22 on steroids

Is 556 "enough"?

Specifically in the one shot one kill department

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Shoot yourself in the chest with one and get back to us

Is .44 magnum enough? Because it has less muzzle energy than 5.56.

Shot placement > penetration > anything else

Bumblebee vs an ant

not reliably, no. Shot placement matters more with .223/5.56 than it does with something larger. If you want one shot one kill, don't use an intermediate cartridge. a battle rifle will be more your speed.

Muzzle energy faggot lmao

>not a total compromise to begin with

that's my picture i posted like last week, just genuinely curious how it was interesting enough for you to save?

Shot placement is important. 556 Typically needs to hit a vital organ or artery.

If you want to point at a location on the body and go by round that is a better question. A 556 hitting in your shoulder


You could stab someone with a pen in that artery and kill them.

Yeah, you're not running XM855 Penetration rounds, get with the game son, that shit will tear through lvl 3 plates if you have a tight grouping.

I love reloading devices.

Ive never seen a handcrafted reloading table, and for a dual caliber. Thats some fancy shit right there friend.

Look up podavach

12 gauge is king for home defense. No one can take 00 buckshot center mass and still present a threat

Out of what length barrel moron? Because out of an 18inch barrel a 240 grain 44 mag is over 1400ft lbs.

Well tan my ass and call me italian.

Thanks man, Ive been looking for speed loaders for a while now and somehow never knew about that.

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Use some nice frangible projectiles on soft targets and you'll get plenty of kills.

It can be, with the correct shot placement. Best to put more rounds in the attacker, but there was one case where a guy killed three nogs who broke into his house with three shots, all to the chest from an AR.

>If you want one shot one kill, don't use an intermediate cartridge. a battle rifle will be more your speed.
.308 isn't all that great for it either and shot placement still matters. It'll tend to overpenetrate and waste its additional energy.


Factually incorrect

If you want 1 shot 1 kill go with magnum buckshot. It's like magdumping a .380 pistol on somebody with each shot.

More like bumblebee vs. wasp

A 100 grain 5.56 bullet can get the same result out of an 18 inch barrel but .44 mag averages much less.


I would rather be shot by a fmj 5.56 out of a 16 inch barrel than a soft lead point .44 mag out of a 10.5 inch super blackhawk.

I would take the .44. No fragmentation. Little to no expansion even with a softpoint. Just a .44 caliber out and out hole.

A 100 gr 5.56?

Have you ever seen a soft point .44 and what it does to pigs?

It bounces off?
Pics or it didn't happen

>556 Typically needs to hit a vital organ or artery
As does literally anything in order to kill.

People aren't pigs. A softpoint .44 doesn't have enough time to expand before exiting out the other side.

Yes. Barnes also makes some 85 and 90 grain bullets as well which perform similarly.


Don't worry, it's only intended to wound. You can basically use your ars as airsoft. Kids these days do it in school all the time

Do those fit in magazines? Might as well just have a 224 valkyrie.

>Specifically in the one shot one kill department

If you are looking for almost guaranteed one shot kill on a human you are going to .50 BMG territory.

Of course, they're just seated deeper. They are a niche round admittedly, but 77 grain TAP or Mk 262 will 1300 ft/lbs or just under from an 18 inch barrel.

>brainlets still think KE is any direct measure of lethality
You retards probably think it electrocutes you to death or something, and that 1.8 KJ is an impressive amount of energy

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Of course not. 5.56 also fragments, which makes it far deadlier than it is even on paper.

Literally a meme wounding mechanism

I've seen 5.56 put things down with one shot, I've seen 3 30-06 rounds fail to produce a stop and 4 .243 Win just the same. I've also seen a 20 gauge birdshot load kill a cow. I've known people who got hit with 3-4 9mm and survived and folks who got put to bed by one .22lr.

Shoot well, be prepared to follow up.

"No rapidity of fire can atone for habitual careless placement of the first shot" is not always viable when we defend ourselves, so we shoot 5.56 at people hoping for a one-shot stop but ready to give them a few more fast.

Even if you do shoot someone with a 50 you're going to shoot them again just in case.

More effective than the expanding meme or the tumbling meme.

the whole point of 556 is that you can carry more in the gun and on you. why the fuck would you care about one shot one kill

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One shot one kill? Shoot them in the head... Personally tho, for one shot one kill I'd use 12 gauge buck shot or a similar round that can cause massive instant trauma in an attempt to cause the target to go into shock. But all things considered 5.56 is a nasty lil round, the whole tumble and fragmentation internally is a real medical headache, if the target doesn't get proper medical help they face a painful death via septic-shock or shock via blood-loss.

But it fires at a slower rate, hits harder

When I was in Ukraine we used both 5.56 and 7.62. When we would get into fire fight we would use AK to draw them out of walls, but I always prefered 5.56 to 7.62 because of controllable nature of the rifle

Any information on .700 NE vs. human?

>People aren't pigs
I beg to differ.

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>tfw you have personally seen a wanna-be muj tank a burst from an m2 long enough to make it into cover and take a shot back.
Humans are fucking terrifying man.

You probably believe that sort of thing too lol

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Everything about this comment is retarded.

Good goyim

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Fucking dumb hick.

practice shot placement to the head, one shot one kill with any round, from .22 to .45-70

>everyone who disagrees with me must be a dumb hick
>CNN told me so

.22 is "enough" to say the least it'll get into the blood stream and block off veins causing a heart attack, its enough to kill bears.
5.56 will just punch a small hole through that could be taped up easy or even ignored by a bear.

Shut up samefag

uuuhhh hoooo hooo muh mall ninja 5.56 firing team im so fucking cool got my copy now im as tough as all them and take them all out at once with muh round designed for a team using them at once uhhh hooo hoooo hah

>it'll get into the blood stream and block off veins causing a heart attack

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"one shot one kill" only matters with high-value targets.

Realistically all you need is enough to stop them from shooting back because they're too busy bleeding out.

I feel bad for you

nigga the point of an AR is so you aren't reliant on just one. you've got 29 more ready to go and a tiny amount of muzzle rise from the last one. shoot more than once cunt. if you're hunting, dont be retarded, use the heaviest shit you can and don't try and take down an 800 pound Moose with a single shot

M855 sucks ass, is innacurate, and doesn't penetrate plates whatsoever.

m193 on the othe rhand.