The Civil War was the only war in American history that made Americans freer (though it made us less free in some ways)...

The Civil War was the only war in American history that made Americans freer (though it made us less free in some ways). All the other wars in American history had zero benefit for the ordinary American and benefited only a tiny cabal of political and financial elites.

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I think you mean the 'Revolutionary War' and the 'War of Eighteen Twelve', you educated stupid.

Both WWI and WWII helped Americans in unintended ways.

Neither of those benefited ordinary Americans in any meaningful way. By the end of the Revolutionary war, about 1/5 of Americans were literal slaves. Same for 1812.
No, they did not. Our standard of living would have been higher had we stayed out of it, and we would probably have more freedom at home as well.

The Indian Wars

WHy do You WHite Wash History. You no all them Soldiers was Black Men fighting to Save America from Racist Southerns.

Completely avoidable, drained our economy, made our men die for some incompetent anglos, allied with communists and changed an entire country's view on race, religion and culture just for """opposition"""

>The Civil War was the only war in American history that made Americans freer

My state's economy didn't recover until 1960.

You sound like a high schooler

Freer my ass. Ever since the south lost we’ve been getting raped by central banking system. Freedom is just an illusion now. No one will ever know true freedom

Look at all of those Yankee War Criminal Scumbags

Correct the civil war made us free-er of mouth breathing southern retards

Dumb rebels had it coming, sweetie.

>complain about "mouth breathing southern retards"
>won't let us leave

Like an abused woman that bitches about being battered but keeps bailing the boyfriend out of jail. All we wanted was separation and you guys would have been better off for it.

I'd say 1812 was the last war we fought that wasn't a total sham.

This. We should have shown the South the door, rather than whine about muh negroes

>implying that the American Colonial Rebellion was a good thing
stay brainwashed kiddo

>you guys would have been better off for it
Yeah until WW2 rolls around and the Axis has a base of operations in North America.

>implying the CSA wouldn't have imploded and become part of the USA again by that point
We could have had all the victory of the civil war, with none of the pointless bloodshed.

>le edgy contrarian

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>implying the USA would want to take back the South after it goes full Haiti
We'd have that southern border wall built by now though! Just north of the Potomac

>drained our economy
WW2 was the savior of our economy you dolt. What do you think got us out of the Great Depression?

The New Deal obviously

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>The Confederates were racist, so they would've joined up with the Nazees!!!1

This is such a stupid speculation and I hate when alteebate history people do this. Hitler would've viewed the CSA the same way he viewed the US, maybe worse because he'd see them as lazy degenerates who rely on an inferior race to do all their work for them.

you know you can just ask Uncle Adolph how he actually felt about the CSA, it's not like he hadn't heard of them:
>"Since the Civil War, in which the Southern States were conquered, against all historical logic and sound sense, the American people have been in a condition of political and popular decay. In that war, it was not the Southern States, but the American people themselves who were conquered. In this spurious blossoming of economic progress and power politics, America has ever since been drawn deeper into the mire of progressive self-destruction. The beginnings of a great new social order based on the principle of slavery and inequality were destroyed by that war, and with them also the embryo of a future truly great America that would not have been ruled by a corrupt caste of tradesmen, but by a real Herren-class that would have swept away all the falsities of liberty and equality."

False. The civil war gave us the idea of the income tax, government having the right to force you to do things against your will (other than military conscription), and the central government overriding state power.

I wasn't implying that. Unless we were to have flat out deported all black people to Africa and done something to control jewery, he would have hated the US no matter what. Irl, he thought we were half negro, half jew, and that our country couldn't last. Maybe it'll just take longer than he thought, but he may have been right

WW2 getting us out of the depression is one of the most retarded memes ever.

So is this one. Both of you need to take an economics course.

>made Americans freer
>Lincoln went full dictator and imprisoned journalists and politicians who spoke out against the war
>destroy your own country and ruin the economy
>make states rights null using authoritarian measures

I hate Lincoln so god damn much. Just a slimy two-faced liar politician. The propaganda around him is disgusting.

>I won't fuck over the south if I'm president
>jk fuck you
>I'll send black people back to Africa
>jk they got upset over the idea and I cucked

His only saving grace was that he didn't get America into debt with the banks.

Nice bait kiddo

>tfw every time a president leads the US like a dictator the history books call him one of the greatest ever
holds true for Roosevelt, Lincoln, Washington...

>WW2 getting us out of the depression is one of the most retarded memes ever.
Why? It took the slack out of unemployment and was the final push to fully industrialize. The New Deal was making progress but WW2 was absolutely beneficial economically.

