Dimethylmercury gun?

>no immediate affects
>skin soluable
>shoot at someone (like a politician)
>probably get away because they think it's water or some shit

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except for the fact that you just shot someone.

Tell me more.

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>Splatter it on someone
>Wind up killing yourself and 14 other people

Please don't make idiotic posts because you studied at the University of Wikipedia today.

>touch barrel after firing
two birds one stone tbhonestsoyboy

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>Wetterhahn would recall that she had spilled one or two drops of dimethylmercury from the tip of a pipette onto her latex-gloved hand. Not believing herself in any immediate danger, as she was taking all recommended precautions,she proceeded to clean up the area prior to removing her protective clothing.
>However, tests later revealed that dimethylmercury can, in fact, rapidly permeate different kinds of latex gloves and enter the skin within about 15 seconds.
>removed from life support and died on June 8, 1997, less than a year after her initial exposure.

imagine shooting a politician you hate with a diethyl mercury gun, getting pushed off by security thinking it's water or some joke shit if it looks like a water gun only for the politician to be bran dead in 6 months

>plan assassination of bloomph
>have super soaker of dimethylmercury ready
>wifes son shoots you with it because hes a little rascal
>wife cleans up Tyrese and then pleases her boyfriend Tyrone
>all 4 die

ye lez do it

you would stick out more by shooting someone with a squirtgun than a real gun. everyone would know to look for "that moron who squirted on politician X"

except by the time they find you, youd be dead from exposure

Collateral damage make it look not like a targeted assassination

Do it OP

Wtf that's terrifying.

The real question is how to handle it without poisoning yourself.

Besides which concentrated organic mercury isn't something you can typically buy at Orchard Supply.

Geez, they thought rubber gloves was enough for a toxic material like that?

Mercury fulminate is more fun and you can make it with household materials.

That's deliciously malevolent. Makes me want to do the stereotypical evil belly laugh.

It took months to kill Wetterhahn since she only got 2 drops. If you actually managed to shoot someone with a squirt, they'll become ill within a day. The hospital or morgue will figure out what happened and you'll get caught since you were the only person to spray something at the target in the past couple of days.

Not to mention you'll probably also kill whoever happens to be standing near him.

still more time to get away before anyone figures anything out though, which is a lot more than shooting someone in broad daylight

>victim recalls being splashed with something by some autist
>autopsy detects high levels of mercury in the blood
HMMMMMMMM I wonder what murder weapon could have done this?

You could dilute it so that the onset is slower
Wouldn't solve all your problems but might be worth considering

Seal it in a glass capsule and shoot it from an air pistol

>Collateral damage make it look not like a targeted assassination
Random people by a famous person or politicians are the target instead of politicians or famous person.

You will kill yourself just trying to aquire and weaponize it.

Pro tip: leave tobacco in a very high proof alcohol in a jar in your basement for 2 weeks, and you have a solution that also goes straight through skin and enough of it to kill a herd of elephants.


If you guys ever need to kill somebody on the down low use this shit. Search discretely and you can find a screencap of how to synthesize it from paint shop materials a few other little things

It goes straight through most protective gear and the residue and vapor are also extremely dangerous. Even if you throw away everything you used to make it it will probably penetrate the trash bags you put it in and poison the poor garbage man that takes away your trash.

Don't be an asshole. You need a real lab, scientific glassware, proper ventilation, proper protective gear, and proper toxic waste disposal that is properly labeled so the trained waste disposal personnel know WTF they are dealing with.

>Pro tip: leave tobacco in a very high proof alcohol in a jar in your basement for 2 weeks, and you have a solution that also goes straight through skin and enough of it to kill a herd of elephants.

Lethal Dose
Arsenic 200 mg
Strychnine 75 mg
Hydrogen Cyanide 60 mg
Nicotine 60 mg

>A single cigarette contains 10 to 20 mg of nicotine

>The estimated lower limit of a lethal dose of nicotine has been reported as between 500 and 1000 mg.



>probably get away because they think it's water or some shit

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people have been assassinated by getting poisoned on the street with poisoner never getting caught

In the late 19th century poisoning was all the rage. THOTs used to kill their husbands using it all the time.

> Standard textbooks, databases, and safety sheets consistently state that the lethal dose for adults is 60 mg or less (30–60 mg)

>THOTs used to kill their husbands using it all the time.
They still do, because women are more frail they require more subtle and indirect means

>wait for a rainy day
>fill a syringe, prepare jar of neutralizing agent and some water/acetone
>find your way onto the rooftop of a busy street
>squeeze syringe off top of the building
>rinse syringe, cap
>scramble down the building as quickly as possible, dispose of syringe in nearest dumpster
>skip town

holy shit bros, is it that easy?

a woman on my Uni used the wrong gloves and and get 12ft under.

I hope I dont need it at work somedays

Just use some 9mm HP and drill a 3x2mm deep hole in the midle and fill it with 2 microballs LSD.

Thats what I call a horrortrip

>imagine shooting a politician
Keep talking shit and see where it gets you!
Summer Fag

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That value is bogus, but well-known, so it stuck around for 100 years without anyone really questioning it.


I'll just leave this here


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That can be disrupted in many ways, an actual crop duster has to be shot down