Wear earplugs

>wear earplugs
>get bad earwax buildup
>wear muffs
>squeezes my glasses against my temples and gives me a headache
This bullshit honestly made me stop shooting

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Deal with the wax or get some gel cups, you titanic faggot.

the fuck is a gel cup?

>get bad earwax buildup
On the earplug? Who gives a fuck? In the ear? That is just your imagination. The earplugs do not cause you to generate more wax - they are cleaning wax out of your ears that was already there.

No they definitely do

you're in for a really hard life, kid

Pro tip: wear a baseball cap.
It spreads out some of the pressure from your earmuffs and stops them from pressing into your glasses.

You can also get glasses and/or earmuffs designed to not cause a problem.

Fuck you dude

Clean your ears and wear contacts you unwashed blind piece of garbage.

glasses legs go on top of the cups

Just make some earwax candles

I unironically use silicone earplugs to draw wax out of my ears. If anything, they help with ear hygiene.

Earwax does not burn for shit.

Wait, do you REALLY need ear protection? like back in the yesteryears of 1990s and before that, soldiers didn't even wear ear protection around mortars and shit. They can't be that important if those people are still fine

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use earmuffs fucking retard

>if those people are still fine
My grandfather used no ear protection while firing artillery - he was fine, but deaf as fuck.

They aren't fine, they're all deaf or can't sleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE

>OP goes full ultra fag
>is wailing about the most trivial shit

Either you're too young to have guns or shit b8 thread.

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Have you literally ever shot a gun in your entire life?

Yes, have you showered this week?

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kek - hope you dont mean you actually buy into the 'shooting glasses' meme

Some people actually use glasses to see in their everyday life.

If I didn't wear glasses, I would be blind already. I shoot IPSC, so I get hit with ricochets almost every time I shoot.

Protective eyewear is good to have when shooting. Ricochets, flying shells etc etc. You do bot have to buy the jew priced ultra tacticool shooting glasses, but regural ones from the hardware store do just fine.
My friends shotgun exploded on to his face, he had to go get an eye surgery due that. So I am not taking any chances with my eyesight.

Well then why're you here?

If you're going to be dumb you better be tough OP.


>wear muffs
>squeezes my glasses against my temples and gives me a headache

This is a problem with your glasses being too fucking small for your head.

So go down and buy frames that actually fit, cranius maximus.

You can clean your ears out with mineral oil. Use a glass dropper and let it sit in your ear for a minute or two before letting it drain out. This will soften the wax in your ear.

Do this for about a week and then do the same but with a water water/saline solution to flush the wax out of your ears. You can also go to see a doctor and have them do it.

I had to do this a couple years ago and I swear it made my hearing like 10x better.


Fucking retard OP
lift the glasses frame above the muffs- that way they don't interfere with your head but still let you see and give you proper hearing protection
if the glasses get between the muffs and head it will lower the protection to 0

The annoyance of poor cheek weld, dirty/foggy glasses, eye relief
issues, and earmuff gaps made me a firm believer in eyeglasses not being worth it

> wearing glasses

lol nice genetics you should have died out long ago.

Why is OP such a retard? just clean your fucking ears.