Going to secede from the union

Going to secede from the union.

Been reading things like CSA, Waco. You just have to hold out on the initial siege, and let them run out of their operations budget. The down side is when they reach their limit they go all in, willing to kill everyone and everthing, and don't care about the optics or legality.

So got any info on how to prevent this last ditch thrust? How to brush off tanks, tank rams, swarm tactics, firebombings.

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Check all the totally not honeypot bomb making threads.

Without reinforcements of your own you don't.

So its like helms deep, you need Gandalf and the rider's of where ever it is?

There's a deadline. They only have so much money budgeted.
And the longer it goes, the longer people can break through the media black out.
You have to last 2 months, with that last week being pure hell.

You don't. I don't care how prepped, skilled, and batshit fanatical they are, +20 cultists or Jow Forumsfags with giggle-switched AR's and garage napalm in a well-provisioned razor-wired compound CANNOT survive against 0.000001% of the US military, and if their balls of steel are heavy enough an armored assault can't be risked, they'll mortar the compound and fabricate child abuse allegations to regain public support.

There's no winning, LARPfags CANNOT compete with the Feds in anything resembling an open engagement.

Get the media and people behind you. Say some shit like "trump is bad" and lefties might support you secceding.

t. Soiboi libshit that has to equate everything to fantasy media for it to make sense

They'll still crush you, only worse, because other LARPfags will oppose you and your deaths will be celebrated on Jow Forums.

>lefties might support you seceding
Not if you aren’t becoming a Socialist Republic, and even then they’d barely even acknowledge you.

noted; back to the drawing board.

the most likely scenario or a just rebellion has the support of military defectors with their own equipment. the only problem is, they're not likely to have enough guns for everyone willing to help them. which is why you should have your own.

and if the army hasn't said fuck it and gotten on your side your cause is probably garbage, really. either unworkable fantasy economy commie/libertardian tier or nazi "execute all race traitors and nonwhites" tier.

Find a good exit strategy is all I could recommend the most logical conclusion would be to set up a decoy to make your escape when you start to suspect they reached the fuck it point.

They got northern farmers to side with negroes and Irish immigrants vs based plantation owners with just newspaper, you don't stand a chance. At best you wont be an excuse for some new freedom restricting law. Settle down and play some video games, leave the rebellion to Trump and the like, they probably wont succeed either, but they wont get everyone they love killed. (Don't) Do it for your dog.

>+20 cultists or Jow Forumsfags with giggle-switched AR's and garage napalm in a well-provisioned razor-wired compound CANNOT survive against 0.000001% of the US military

Active US military is 1.3 million, times .000001 and you get 1.3 soldiers

Boast all you want, I think 20 armed Jow Forumsfags could take out Pvt. Johnson and an extra pair of testicles.

The best on the planet tried and failed, and that was with more resources, territory, manpower, and talented minds that you couldn't even muster a fraction of.

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Confederate States of America or The Covenant, The Sword, and the Arm of the Lord?

Not judging or anything, they're both based as fuck, but I'm just curious.

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the other side suspended the constitution and relied on war crimes to win

a second one would have a lot of foreign intervention
>not so funny now, huh america?

There are no crimes in war.
You do whatever you have to do to win, and that's all there is to it.
>Armies are not called out to dig trenches, to live in camps, but to find the enemy and strike him; to invade his country, and do him all possible damage in the shortest possible time. This will involve great destruction of life and property while it lasts; but such a war will of necessity be of brief continuance, and so would be an economy of life and property in the end.
Thomas understood this, and Sherman sure as hell understood it too.

Also, what foreign intervention?
What can you offer a foreign country that will make your succession worth their time and money?

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The Confederacy lost because it fought the entirely wrong kind of war. They tried to meet the Union in one-on-one combat and despite their bravery, devotion, and skill, it simply wasn't enough to overcome such insurmountable odds. Further compounding this was the fact that the rest of the world simply sat back and watched the Civil War unfold.

A lot has changed in the 150 years since the Civil War though. Any Second Civil War would either be a guerrilla war or be the result of the US Government fracturing in the fallout of a disastrous crisis in leadership (a failed coup for instance). Furthermore, the United States has made a LOT of enemies since 1861. Enemies who would all be very happy to help America destroy itself as payback for decades, if not a century of having a boot to their necks.

It won't be just Johnny Reb in the bushes shooting at National Guard helicopters with an AR-15. It'll be Johnny Reb blowing up the fuel tanks at the local National Guard air base with Russian-made explosives smuggled in via Mexico.

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>There are no crimes in war.
>You do whatever you have to do to win, and that's all there is to it.

Not him, but there have been plenty of instances where armies did not resort to certain tactics because they were regarded as so extremely excessive.

ex. Operation Vegetarian, proposed use of nuclear weapons in Korea, full-blown extermination of the Iraqi Army in the Gulf War

>What can you offer a foreign country that will make your succession worth their time and money?

Destroying the American Empire and leaving them free to expand their own spheres of influence. Also payback for decades of American meddling in their affairs.

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Crappy photoshop. The pistol in the image is not to scale. Just saying...

Violent activist is conservative
>media is all over it with round the clock coverage and opinion panels about whether its time to repeal the bill of rights
Violent activists are liberal
>media blackout. Story gets burried faster than your doggos

Neat idea trying to get support by manipulati g the Trump Derrangment Syndrome crowd.. But it would never work.

>there are no crimes in war, you do what you have to to win.
Fedora wearing neverserved edgelord detected.

The Civil War could never have been won by the CSA.

It wouldn't work, or at least you'd need to go balls deep on the socialism aspect; the left has long recognized that a good portion of the right also hates trump; it hasn't made the two sides any friendlier.

>You do whatever you have to do to win, and that's all there is to it.
Who thinks American ZOG wars are fought like this? ZOG wars are purposely half-assed.
Korea, Vietnam, Iraq 1 and 2, Afghanistan. America is 0-5 in the past 70 years

Kind of like a prairie fire. You get out of it's way and let it burn out. Then you take care of whatever's left

By falling back into a prepared position which includes a very well hidden escape tunnel prepared well in advance of your secession plan leaving behind only what you want them to find.

You hold out until they decide they want to fuck your shit via posse comitatus and then you simply burn your compound and leave.

They declare victory over you and then attack a soft target like families of federal ass hats, retired vocal proponents against secession and military only infrastructure.

Rinse and repeat.

Yeah no shit, thanks for the basic history lesson. Now if you'll remember the rest the idea was that they'd be such a pain to retain by putting up a large fight that the Union would let them secede before they faced financial and societal ruin from war to reclaim states they were rapidly destroying.

You missed the point.

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fuck off, chang

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I imagine step one probably isn't openly announcing to the world on the public, open internet that you're planning some treason to your nation. This is a pretty stupid post, unless you're some kind of government spook collecting free info on how people mi---


I'm ready for the chaos

No, you dumb fuck. It’s nothing like Lord of the Rings. It’s just like Harry Potter when those evil spirits were fucking shit up and those kids on brooms swooped in to save Harry. Jesus Christ. Are you really this fucking stupid?

The grey man approach