15 Destroyers in a single yard in China


Attached: 15 destroyers.jpg (1200x900, 171K)

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And wut is dis?

Attached: D1Oufe4U0AARhpR.jpg (1200x900, 182K)

>no tactical dispersion
They must all be down for repairs simultaneously

Its the CATOBAR carrier!

Attached: D1OugOEVAAAI4UT.jpg (493x369, 41K)

The modules have been welded together into a 100+m hull.

Attached: D1OxGYgVAAEWpeD.jpg (920x846, 103K)

t. junior analyst

First two 055s about to receive pennant numbers.

Would take part in April's anniversary naval parade.

Attached: img-6cca497e5eb6649e3cbf15bf8b689e5d.jpg (1036x777, 118K)

Turbojoke: At least one of these 055s will be named "Lhasa" - the capital of Tibet.

Attached: img-b05381ae5b2dfc008764f0f6b68033e5.jpg (894x670, 100K)

Brown water navy. Even their "carrier"

Old status from a different perspective.

Attached: PLN Type 003 carrier - 20190205.jpg (1679x1080, 314K)

Given gook QC, What do y’all figure their service life will be?
I figure they will get 4 years out of them before they have to be scrapped

Wonderfull picture, couldn't have asked for more pixels

Most are Type 052Ds. Those ships really have reached a number these days.

Attached: img-73cce05bf3f935440fda99bf52757fa8.jpg (2000x1395, 587K)

slightly better one.

In any case; it shows how the three modules from
became a single module with discernable flight deck shape

Attached: PLN Type 003 carrier - 20190308 - collage.png (1014x413, 657K)

>capital of a Chinese Province, formerly known as Tibet.


Brown is river deltas & coast only you Mongoli.

Green water navy is regional.

Blue water navy is globally.

动态网自由门 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Free Tibet 六四天安門事件 The Tiananmen Square protests of 1989 天安門大屠殺 The Tiananmen Square Massacre 反右派鬥爭 The Anti-Rightist Struggle 大躍進政策 The Great Leap Forward 文化大革命 The Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution 人權 Human Rights 民運 Democratization 自由 Freedom 獨立 Independence 多黨制 Multi-party system 台灣 臺灣 Taiwan Formosa 中華民國 Republic of China 西藏 土伯特 唐古特 Tibet 達賴喇嘛 Dalai Lama 法輪功 Falun Dafa 新疆維吾爾自治區 The Xinjiang Uyghur Autonomous Region 諾貝爾和平獎 Nobel Peace Prize 劉暁波 Liu Xiaobo 民主 言論 思想 反共 反革命 抗議 運動 騷亂 暴亂 騷擾 擾亂 抗暴 平反 維權 示威游行 李洪志 法輪大法 大法弟子 強制斷種 強制堕胎 民族淨化 人體實驗 肅清 胡耀邦 趙紫陽 魏京生 王丹 還政於民 和平演變 激流中國 北京之春 大紀元時報 九評論共産黨 獨裁 專制 壓制 統一 監視 鎮壓 迫害 侵略 掠奪 破壞 拷問 屠殺 活摘器官 誘拐 買賣人口 遊進 走私 毒品 賣淫 春畫 賭博 六合彩 天安門 天安门 法輪功 李洪志 Winnie the Pooh 劉曉波动态网自由门

Attached: gooks.png (1073x386, 338K)

>tfw the next Type 055 or even Type 003 carrier will be named Taipei

China Stronk!

Attached: 174215bktmj7jkieeozel7.jpg (1980x1416, 475K)

>Type 003
Wtf, no it is Type 002, the two at sea training is Type 001 (16) and Type 001A (17).
Type 003 is still under development by the PLAN R&D groups.

Funny how we keep seeing these posts hyping up China despite this copypasta being posted all the time in response. It's almost as if it isn't actually Chinese people posting it and just some rnaodm trolls instead, or that copypasta doens't actually work because the Chinese censorship isn't as stupid as a bunch of fifteen year old kids on the internet, or some combination of the two.


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>2 grains of rice have been deposited in your account

Both Type 002 and 003 are unconfirmed designations.

Which is why we better use "chinese CATOBAR" to describe what is being built in Shanghai these days.

Attached: 005xwoBEgy1fttmt8zp4cj30tj0owgpu.jpg (1063x896, 208K)

The Chinese press and naval brass call it Type 002.
Those retarded goofs at War Is Boring / The National Interest called it Type 003 and the Type 001A the 002.
I'll take the Chink designations thank you.

cute slav butt

Type 002 is diesel electric an in the 80k metric tons range (the one being built in , , , ).
The Type 003 is nuclear powered and larger according to its stated design requirements.

Correct me if I'm wrong, but isn't it kind of stupid to have that many in one place. Couldn't somebody bomb that port and seriously damage most of them. Sorry if I'm retarded I'm not the most educated on Naval things

I'll be impressed if you manage to get to controlled workable fusion first. The US has mastered carriers a long while back so innovation on that front means nothing of significance to humanity.

