Obesity and poor mental performance

Are they correlated? I understand that physical fitness and traditional performance are correlated (see the overweight cop during the Dallas shooting getting tired out the same way you'd tire out a boar). But what about behavior?

Video is of an obese police officer having a complete mental shutdown. Would proper nutrition, exercise regiment, and an urge to give a shit have resulted in a different outcome?

Attached: obese police officer being disarmed.jpg (1280x720, 64K)

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Too much fluoride.

I'm not sure how strong the correlation is, but there is some scientific evidence that your fitness level, or more accurately the amount of exercise you get impacts your mental health.

I'd say that Stupidity in a wealthy country can lead to obesity

yes, I don't have the studies in front of me but obesity is correlated to poorer mental performance. if you do some research I'm sure you'll find it.

There's a lot of new research a about how important sunlight is. Being outside as little as 40 minutes a day triggers a cascade of neurotransmitters that affect things like the physical development of the eye. So many kids wear glasses because schools did away with recess. And recess helped kids stay thinner, too.

Low IQ and impulse control are correlated
That's why nigs nog and buy worthless shit
It's also why smoking is concentrated at the lower income bracket (IQ is also correlated with success/wealth)
It's also why obesity is correlated with low IQ

you've got it backwards.
having poor mental strength or health leads to the situations where obesity occurs.

I imagine it's an oxygen problem, like how people on respirators can seem like they have dementia because their brains are oxygen starved

i was a 300 pounds fatass, and now im almost down to 200, still a lot to go but im working my way down. my dick works, i can bend over to tie my shoes, its great. i stopped smoking, i drink only maybe 2 times a month instead of blacking out every night.
but for some reason mentaly im doing worse and worse. i mutter "i should kill myself" i dry fire my gun agenst my head hoping i didnt clear it, though i always do. im feeling lonely and like shit and sad and depressed where before i could at least go numb and not think about it.

what the fuck is going on. i thought getting Jow Forums was supposed to make me super all around.

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I think obesity is a symptom of poor mental performance, given the relative ease of remaining healthy yet lacking either the discipline or common sense to not get fat shows that the obese make poor decisions already. Add to that the laziness that builds with obesity

it's because the end is in sight.

Get down to 180 with some muscle and lose yourself in a workout when you feel depressed. then spam some tinder sluts.

it won't fill an existential void of meaning, but its something.

Urban cops, yes. Rural folks are more likely to be on well water.

you took away whatever was helping you barely keep it together before (probably getting pissed every night) and haven't filled it in with anything.

get a hobby or a job you can devote yourself to. in the meantime just keep the exercise up and you and your house clean and in routine.

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I would imagine that a truely intelligent person would never allow themselves to get obese in the first place.

My girlfriend's mom had a lung removed due to lung cancer and now she is loopy as hell. She is always confused and driving in normal traffic as a passenger terrifies her. She constantly is surprised by other cars and thinks we are about to get in a crash but it is just normal traffic.

Walking across the room makes her winded like she just sprinted 200 meters. She only has 1 lung and the remaining lung is that of a heavy smoker.

Smoking is fucking retarded. She is only 60 and she is less mobile than my 95 year old grandmother.

Topkek what a fucking pussy. Crying like a little bitch while unarmed EMTs have to be the real men and take control of the situation, fucking pathetic as all hell. No wonder these fucks kill anything they see as even a miniscule threat, fucking cowards.

>Smoking is fucking retarded

amen. Especially in my country it's just a tax scam for the government. My Great Grandfather died at 100 a few years ago and was still driving, gardening, doing groceries by himself. My Grandfather however is 62 and has failing liver, lung cancer, had 3 heart attacks between 50-60 and looks like a dead swollen body from all the medication. Just caused by smoking, drinking and eating too much.

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Stupid people do stupid things, one of which is neglecting their bodies.

The majority of people are stupid, and they just exist. They put no thought into their actions or think more than five minutes ahead. It's why they eat over priced calorie dense and nutrient void foods.

Stupid people are also very easy to anger and get confused easily.

The job of a police officer is just slightly more demanding than being a cashier. It takes very little intelligence to do it, which is why so many cops are idiots.

You cannot fix this.

>a tax scam for the government
I think it's more that the government decides it might as well make some money off the people dumb enough to still be smoking.

I don't smoke or care for it, but having the government tax people for social engineering is stupid. Do you know how many times politicians keep pushing for more gun and ammo taxes?

Further, people who smoke are eliminating themselves from the population/workforce. So who cares, you have less competition now.

>lose yourself in a workout when you feel depressed. then spam some tinder sluts.
This is what I'm desperately trying to get to
>it won't fill an existential void of meaning, but its something.

It's like if cops trained using nothing but Cokeman videos

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The body is a machine, it's not going to perform as well if it's fueled with junk food compared to healthy food.

Stick with it brother, don't give up now that you're so close. You've already made it further than most people ever do.

It’s very common that people with extreme depression end themselves when they are actually just getting better, on the rebound. That’s when they need to be watched. It sounds like that’s you. Stick through it dude, it’ll get better.