>the south going full haiti
>when its retarded christcucks in the north who want uncle tom to fuck their daughter so badly that several hundred thousand men have to die

Conscription was also only a thing due to the war.

WWII was only beneficial to the US economy because we were the only developed nation left after the war. The economy didn’t actually improve until the well after the war ended. The New Deal was a flop at the time and saddled is with useless programs. It was the equivalent of thinking it’s ok you lost you job because you can just put all your bills on a credit card.

Suck my fucking cock

>the war that quite literally jumpstarted the country had no impact on the citizens in it
I know this is a bait thread but come the fuck on man.

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Tfw me, POTUS launch millions of men into Europe because it doesn’t at all benefit or protect Americans short or long term

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>drained our economy
You mean made us the #1 economic powerhouse and most influential country on the planet.

Been reading Harry Turtledove have we?

>gave niggers citizenship
>made America """"better""""
The war of 1812 is the correct answer.

The economy was already rebounding by the time America got into WWII

>Civil War made Americans freer


It also indirectly led the death of Anne Frank which negates any of your other points.

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>Invention of the suspension of Habeas Corpus.
>Mobilization of federal armies to prevent secession
>imprisonment of state legislators, city councilmen, people who wore fucking red in federal concentration camps
>election of a president who did not appear on the ballot in many states, who came in 4th place
And this was all just in Maryland.
You have no grasp of this subject and need to hit the books before spouting whatever bullshit pops into your mind. This country has been a hypocritical joke since the Whiskey Rebellion.
Vote Bell/ Everett in 1860, y'all

>the Confederate States would have joined Nazi Germany

Of fuck off, all the goddamn Naziboos like Henry Ford and William Pelley were Y*nkoids. Probably because they lusted for the total power and domination over the South that the Nazi exerted on Europe.

We on the other hand would have marched through the Netherlands, shooting every faggot in a retarded Stahlhelm that we saw to save and impregnate Anne Frank.

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Its summer user. If this isn't a bait thread, then its underages looking to feel "smart".

>made Americans freer (though it made us less free in some ways).
>Contradicts his own point in the opening line
OP confirmed for retard.

>Yeah until WW2 rolls around and the Axis has a base of operations in North America
>Nazis would still rise to power if the world drastically changed twenty years before the birth of Hitler, and eighty years before the birth of the NSDAP
Retard alert!

Anne Frank would still exist and be heavily pregnant though.

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>some backwater nation that nobody gives a fuck about in the early 19th century breaks in two
>world drastically changed!

You're right, but not right. I actually think if the CSA existed, the Zimmerman telegram would have went to them instead of Mexico (or USA if CSA aligned with British/French and USA was neutral) and that would have started a new front of the Great War. A whole lot of Americans would have gotten gassed and bombed in that ordeal. If both countries still existed after WW1, I highly doubt either would have involved itself in Europe again to avoid such a large death count the second time around. And considering the original American Nazi Party was situated in the Northeast, the Germans wouldn't have sided with the CSA.

Besides, remember that the Yankees had the original extermination camps and that's where the Germans got the idea from.

Also remember that Jews were heavily involved in the CSA so this would have been a no-go for the Germans too, HOWEVER the Jews in Germany could have peacefully relocated to the United States preventing the need for the Holocaust, so in summary Abraham Lincoln caused the death of six million Jews.

My English teacher tried to convince me Anne Frank was a lesbian

Fuck off eurofag.

I love the original of this, too. Knights didn't fuck the princess/queen, the prince/king did that. Glorifying cuckoldry.

Nigga, WWII solidified America as a world superpower. The Lend Lease program rocketed our economy to #1, the bomb made us the de facto hegemony of the world, and the fact that we were the only western nation (besides Australia, but who cares about them?) that partook in the war without losing significant infrastructure meant all that money could be used on pure growth in stead of recovery.

WWII was the best thing that ever happened to America.

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American war for independence?

>my state's economy didn't recover until 1960
That's what you get for sticking your fingers in your ears and larping a feudal lord while the industrial revolution is going on.

sage and report all Jow Forums threads

>Implying that the strengthening of parliament and the notions of rights didn't start the process that ended in rebellion
Stay mad roundhead.

You got that backwards. WW1 ruined the modern world for everyone.

>The Lend Lease program rocketed our economy to #1
Only to the extent that Lend-Lease helped destroy all of Europe’s industrial base. The US would have been the worlds largest economy regardless of any involvement in WWII simply by virtue of being the only one left. The US was the only major nation untouched by the massive destruction the war wrought. Wars are only good for the economy if they happen somewhere else.

