Can we discuss subversion as a weapon?

Can we discuss subversion as a weapon?
I don't want to get too Jow Forums here but

China is buying out western countries from under their citizens feet and flooding them with chinese migrants, what effects will this have? Is it too late? How bad is it?

Attached: Silent Invasion.jpg (1000x1500, 116K)

There’s not much to say. Democracy is and always has been, effectively, government for sale to the highest bidder. The high bidder for the Australian government is China. They bought your country fair and square - stop acting like this makes them villains. If you want it to stop, end democracy and remind those who sold your country about that other use for lampposts.

>Is it too late?
Depends on the country. Australia and Canada are clearly fucked, others less so.

>Democracy is and always has been, effectively, government for sale to the highest bidder.
Nailed it.

Its happening around the world too. Iran and hezbollah is all over South America. And China is obviously doing the same.
It will have an huge effect. And its already to late. Its a new form of warfare

Even though the chinese only make 4% of the population and have declining birthrates [similar with canada] we're fucked?
If we cut them out of immigration and started bringing in people from non-hostile 1st world countries [germany/switzerland/uk/belgium/france/usa] couldn't we just put them into a position where they are an extremely minor population?

China's 1# downfall is that the people they export have sub 1 birthrates.

Demography is the most powerful weapon ever devised.

Demography is destiny.

China is 4% of Australia's population [5% but 1% is tiawanese] and they have abysmal [

they breed like roaches. don't discount them out. just look at what happened to the US.

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They don't breed though, china's birthrate is 1.5, overseas it's literally 0.9.
They used to breed like roaches but now they have an inverted population pyramid

What I'm saying is.

End all immigration from china
Only import from non-hostile 1st world countries [germany/switzerland/uk/belgium/france/usa]

Then in a generation or 2 they'll drop to 1-2% of the population then eventually be assimilated/bred out of the gene pool

>Even though the chinese only make 4% of the population and have declining birthrates [similar with canada] we're fucked?
Yes, you moron. There are many other factors at play here beyond muh birthrates.


They hold so much fucking property. 20% of all property sales in this country went to the chinese. They have a network of spies here that alert people back in china if they fuck up

It's fucking terrible, what do we do?

declare war lol
free 20% of your property and money/tax

Can't we slowly breed them out, just stop importing them and let our naturally higher birthrates and their naturally lower birthrates turn them into an irrelevant minority in 10 years.

good to see this book getting attention, its scary shit.

The government isn't going to stop their most recent cash cow, don't be silly.

fucking nuke me user

we're boned

I'm gonna have to gear up for the /racewar/

you could
but war does all that in a day and also throws them the bird lol fuck em'

great. race war or hope china collapses.

>race war
yeah mate you're actually right the last race war yall had you lost to those fucking birds

Species war actually. And the last Dino’s aren’t going down without a fight.

Historically people used to organise into groups to fuck over other people and take their stuff. We are living in an unreal situation at the moment in rich countries at the moment because of temporary buffers in survival and even comfort created by science. Things will go back to normal; the buffer is exhausting fast and there will be a massive hangover to boot. Who knows what will be left but I predict universal ethnic cleansing.

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Foreign "investment" needs to be clamped down on, especially from the chinks. This is coming from someone who is a chink (born and raised in the US). It's a fucking scam, just a way to park their ill-gotten gains off shore where the party can't get to it. All the money is dirty corruption money, but I'm sure everyone already knows that.

It's happening in Australia, Canada, and parts of the US (southern california). Rich chinks are snapping up property and fucking up the values for the citizens. Foreign ownership of residential properties has to go. You can't even own a house in China as a foreigner. I wonder why?


I don't have much to add just my experience as an American who traveled to straya for the first time recently.

Fair enough I was mostly just in big cities like Sydney and Melbourne but I have also been to China before and Australia looks 100% like fucking China.

It was literally a surprise to me to hear English rarely being spoken on the subways. 90% of the conversations you hear on the street or on public transport is in Chinese.

I stayed at an airbnb in an apartment building in downtown Melbourne. 100% of the people I saw in the elevator or entering that building were Chinese. It was rare to see a white person or even any other immigrant in that entire neighborhood.

I called to make a reservation at a local restaurant and the phone was answered in Chinese.

It was a gigantic wakeup call for me.

Also I live in the midwest and I had to transfer planes through san francisco to get to straya. California is fucked too...while I was walking around the San francisco airport waiting for my flight literally every sign for gates or food courts is in English and Chinese.

Walking through duty free to buy a bottle of whiskey - all the signs are in fucking Chinese. All the airport staff are Chinese.

Not to mention that every single tourist area I went to in straya was overrun by a hundred tour buses of loud, rude, shoving, pushing, littering Chinese

>Democracy is and always has been, effectively, government for sale to the highest bidder.
To give another example of that: Qatar and Saudi Arabia invest tons of money in Europe. Half of Paris, if not half of France, for example belongs to Qatar (just google it).

Is it then any surprise Muslims are put on a pedestal like they are? No, of course not since democracy is government for sale to the highest bidder and Qatar and Saudi Arabia have told Europe "we'll invest a ton, but only if...." and the only if was the treatment of muslims like kings and open borders. It's that simple.

There's really a point where Westerners need to wake the fuck up and understand how this game works.

>Not to mention that every single tourist area I went to in straya was overrun by a hundred tour buses of loud, rude, shoving, pushing, littering Chinese
No shit cunt, going to any place in this country featured on a postage stamp or a tourism advertisement is a perfect way to play "Spot The Aussie."

Considering you're a yank, though, do us a favour. Tell people you know about the Chinese menace. Just google "Sam Dastyari" to find out what those cunts are doing here.

>no worries mate just telling virtual Chinese party members how to evade surveillance by ASIO, no big deal go back to drinking

>no big deal go back to drinking
how could you tell...

I have nothing against asians in general, the ones near me are all very cordial and frankly don't commit crime- but I really do hope in my heart of hearts for NK and China to get fucking nuked. Fuck those bugs. Something about Un and Xi's faces just make me want to put a .308 straight fucking through them.

>what effects will this have? Is it too late? How bad is it?
From what I see in Toronto, they're basically extremely wealthy expats, and also a significant part of it is triads buying property for the purpose of laundering money. Part of me says "fuck it, at least they're not somalians" but on the other hand they've basically made this city unliveable for millions of people; people who were born and grew up here 20 years ago can't stay because the cost of housing is too high. Immigration from east Asia and India isn't as bad as what I've seen in Europe (good Lord), but it's not ideal. We're basically going to be a Chinese puppet state in the next 20 years. I suppose I have no right to start complaining now though, seeing as we've basically been a US puppet state for the past 70 years.

House prices would collapse.

>Just google "Sam Dastyari"
Not him but I did.

What can I say? Democracy is the most corrupt political system there is, the only system where corruption has been legalized (aka lobbyism).


4th gen warfare. 'Womb weapons'. And it works.

Ok it might take 100 years or 4-5 generations but a conquest is a conquest is a conquest.


I would rather be a puppet of a western nation than China, but at the rate things are progressing I doubt that will be a reality.