US intelligence report: China will have the world's most powerful naval gun ready for war by 2025

Directly from the horse's mouth. There is no doubt China is winning the Railgun race now. US intelligence agreed. Dont bother them about it.

>The warship-mounted electromagnetic railgun is expected to enter China's arsenal by 2025, according to sources with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report.
>Railguns have long appeared on Russian, Iranian and U.S. military wish lists as cost-effective weapons that give navies the might of a cannon with the range of a precision-guided missile.
>China's railgun is capable of striking a target 124 miles away in under 90 seconds, according to the report.

Attached: China Railgun.jpg (960x640, 264K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>China is currently testing the world's most powerful naval gun and people with direct knowledge of a U.S. intelligence report say it will be ready for war by 2025.

>Railguns use electromagnetic energy instead of gunpowder to propel rounds, and China's is capable of striking a target 124 miles away at speeds of up to 1.6 miles per second, according to the report. For perspective, a shot fired from Washington, D.C., could reach Philadelphia in under 90 seconds.

>Railguns have long appeared on Russian, Iranian and U.S. military wish lists as cost-effective weapons that give navies the might of a cannon with the range of a precision-guided missile.

>The rounds used in China's railgun cost between $25,000 and $50,000 each, according to the intelligence assessment. Though not an exact comparison since the weapons have different technologies, the U.S. Navy's Tomahawk cruise missile has an estimated price tag of $1.4 million each.

>China's railgun was first seen in 2011 and underwent testing in 2014, according to people who spoke to CNBC on the condition of anonymity. Between 2015 and 2017 the weapon was calibrated to strike at extended ranges, increasing its lethality. By December 2017, the weapon was successfully mounted on a warship and began at-sea testing, a feat no other nation has accomplished.

>The U.S. Navy's railgun, years away from being operational, remains a classified system still in development under the Office of Naval Research.

>China's sprint to develop a weapon of this magnitude comes on the heels of Beijing's recent deployment of missile systems to fortified outposts in the South China Sea.

>The railgun coupled with the new coastal defense systems represents a significant addition to China's military portfolio in one of the most contested regions of the world.

Attached: Chinese Railgun prototype on Haiyang Shan LST testbed.jpg (2000x1395, 724K)

What a delusional take you have there.


more like the CIA.

but whatever.

Thanks for proving your inability to think critcally about anything. Ever.


You're fucking retarded. Intelligence is never to be taken at face value. I bet you think the bomber gap was a real thing and not just a ploy for more money. Fucking moron.

Good work Comrade Chang. You get 5 Yuan and an egg roll for your post.

They are ahead of us in quantum computing also.

why is it covered in tin foil

Even if the "Bomber gap" was slightly exaggerated, the funding boost allowed the Air force to gain the technological advantages it required to carry out their mission. Preparing for the worst possible scenario is never a bad thing.


He's a chink, they're all delusional >Trusting the cia
I bet you also support the ATF


>same range
>half the flight time

Attached: range.jpg (1029x686, 63K)


How the fuck would you, or anyone, know? Private sector quantum computing is actively purchased/suppressed by different governments around the world. Its impact on intelligence, financial, government, crypto, etc can't be understated. Places like DARPA and its euro equivalents spend billions on research because it'll be maybe the most disruptive tech of the 21st century

It wasn't slightly exaggerated. It was massively exaggerated.

However exaggerated the communist media you consume portrayed it to be, my point still stands.

No it doesn't. The 'missile' gap was the issue. And you assholes bought it hook line and sinker. You've got contractors out there trying to make money and they used your stupid ass. You could have been as rich as Norway and living on Mars by now if you didn't fall for lobbyists looking for money for their clients. You go so played.

>not Congress bait for more funding
This happens LITERALLY every month.

US Navy is too busy conducting studies whether urinals really offend females and trannies.

RIP Navy.

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>You could have been as rich as Norway
So you've finally admitted you're not an American and you expect me to care about your opinion on OUR national defense? Whatever Europoverty dirt kingdom you dwell in can play with its twelve armored cars because the United states is defending the world.


When did it all go so wrong.

China soon has railguns and the USB is debating about urinals.

Quantum Ammunition

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>There was an African CS on my ship that would stand at a urinal and jerk off while trying to make small talk with people who entered the bathroom
I'm ok with no urinals

Is this a shill or a summerfag?


>all that butthurt coping Americans


That's not what critical thinking is


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Intelligence should always be considered, even if it may not be fully correct.

They may have a peasant railgun but we have the Rods from God.

it'll break at 1 shot like every other copied tech they have

>Most powerful naval gun
Impressive! I suppose the Western nations will have to capitulate to China seeing as how there's nothing that can outrange a powerful cannon aboard a ship.
Whatever will we do should the Orientals ever unlock the secrets of ships constructed from metal or that can propel themselves without wind or water current?

