I think women do have a place in the military

They just have to be the right kind of women, and not as front-line ground troops. We need higher standards for female personal, not lower ones.

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just get the comfort women from the country youre invading like the did in Veitnam/Iraq

Asians >>>> powergap >>>> sand "people"

amazing how every other country on earth gets along fine with generic fitness standards and letting women in, and only america has these rampant problems with chicks getting pregnant on ships and women giving all their gear to male suitors on ruck marches

perhaps the problem isn't with women, but with your country being populated by 56%er thirsty mutts who enable useless harlots to continue existing rent-free

I dont know, as far as comfort women are concerned youve got a slightly better chance of still having a non diseased riddled dick with the sand people then with the Asians.

Just give every squad a designated trap.

What do you think the navy's been doing the past 100 years

using dogs

Sand people don't do it for me so it's worth the risk.

As comfort women?

Pleb taste, friend.

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Ur wrong

Not true.

Otherwise Canada's navy would be the biggest in the world.

The problem is that capable women in the 1st World don't join the military, they get jobs. The military has always been for rejects but at least men are useful losers. A stupid woman is just a liability.

I think most other countries dont have their female and male soldiers integrated like they do in America.

The sole purpose of the modern military is acheiving political objectives, the appeal of allowing female soldiers is obvious.

What about service men who aren’t fags?

Well yeah, as comfort women


>Perfect soldiers
Pick one.

You're a faggot, stop projecting you dick eating degenerate.

We have slightly lower fitness standards for women in Finland. They volunteer in the military because they want to seem strong like the male conscripts, but most of them end up being shit at the whole soldier thing, so they either get assigned to non-combat roles or quit. Then, the ones in the combat roles either bitch about everything or they're borderline useless because they were put there to fill a quota.
So yes, it's true. The problem only ever occurs anywhere because it's allowed to occur.


Yeah, you never served.

a "service" man?

>We need higher standards for female personal, not lower ones.
No we don't. We literally just need the same standards for everyone, regardless of genitalia.

God damn it, how can I argue when you're saying such nice things about me?