Could one defend their home effectively, from a single crowbar armed perpetrator, using only common fridge items...

Could one defend their home effectively, from a single crowbar armed perpetrator, using only common fridge items, and one of those can/golfball launcher attachments for ARs?

Attached: fr o o t.jpg (3818x2540, 3.04M)


>Could one defend their home effectively, from a single crowbar
as long as they are not a quantam physicist

What would be the ideal fridge item for such a task?

Frozen Orange/Grapefruit

Alternatively, frozen blueberries. Its like buckshot.


Jar of jam, beer cans.

Glass bottle of whatever. Or.... a can.

Pounder of Grain Belt Premium

Mixed fruit
Big holes and small ones

>using only common fridge items

Yes, its far harder to defend against a man wielding a piece of fruit.

zucchini stuffed with rotten eggs.
glass bottle of hot sauce, with neck scored to break diagonally
ice cubes (insert 8oz. coke can, unopened, as wad, then fill launcher to top with ice cubes)

you seem to really dislike this thief.

I honestly wouldn't fuck with anyone ready to launch a fucking piece of fruit at me.

This has me thinking.
>make cork disks the same diameter as soda can for wadding
>insert ball bearings/gravel
>giant shotgun

what if the burglar is coming for your fruit cocktail.

Attached: 2323424242.jpg (1440x1080, 69K)

Then I'll serve it to him, at a brisk 3k ft/s.

The fridge.

Attached: watch-out-weve-got-a-badass-over-here.jpg (600x400, 64K)

Half gallon of gin.

You get hit by a soda can cranking out at 400fps, you're going down.