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Hmmm, I seriously doubt it. I wish I could tell you why I think that.

Actually, like every other railgun
That's why the USN's railgun isn't working, durability and rate of fire concerns
If the only requirement was "lob tits chunk of metal with 100 MJ of energy then we'd have had it ready years ago

it says the gun outranges missiles and can be a superior defense against anti-ship missiles and aircraft

>post yfw it's the return of the big gun battleships
I don't even know why you Americans are wishing for it to fail when it could mean the return of battleships like the Iowa that some of you like to wank about so much. It's also much cheaper than missiles which fits in with Trump's "under budget, ahead of schedule" philosophy.

What if the pigdog Americans fire more than one ship missile at once, and/or from different directions?

China has quantum supremacy
China has rail gun supremacy
China has hypersonic supremacy

What does the US have? LGBT supremacy?

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This would almost be a concern if China actually had a navy.

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Railguns are fast firing as well. China has achieved a semi-liquid armature that prevents rail ablation. This is the key to their railgun success.

That's a job for laser weapons instead, not railguns. Fortunately for you, Americans are the ones that are far ahead in this field.

>What does the US have? LGBT supremacy?

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jesus fucking christ that thing looks like it's just slapped onto the ship.

anyone have that pic of the saudi amphib with the avengers bungeed onto the top for AA?

六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre
反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward
文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution
人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system
民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行
法輪功 Falun Dafa 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗
胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨
獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 肅清 活摘器官
黑社會 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩
台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama
新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 東突厥斯坦

LRLAP does that popup maneuver for more range

give us the full pasta my dude

pretty sure it was Egyptian

>"The U.S. Navy's railgun, years away from being operational, remains a classified system still in development under the Office of Naval Research."
> "China will have the world's most powerful naval gun ready for war by 2025"

Kind of sounds like neither of them will see service until the better half of a decade. Not sure how you got to "There is no doubt China is winning the Railgun race now.".


With the blessings of cutting edge Chinese quantum railgun, fate has in a single stroke, marked the decline of the West and spelled a new era of wondrous prosperity and peaceful global dominance for the Chinese dragon, which promises to firmly stand in sharp contrast to the historically bloody ascent of sexual-fluid western powers, the cruel subjugation and rampant degeneracy it brought to the humbler nations of the world.

>We need mo money fo dem defense contracts

>American Quantum Seething

>中華民國 Republic of China

Attached: 六四事件.jpg (1130x859, 239K)

Source for that pic?

Has the chink gun fired a single shot yet?

>Naval War College thinks Wakands is real
Wew lad

>China will have the world's most powerful naval gun
>China's railgun is capable of striking a target 124 miles away in under 90 seconds, according to the report.

SO WHAT? Americas railgun is mounted on a spaceship and capable of striking up to 7000 kilometers away in 1 second

Attached: 127529296750.png (2185x1960, 148K)

>what african political, social and economic development might have looked like uninterrupted by colonization

still selling black slaves to arabs, not using the wheel, no agriculture, population of low millions rather than +billion..

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>What does the US have? LGBT supremacy?
Literally this but Americans think this makes them stronger. Just like they think diversity and turning into a second Mexico actually makes them stronger.

Americans are unironically mentally ill.

Attached: LS99-Diversity-is-our-Strength-Large-Bumper-Sticker.jpg (700x179, 46K)

China got BTFO on the supercomputer front like 2 weeks ago

I don't understand how unguided projectiles are supposed to hit targets with precision at 50+ mile ranges. Take for example sub MOA accuracy rifles. At 1,000 yards they are shooting a ~7 inch group, 2,000 yard ~14 etc. At 50+ miles the shot grouping is going to be huge even if the gun is like 0.1 MOA accurate. Plus it is going to be fired from a ship that is rocking on the waves. Yes I know computers can compensate for the ship's movememt, but it isn't going to be a perfect compensation.

Guided rounds, the thing that got cut from the Zumwalt.

>world's most powerful railgun
>range is less than the physically far smaller BAE railgun

Pfftthahaha. Ohhhhkkkaaay, and there was a huge bomber gap in the US during the cold war.

Its nothing new, the supercomputer crown is going to be pass back and forth indefinitely.

Popup cuts total range than ballistic.

Can computers and working mechanical parts really survive railgun launch forces? And isn't each round going to be so expensive that it might as well be a missle? The entire appeal of a railgun is the simplicity and low cost of ammo. Once you are shooting guided ammo with computers, sensors, moving parts etc. I would think the advantage over missiles vanishes.