Just a shipyard doing shipyard things.

Look at cold war photos of US shipyards mass producing Spruance DDs.

China is basically just doing that.

Attached: 440px-Six_Spruance-class_destroyers_fitting_out_at_Litton-Ingalls_Shipbuilding,_circa_in_May_1975_(U (440x346, 61K)

that's how you get a nuke in your capital you know

Ok, thanks for telling me I've just recently started learning aboit naval warfare and vehicles

Only a couple of those ships are under construction.


Most of them are getting their brass plated pig iron polished for the Navy parade.

cool spergpost bro, might want to get your dinner, its running away

Attached: dinnerrunsaway.webm (202x358, 1.87M)

Good job.
Just one nuke and 90% of chinese naval construction and repair potential is gone.

>diesel electric
And how they supposed to pull it off? Do you realise how much power EM catapult need for launch of one plane?
Even if they actually do it this carrier will have horrible sortie rate and it will eat fuel like crazy.

Damn, USA is literally fucked.

So I'm Chinese now? Funny then how your little copypasta didn't make me go away.

no, i was just pointing out the dozens of atrocities of the chinese government, gookposter, maybe if you go outside once in a while you'll learn how social interaction works.

>super-capacitors don't exist
It's the same damn tech that powers EM Railguns.

I know what I said and I stand by it, Chang.

Hi Pajeet
Half of those are fregattes.
Now fuck off and go be butthurt somewhere else

Attached: eternal-poo.png (1425x832, 912K)

धारा 295ए, 153ए आईपीसी Section 295A, 153A Indian Penal Code धारा 66ए सूचना प्रौद्योगिकी कानून Section 66A Information Technology Act भूत शौचालय ghost toilets गटर मछली gutter fish मुफ्त कृष्णा सनाथम्मा नायक Krishna Sannathamma Naik Arrest प्रतिबंधित मोदी कैरिएचर Banned Modi Caricatures श्रीवास्तव शिशु गिरोह बलात्कार लखनऊ Srivastava infant gang rape Lucknow बॉम्बे हिंदी 1995 Bombay 1995 ₹500 ₹1000 मणिपुर अपरिपक्वता Manipur indepence मुफ्त ਖਾਲਿਸਤਾਨ Free Khalistan मुफ्त भूटान Free Bhutan मुफ्त दक्षिण तिब्बत Free South Tibet मुफ्त कश्मीर Free Kashmir मुफ्त कालापानी Free Kalapani अक्साई चिन 1962 भगत रिपोर्ट Banned literature: Bhagat Report Henderson Brooks भारत का चीन युद्ध India's War Neville Maxwell निर्बाध विजय Unarmed Victory Bertrand Russell हिमालयी गलती Himalayan Blunder John Dalvi 1949 से चीन के विदेश संबंध Foreign Relations Since 1949 Alan Lawrence अमेरिकी क्रांति से ब्रिटिश साम्राज्य और राष्ट्रमंडल का विकास The Evolution of the British Empire and Commonwealth from the American Revolution Alfred LeRoy Burt जॉन एफ कैनेडी के पत्र। JFKPOF-118a-009 JFKNSF-111-016 Papers of John F. Kennedy. Presidential Papers. President's Office Files.

inb4 buttblasted poo mods

Attached: poo in the loos.webm (198x360, 2.34M)

oh look a cheap copy of what the US has. that will sink fit anything hits it

>Dont talk to me or my wifes crane ever again!

Kek. Seriously, that's one huge crane over that other huge crane.

>15 destroyers in one spot
>That close to Japan
Careful China, Japan has a thing for closely parked destroyers

Looks like it's time for PUURO HAABORUUU 2

The Japanese will sink everyone of them in a week if the chinese start shit

Attached: 85c99f67af.gif (260x107, 181K)

Yes, but not due to the Chinese.



Nips are relying on Amerimutt destroyers now so I wouldn't exactly put all my bets on that, Pajeet.

Tibet and Taiwan belong to China so securely, whenever any mention of independence is said, its blasted by state run media and chink anons Ree about it to no end?

Attached: independent tibet.jpg (960x540, 196K)

Doesnt the US South basically consider itself the Tibet of North America?

what is that? A chinese kitten carrier?

only retards who've time traveled from 1850

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Not usually done to cover up a ship at this point unless there is a shed handy. Really seems to be for secrecy purposes. I suspect some sort of significant layout change (extra lift?)

Attached: Reassurances-in-Shaky-Markets.jpg (288x400, 49K)

hahaha, genocide before that happens

Just like America reeees about everything too, right?

What is it with modern navies and putting ALL their eggs in one basket?

Interesting thing about the carrier, looks like they going to complete the dry dock under it, with a drop lock in the field in front of the carrier. Except drop lock hasn't been built yet, not one bit, nor the channel. Confident way of doing things.

