What does Jow Forums think of Armed UGVs?

What does Jow Forums think of Armed UGVs?


Attached: themis with atgm.jpg (680x509, 38K)

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Pretty neat, they seem to fit a good role of carrying equipment and weapons to large to be easily transported, 40mms, .50s, and ATGMS. Although I figure it's much more likely to see them as just robotic donkeys.

Do you think that they would fit will in the role of fire support and/or anti-tank roles, carrying weapons such as autocannons or atgms?

Here's a pic and article about the system(pic-related) called THEMIS, developed by Milrem.


>Together with industry partners MBDA, Electro Optic Systems, ST Engineering and Nexter, Milrem Robotics is exhibiting four different weaponized unmanned ground systems at the main defence event in the Middle East. All systems are integrated onto Milrem Robotics’ THeMIS unmanned ground vehicle. On display are two completely new weaponized UGVs – the first anti-tank unmanned ground system in the world and the first UGV with a precise and powerful 30mm cannon. Also, a light 12,7mm machine gun system complimented with a 40mm grenade launcher and one UGV with a 20mm turret are exhibited. “The high amount of integration projects with different payload manufacturers, such as MBDA, EOS, ST Engineering, Nexter, Kongsberg and FN Herstal and interest from other well-known industry leaders demonstrates that over the past few years the THeMIS has truly strengthened it’s positions as the industry standard UGV,” said General (ret) Riho Terras, former CHOD of Estonia and current President of the Defence Division at Milrem Robotics.

Attached: IDEX_2019 themis variations.jpg (480x319, 60K)

>Single shot rocket
>stands tall and obvious on a field
That is the worst display model I've seen next to the fake African mechs made from chinese cars.

Attached: kyle.jpg (1500x843, 125K)

Except it's not that tall, most soldiers still are taller, and it's been tested with nato soldiers in exercises with positive reception. The platform is compatible with different turrets from other companies

>the first anti-tank unmanned ground system in the world and the first UGV with a precise and powerful 30mm cannon.
Wut. China already has them in the army. Even if Russia failed in them and are back to the drawing board, they did field them in Syria. The ones in the OP's photo looks like a mockup that hasn't even gone to the field yet and they say it's the first? Dumb Americans.





My perspective must have been off.
I'm guessing the actual deployment unit would have more attachments, perhaps 4 or 6 rockets.

technology is promising
they could have some use today

but they are still a long ways off before they can become as useful as UAVs today

More missiles would probably be a waste. They should have like 2 tops in case the first fails or a second target appears, but 4 rockets? 6? Realistically it's not going to get near that many opportunities so it'd be a waste of money. It's much more likely that they get sent to durkastan. And what happens when one gets disabled? Then the enemy gets an HMG AND tons of HE to recycle and make bombs with.

So, have fa/tg/uys have taken over the military-industrial complex, or what?

Attached: 99810101018_ThunderfireCannonNEW01.jpg (600x620, 41K)

>In combat
>It's just controlled simulation made for propaganda purposes.

American mental gymnastics

Look like an easy target for a cheap RPG to be honest

>gets disabled
>explodes itself and all munitions


>Loses connection to controller
>Becomes damaged or immobilized in an area filled with civilians or injured friendlies


You mean like trusting that the chinks have got it working properly and it's not total dogshit? "First to do good in simulations" is as close as we're going to get to real combat for the next few years, if we're lucky.

>Top right

Attached: 1537659615804.png (380x400, 123K)

life imitates art

Attached: pacrat.jpg (1000x746, 172K)

Perfect for defense in the area of bases.
10 of these scattered in concealed overwatch positions covering dead ground that an FOB's normal defenses don't cover.
Rotate into different randomized postitions through the day to prevent enemies properly reconnoitering them.

Thermal imaging sensors would allow these to be better eyes than actual troops in most cases with the soldiers able to cover much larger defensive fields while the guards are in much more comfort with watch rooms and easily rotated with fresh watches

True. Just seems like a waist to move a single middle on tread like that. One middle is idealistic, but not guaranteed to get the job done in such an emergency.

If the power supply can be adequately addressed, then this could be a potentially very useful tool for mechanized troops deploying into urban areas. Just bring one or two of these along with an infantry platoon, and you have a heavy weapons platform that can support and follow troops through areas that their IFV's can't go, like narrow alleyways, inside large buildings, etc.

Nevermind, I just saw how huge this thing is. I would rather just have a Stryker or something.

shit like this has been around a long time, German in WWII had a good one

This, Germans had them.

Attached: 1041592996.jpg (800x533, 62K)

So who actually controls the tooter? Is it some guy in a FOB or does someone have to sit there with a laptop in the middle of a battle and control it?
Seems like jamming could be a fatal issue if it's a long range drone.

Those are russian tele-tanks. Not german tanks. Germans had the Ladungsträger and Goliath.

Other than pack duty, I think they'd be a good place to stick some high tier optics, sensors and communication systems.

Pretty cool, although needing human control is still an issue, it means the robot is still reliant on a steady signal and trained human pilot to be operated. They should be using the same kind of genetic fuzzy logic algorithms being developed for use in UCAVs, teach the robot through simulation and ground practice using blanks how to plan on it's own, how to fight efficiently, how to identify threats and avoid harming friendlies, etc. GFL programs are efficient enough that they can run on a home desktop, and a stripped down version would be small enough that it wouldn't add much of any extra weight to the robot.

Attached: t-1_2003_01.jpg (601x247, 47K)

Only 50 Springers were built. As relevant as the fucking Preying Mantis.

Attached: E1951.47_Praying Mantis_Tank Museum_2007_7512-002.jpg (734x489, 73K)

Complete automatous armed UGV's have been tested and have, so far, been brilliant. If you consider 'kills the entire village, even the non combatants' as 'brilliant'. You're always going to have a human in control.

[Excited beeping]

Attached: image.jpg (500x350, 54K)

>If you consider 'kills the entire village, even the non combatants' as 'brilliant'
Why yes, as a matter of fact, I do.

>China already has them in the army.

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