Ey Tone, you think people'd be happy to hear six million people didn't die!

Ey Tone, you think people'd be happy to hear six million people didn't die!

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400k tops and by starvation

Jews hate others Jews

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buh witowt dose "deafs" dem krauts woodn't be payin' out


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Reminder that they didn't actually count the number of jews that died in the eastern front; they calculated It based on overall difference in numbers of population, which includes jews who moved to other countries, and also jews who died for untelated reasons, like sickness, old age, and even enemy combatants, as victims of the holocaust.

>1 post by this id
>12 replies and counting

I think It was 109 'places', not countries. Not sure right nos.

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It only takes one post to spark some Jew hate

jews stand on each other's graves whether real or imaginary

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That is FANTASTIC news! We need to get this to people ASAP
If only there was a way to transfer information in a quick concise manner so this could be spread with legitimacy