The explosives and propellants in a missile are cheap, its the guided part that is expensive.

>may spoil Americans plans

Guess it didn't Lel. DOE already has an exoscale design, and is building it right now. Summit is built for AI.

China is behind.


I doubt the shells would have radar built-in like in missiles but that then means it needs to be guided by another platform apart from the ship.

>Chinks: finish by 2020
>Burgers:finish by 2021

THIS is why the chink shills are out in full force.

They are embarrassed. They (retardedly) put their national pride into this shit. The worst part is, Americans don't give a fuck. This is them not even trying.

Imagine to give all your effort into a task just to have your opponent go, meh, and beat you without care.

>China said the prototype will be operational this year
>no operational prototype spotted or heard from.

Setting up to be hilarious. Furthermore the US has three exascale systems.

>Furthermore the US has three exascale systems.

Where are they?

US could have an exascale computer right now if it truly wanted it, using summit scaled up. Each one of summits nodes could do it.

It would just be inefficient.

>China still boasted way more entries than the US in a list of the fastest 500 supercomputers published last year.
LMAO its the US who's dick waving.

>China proves it can mass produce legacy hardware
Dude what a revelation.

That would mean it is vulnerable to spoofing/jamming if it is relying on incoming radio commands.

I don't think they could be infrared seeking because IR sensors usually need to be kept cool. The nose of a railgun projectile is going to be an extremely hot environment. The limiting factor with railgun velocities is the projectile destroying itself from the heat of the air reaistance. Ever seen the damage to the leading edges of the X-15 after mach 6+ flight. It is cooked. Pic related.

I just don't see how any sort of radar, IR, or laser sensor could survive the environment at the nose of a railgun projectile. Remote control seems rrally vulnerable.

Some sort of inertial gyro guidance? But can a sensor that sensitive survive being shot out of a railgun?

It all just seems so expensive and complex that it defeats everything appealing about a railgun which is lots and lots of cheap solid metal slugs as ammo and only electricity as a propellant.

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Oak Ridge, Lawrence, and the DOE.

Aurora will be the first exascale aimed directly and designed for AI regardless of if it is the first, the other two for other tasks.

Engineered and designed by American educated chinks and pooinloos right? So I guess after make the american systems they'll go to China and recreate the same systems with more nodes.

Nope. National Security projects like this by law have to use US citizens.

Regardless, even if they did conduct espionage (which is a big problem), by the time they got set up in China they are already behind the curve.

Yeah that's how these things generally work, the Americans rehire them to build better systems, and the Chinese do the same.

No, because they are kept from project to project. They are not contract workers. Furthmore, the Chinese goverment hiring an American to work on a national security project is about as retarded as the opposite.

Please refrain from being retarded.

But that doesn't stop them from working for both countries.

I got to use some supercomputers when I was in grad school for molecular biology. We were using the computers to model protein molecular structures. I had to provide all kinds of paperwork and get a background check and all tne code we ran had to be checked out by a 3rd party to make sure it was what we said it was.

>National Security projects like this by law have to use US citizens.

They weren't working in NS related projects, but if they did then they surely would have been sending back info in real time. Turns out that people can retain 70-year-long hidden loyalties, who knew?

Did you mean born citizens? Now that's harder.

It very much does, because neither country let's outsiders work on its national security projects. Pretty simple logic here.

No it doesn't, a Chinese engineer with an american citizenship can work for the government on a national security project until its complete, go through "early retirement", move to China and then work for on a Chinese national security project.

This shit happens all the fucking time and it explains why the American government seems to be throwing away unclassified data on a daily basis.

>dual citizen Chinese working under SCI

Nope, legally impossible due to china's status as an advisoral country.


Tiananmen Square Massacre

Do you honestly think nation security projects especially extremely large multi billion dollar budgeted or black budget projects don't through subcontractors?

No leftists are there's plenty of Americans who are trying to fight this bullshit

Contractors have access to unclassified data. Yes, even the most recent hack was 100% unclassified. Sensitive, sure.

But now you are getting into cyber which is a whole other subject.

>black budget projects
Nope. Those are 100% in house.

I'm starting to think you're a desperate false flagging fiftycenter, if you really think subcontractors don't compromise security.

They usually split everything up so much that a lot of the subcontractors don't know exactly what it is they are developing. They just know they need to make a sensor with X requirements and dimensions etc. That is one reason shit costs so much. It is very inefficient to split up the design of a top secret weapon into 100 groups of people who don't get to communicate directly with each other.

They do, but the data they compromise is controlled, not classified or secret.

Oh, but even subcontractors working on national security projects still must only higher SCI applicants, aka US citizens.