Tibet is an entirely seperate nation with an entirely seperate culture, just like the Uyhger muslims, and Taiwan. Chinese Communists can't handle anyone countering their claims of ownership, so they just spam with whatever they can come up with to deflect. China truly Number 2

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suck a dick fag, theres already more Han in Tibet than subhuman Buddhist monk faggots

"Han" is a catch all ethnicity. Its used in the same way slav is used in eastern Europe. Its not really useful in anything meaningful as a descriptor.

I remember seeing dozens of destroyers in the Philadelphia navy yards when I was a kid. What the fuck happened to us?

Attached: r65235462345.jpg (1734x934, 397K)

The copypastas don't work and even if they did, the people chinkposting are western autists. It's all memes friend

???No??? Are you insane? There were like 12 Mexicans in the Mexican cession when it was taken

>15 dicks in a single thot in Vietnam


We started making destroyers that can shit out anti-ship missiles like no fucking tomorrow. We have 66 Areligh Burkes in active service, each are capable of carrying 90 missiles in VLSs. We have no need for a fuckhueg navy right now. It would only rape our budget more than it already does.

Hawaii is a an entirely SEPARATE nation with an entirely SEPARATE culture, just like the native Indians. American Capitalists can't handle anyone countering their claims of ownership, so they just spam with whatever they can come up with to deflect. America truly Number 2

>"Han" is a catch all ethnicity.
no it's not. There is just a lot of Han.

it's call The Peace Dividend.

Sounds gay

educate yourself

Han is the term used when they have no other distinct lineage. In essence, it literally means "mutt".

everything is a mutt, retard.

And do you read Chinese? Because I do.

Educate yourself

>Hurr durr naking massacre
Should have let us finish the job.

>What the fuck happened to us?

The largest military in the world stayed with the times, man. The ships in that pic are WW2 and even pre-WW2. What use do we have for 40s technology in 2019?

Hawaii is a shithole and without the Military/DOD propping up their entire economy would be worse off than Haiti.

>Native Americans are an entirely seperate nation with an entirely seperate culture, just like the African Americans, and Transgendered. American Communists can't handle anyone countering their claims of ownership, so they just spam with whatever they can come up with to deflect.

>the people chinkposting are western autists.
Sure thing Pajeet.

>chink nationals forced into tibet to further claim
do chinese people even think before they type? they breed more than they think obviously
Hawaii is another shitty asian island military outpost that doesnt deserve statehood, tibet was a nation and got militarily taken over by the communist party

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And notice how not a single one has managed to ram that cargo ship. Implessive.

There has not been an independent Tibetian "nation" for 800+ years you dumb faggot. Its been under Chinese rule for centuries before communism was even invented and at this point longer under Chinese rule than the whole Tibetian kingdom existed over a millenia ago before the region without any borders was just passed around between Chinese, Mongols and Manchus whatever names they where going by then.

You are drinking hippie and Amerigoy political CNN/FOX coolaid.

>I figure they will get 4 years out of them before they have to be scrapped

I’m saying 5. Of course, a lot of it depends on usage. They might get a decade out of those hulls if they deploy 30% of the time, refit/maintenance 50%, and pre-deployment workups during the remainder. If they run on a 7th Fleet op tempo, they’ll be lucky to go 36 months before they start losing ships.

It is as though, in a single harbor, destiny has cluttered together a navy that exists to intimidate Indonesian fishermen.

Literally every clique was functionally independent from the death of Yuan Shikai onward you inbred. Do you actually think the KMT controlled Tibet?

Yes, clustering assets like that is a bonehead move in wartime. It’s not wartime rn, so they’re safe. If somebody decided to pull a Pearl Harbor on the PLAN next Sunday (the customary and traditional day for this sort of thing), there would be a lot of losses. There would also be some kind of retaliatory strike, probably not nuke because China doesn’t have enough nukes to waste one or 2 on diplomacy.

It would be very interesting to see how they would respond to a surprise attack.

Tibet is a shithole and without massive subsidies and infrastructure investments from Beijing their entire economy would be worse off than war torn Syria

Hawaii WAS a kingdom. Your mental gymnastics is going into overdrive.

The worst military force the Chinese Navy will face is the incompetence of their own crews and manufacturers.

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You mean the incompetence of America's crews (piss bottles) and manufacturers (aluminum hull kek).

Winnie the Pooh

Why don't they make the steam catapult longer so it can take off with a heavier laod

Deck space is precious on a carrier.

That's the space you need to handle and arm your aircrafts, because you dont do that under deck.


>Commander Wei Xiaohui to be Chinese Navy's first female warship captain

Captain of the Type 052D 151 "Zhengzhou"

Attached: 8cdcd42c54981dec740c12.jpg (945x629, 732K)

Chinese female captains look competent enough.

Would want to serve under her.
Doesnt look like one who would crash her ship into a tanker.