waves and they add to another. then 9/11 came along which was basically a mountain dropping into the sea, the previous waves adding to the one caused by 9/11 boosting its effect.
Just like memes are all small pebbles thrown into the sea to eventually form a great wave.

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9/11 Whistleblowers

9/11 Suspects

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i thought maybe you can help me. Some time ago I saw a video/voicerecording of some relatively public figure talking about the "infamous call" that people received to not go to the twintowers on that day. He said he got the call, that told him to not go to work on "whatever the date on the jewish calendar was called" (forgot and too lazy to look which date 9/11 was in the hebrew calender). do you know who it was, or have the recording even?

No, but I heard that was supposed to not have been serious. It was some sort of comedian, or at least that's the excuse.

yeah, thats what i recall someone saying too about it. At least we think of the same guy i guess.

nice thread

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You the German user that was talking about the Nazi/UFO/Antarctica shit yesterday? You've got mad knowledge. Could read your shit all day.

>how to take over goyim institutions and make them brainwash the goyim to love Israel
i mean i know all these things happened/are happening, but is that paper actually openly available? did they actually provide that somewhere for everyone to see?

yes, and im happy you enjoy the reads. Gives me motivation to keep making threads

>What is predictive programming
Sorry mate, the coincidence excuse no worky no more.

some bump

Keep on keeping on. It's great brain food!

epic thread mate, God Bless you!


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The fuck is wrong with you


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Ah the Orlando Pulse one was one of my favs. All those silly faggot crisis actors were nigger tier. One did a long ass interview with one of the fake news media with his little gay nigger hat and silly story and everything.

City people all vote DemonRat
Based Bush and his band of deep state kikes kill a bunch of city people
Nice lol

thanks a lot guys.may God bless you all too.
However I need some sleep now, so good night, and maybe we meet in another thread again eventually. if someone is interested some other threads of mine can be found here

Actual last bump. Good night anons

LMAO, Ibáñez in the know from the beginning

Would you look at those MOLTEN STEEL BEAMS

Gute Nacht, user.

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