In a gunless America

In a nightmare America where guns were banned, what would be your weapon of choice.
Personally I would choose a bow because I have years of experience shooting one. But for personal protection I think I’d go with a short sword or dagger.

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A gun.

fuck off op

>If guns were banned
I’d have a gun and if guns magically disappeared I’d make a slambang

>In a gunless America

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Oi!! Thets whea yer wrong mate. Now foil dewn the shap edges on the knoif!!

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Banning something does not remove it from existence you dumb fuck.

Why can liberals not understand this?

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My weapon of choice would still be a gun.

a banned gun

you can't have fun threads here anymore, the Jow Forums is too strong



A gun

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If I couldn't have a gun? I'd still have a gun!
because I'm a shonen battle anime protagonist so I always win

I'd just make a submarine fun
Submachine gun
It's not even difficult, just highly illegal

I know, right?

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Let's say guns were never invented I'd have a crossbow.

Otherwise, spear


In a gunless America I’m gonna make some real money running bootleg gats.

>my submachine gun
>for submarine fun
>it's underwater
>it's fully-auter
>shooting in the duck pond
>plz don't kill my dachshund

100% Nice

Yeah because you can make this cut with a fucking hacksaw.

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>being pro-life but doesn't do anything to help children born to poor shitty parents.

Pipe shotgun. Made with paper shells and bootleg powder.

>in a gunless America

You do realize that this will literally never happen, right? There are so many guns that the sheer scope of undertaking collecting and destroying them all is simply impossible, not to mention that all hell would break loose at the mere mention of a serious effort to take the legally owned weapons of law abiding citizens.

Plus, in a world where owning a gun, any gun, becomes illegal in America, or unacceptably tight laws are passed, that is just asking for an open season on any and all fucks who support it.

>well, owning a s&w j frame is now illegal and punishable by prison time if I'm not simply shot on sight for having a gun
>might as well illegally modify some AKs to full auto and join the People's Militia at this point

That's why it has never been attempted in earnest. There are individuals and groups that have been stockpiling weapons, armor, ammunition, explosive elements, etc., in preparation of such an event for decades. Decades.

Even if every cop and every member of the armed forces was behind it, it would still fail. Not to mention how it would destabilize the country during what would essentially amount to the Second American Civil War, but with much better weapons and a sophisticated guerrilla war.

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You van believe that human life has intrinsic value and that each parent should be personally responsible for the life they create. Those are not mutually exclusive.

In fact, being personally responsible for your offspring is what gives human life its value through the power of human affection and attachment to lived ones and the well being of their lives.

Thinking that your offspring can be pawned off onto the care of society and the government is what devalues human life die to the lack of family care and affection. So no I will not take care of someone else's kid. They are unloved by their parents and so they have no value to the world. So wear a condom you worthless liberal shitbag of a cosmic accident. Just because your parents didn't love you doesn't mean I have to feed your scrawny rodent spawn.

You will lie in the bed that you've made.

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If ya want this kinda thread you have to specify that it's literally magic that removes guns from the equation and turns it into a hypothetical or the answer's gonna be various kind of guns.

You mean when?

fpbp. OP is a faggot

I didn't make anything except one child who I have fed and cared for since birth.

If brown people cant figure out birth control and love to abort thier children that's thier problem. The liberal who promotes fatherless society and abortion is the one creating the swelled rolls of welfare feeders.

You can plug your ears and whine about it being "thier problem" all you want, but at the end of the day, you are supporting the demographic marginalization of White America.

How? Explain how. I will hear you out. How do I support demographic marginalization. I have made a white child. I feed him and care for him and teach him to use fire arms and value personal liberty and responsibility above all else. How is that destroying white people?

Without guns there is no America.

The fertility rate of non-hispanic whites is the lowest among major demographics. You support the preservation of thousands of unwanted black and hispanic fetii which will never and can never grow into productive members of society. They will vote; they will reproduce. This is a good thing to you, for some strange reason.

You really have no idea what personal responsibility means do you? I am not going to support death for babies because they are the wrong color. Nor do I think it impossible for brown and black parents to care for their children or at least learn to do so with time and instruction. You do not believe in human life nor do you believe in human dignity. I am not going to fundamentally change who I am and what I believe because it makes sense from a racial conflict perspective. I will not ask white people to abandon millenia of western civilizations lessons about individual liberty and human rights, to ask them to believe that unborn children are not human or have no rights, I will not ask anyone to make more societal crutches for personal irresponsibility. If this dooms the white race then this also dooms the human race. If brown and black people cannot learn to moderate thier impulses as you seem to believe then it is only a matter of time before they get hold of a nuclear weapon or unleash some virus that cannot be contained. There is no such thing as a "white Hispanic". There are whites and there are Hispanics. And there is no hope for human civilization on this planet if white people do not hold firm to the values that made this civilization possible. Hard work, human dignity, individual responsibility and the rule of law. If those things are not beat into the thick skulls of the browns and blacks, there indeed is no hope for white civilization. But you go ahead and tell me that abortion will solve everything. Abortion, just like welfare and all other crutches only make it easier to shrug personal responsibility and worsen the problem for the next generation of brown and blacks. I am not going to pretend that somehow they will all just kill themselves and that makes it ok. It wont stop whatever is coming. And what is coming is not the fault of a lack of available abortions. Its due to the lack of personal responsibility and respect for the rule of law.

sounds like you should have been aborted

A rock in a sock

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if the US-Mexican border is so porous that drugs by the tons and humans by the truckloads can move through so freely, what makes you think firearms and ammunition would not be moving in from Mexico?


implying we would obey
cause we ain't even obeying now

fuck the law

love you user
ah yes, a disciple of PA Luty and a man of true honor

>not a luty smg
step it up


I can build a gun.

Die grinders and cutoff wheels exist for a reason.