What country has the loosest gun laws? Third world countries included

What country has the loosest gun laws? Third world countries included.

Attached: tumblr_ojnsq1p8sN1r8ru56o1_1280.png (760x570, 340K)

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>Third world countries included.
The US

US. It's not like Somalia doesn't have gun laws. It's just that the assorted criminals vastly outnumber the government agents willing to do their jobs.
>inb4 Antarctica
Actually really strict gun control because it's all research bases and [REDACTED].


Cry harder.
*Plucks banjo*

Most of Africa

Somalia. Is it still a country? Maybe that weird concrete island hobo nation then.

Somalia has open air gun marckets complete with rpg's and full auto shit

Is it a case of everyone ignoring shit gun laws there?

Phillipines. Though they barely have any rule of law as it is.

If we are talking actual laws and not just a goverment being non-existent or so weak it couldn't do anything it would probably have to be Pakistan. The US gun laws look restrictive as fuck even in the most gun friendly states compared to rural Pakistan legislation.

If we are talking about laws that are actually laws then it's the US other wise any 3rd world shit hole

Well the Balkans all have fairly tight gun control but like hell any of it is enforced even slightly

Bulgarian here, ours are fine albeit needing to bribe the cops to push the papers

Hey there friendo
I have a good friend straight outta Serbia and he tells me all kinds of envious shit like firing full auto AKs in their backyard or playing with grenades during family reunions, barns with weapons caches left over from the Cold and Yugoslav wars, bribing cops (sometimes with just alcohol), etc

>Actually really strict gun control because it's all research bases and [REDACTED].
What about Nazi base? Do they have gun control?

Attached: awc2.jpg (480x320, 18K)

yes, serbs, i've never a reason to go there. Anyways


That's funny because they were spinning that Pakistani girl's death in Texas as " a taste of American gun laws"

>ywn be a serbian cop
why even live

Have you ever experienced the almighty three-shoe beating.

Attached: the_almighty_three_shoe_beating_by_sbolton123-daqatuu.png (223x200, 58K)

Yes. The government is completely powerless and makes no effort to enforce their laws, but those markets are technically illegal.

Station Eva is fully armed.

Totally outlaws the private ownership of ANY weapon including sporting equipment.

So yeah nah ur an cunt

greatest cartoon ever hands down

Wait Somalia actually has a government?

Israel if you're Jewish. If you're Arab you're gonna have a hard time

Attached: 325123611111.jpg (758x530, 27K)

This. Definitely Pakistan (And I think Yemen too) where it's legal and even culturally encouraged to carry fully automatic weapons, in some tribes it's a show of power and status.

The Somali government exists as a sort of militia in part of Mogadishu and a few other key locations, backed up by UN peacekeepers and $$$

This is the current "President of Somalia", in truth a warlord in an alliance with other warlords in the Mogadishu area

Attached: Mohamed_Abdullahi_Farmajo_(cropped).jpg (220x293, 14K)

In theory. Just like in theory, open air weapons markets selling full autos and RPGs are illegal.