>my ancestors died so black people can roundly hate me and define the cultural life of my people while i am not allowed to even merely make suggestions about theirs


So this is what the flower of the anglo -saxon-norman-celtic race in america died for!

Shelby Foote put it best, “it was said 'the United States are' - grammatically it was spoken that way and thought of as a collection of independent states. And after the war it was always 'the United States is', as we say today without being self-conscious at all. And that sums up what the war accomplished. It made us an 'is'.”

Interpret as you will

Anyway if we are in for cool pictures of the war, here’s my favorite. Confederate troops in Frederick, Maryland, 1862. Though some argue it was taken in 1864

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What do you think CAUSED the Great Depression? It was contrived. In 2002, Ben Bernanke admitted this and the fed formally apologized... conveniently after people didn’t care anymore and 9/11 is fresh. Typical.

OP is sort of on the right track. All of our most impactful wars were domestic, and the war we aught to fight even now is a domestic one... against certain taxpayer funded terrorist organizations (not to mention supranational banking cartels).

>WWII solidified America as a world superpower. The Lend Lease program rocketed our economy to #1
That’s revisionist brainwashing. Our economy was invariably going to overtake the world, fed-reserve-created-Depression notwithstanding.
“The business of America is business”

It helped our economy, but it made the country worse overall in the long run.

I liked it better when we had a smaller military and kept to ourselves. Less attention also meant less people wanting to come here too.

the civil war was a loss due to the south not being properly solved and still a nation of cucks to the slave power conspiracy, drinking their race cuckaid.

>made Americans freer
>destroyed the laboratories of democracy and state's rights that the country was founded on
let me guess, you think European hate speech laws free them from hurt feelings too

Three words...war of Independence

the state of American education

>muh economy
I said freer, not richer. Also, the antebellum Southern economy was only good for planters. Non-slaveholding whites got the shaft.
We had central banking both before and after the Civil War, and the Civil War wasn't fought over banking.
>War Criminal
Contradiction in terms.
>implying that would be a bad thing
>destroying massive amounts of resources and forcing nationwide rationing is what saved the economy
t. economic illiterate.

None of those were new ideas. All had existed from the inception of the Constitution, if not earlier.

>Lincoln went full dictator and imprisoned journalists and politicians who spoke out against the war
True, but that ended as soon as the war ended. All's well that ends well.

>lump of labor fallacy
It benefits some Americans, the political and financial elites. Not the ordinary citizen.
It made Americans FREER. Whether more freedom is good or bad is up to you, but there is no doubt that freeing the slaves made them freer.
>Invention of the suspension of Habeas Corpus.
Wrong. The Constitution allows for the suspension of it.
>Mobilization of federal armies to prevent secession
A secession movement that was firmly opposed by millions of Southerners.
>imprisonment of state legislators, city councilmen, people who wore fucking red in federal concentration camps
Which ended as soon as the war did.

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civil war vets inspecting modern weaponry

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Give Jack Hinson an M1D and Hitler would've as good as dead

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fuck a m1d

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How did the civil war make Americans free—
Oh, you’re talking about the niggers.

Someone else knows! The raid with Forrest pirating his way up the rivers ramming riverboats into each other was the best part

which were more badass and competent than you in every way

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Oh, imprisoning people you don't like is totally fine. Carry on, fellow authoritarian.

Lmao like in Jew war movies, nice, you know those are fantasy right?

WWII put the world on notice that if they fuck with us they can expect a million times worth of retribution back

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you know since you have nothing even close to combat experience you have no room to talk, right?

Massachusetts niggers were already free Schlomo

No, most children have better distinction between reality and fantasy than niggers do. Sorry but you're inferior, bad soldiers, and black people have never played a major role in any war in history.

Apache Wars?

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harlem hellfighters disagree

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>youll never be tied to a wagon wheel for stealing a second ration of maggot-infested hardtack

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The harlem hellfighters were northern propaganda and never contributed significantly to a single battle.

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>never contributed significantly to a single battle.
The most celebrated man in the 369th was Pvt. Henry Johnson, a former Albany, New York, rail station porter, who earned the nickname "Black Death" for his actions in combat in France. In May 1918 Johnson and Pvt. Needham Roberts fought off a 24-man German patrol, though both were severely wounded. After they expended their ammunition, Roberts used his rifle as a club and Johnson battled with a bolo knife. Reports suggest Johnson killed at least four German soldiers and might have wounded 30 others.

racist bird brain

Simply epic, my favorite member of battlefield one was the Bear Jew, super awesome wow what an inspiring war