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I found it implausible that crusty old guys would make the mistake of not leaving some of the cash behind to guarantee the chopper would clear the elevation needed. I mean 100 mill would be enough to set everyone up so why risk the whole thing for an extra 150? Just seems to me it was a mistake that guys who are used to adapting to fluid situations in servicing a mission goal would not make.

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Still gotta admit that the chopper scene was pretty damn tense.

Ben Affeck's character who is supposed to be a planning mastermind wasting time to get more cash in the heist was also implausible.
That whole heist part was kind of refreshing because for a change nobody is running suppressors and I kind of enjoyed that.

Their eotechs still having functional batteries almost 10 days later in those mountains was dumb as shit.

>director of a most violent year
well I wasnt gonna watch it but now that I know this
I'll let you guys know what I think later

I wish they would have made some reason as to why they couldn't just fly the money over the top part of the mountain in several trips. "We don't have enough fuel" or something. Don't just leave the audience thinking "well why didn't they just..?"
I also didn't like the "We can carry more!" moment. It was very out of character.
I would also have enjoyed more of a chase after them than just two boys. The trailer featuring all the black police cars and the helicopter seemed much more hectic than it turned out in the movie.
Also shooting the guy with the knife out in the field was also out of character but I guess the writers needed to force it to develop the plot.

It's just bad writing. They knew they needed to have the chopper not make it and this is the solution they came up with. I think it would have been better if the chopper DID make it over the mountains only to be shot down by the cartels propositioned troops and then running gunfight to the boat. But in that case they don't get to have the "white guys kill indigenous farmers because greed" scene.

The recon scenes were ridiculous. Standing 5 feet away in plain sight of the bad guys while speaking at full volume about what they were doing.

Yup and they weren't even wearing cool facepaint. What are you doing hollywood?

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They didn't even check each other's assholes for leeches

I mean, they didn’t have a leech/asshole scene but it was implied.

They were all marines so the usual pre fight ritual was probably disturbed by the spic fellas arrival.

Goddammit they clearly had backups in their sopmod stocks!

Batteries that is. For their eotechs.

Nope. Skittles.

I think barely passing over but having the net hanging under snag on some rocks and tearing a hole in the belly of the helicopter forcing them down would have been better. Then the cartel being informed a helicopter crashed in the mountain and putting 2+2 together resulting in an epic fight down the mountain to the boat.

>I think barely passing over but having the net hanging under snag on some rocks and tearing a hole in the belly of the helicopter forcing them down would have been better.

And then it turns into that other movie and they have to eat the frozen asses of their buddies while they burn money for heat until they finally walk down the mountain in the spring.

We should team up and submit some pitches to the studios.

They were army sf, not muhreens
>pope and catfish talked about their old mission was liberating south american people
>ironhead gives pep talk to army guys, some of them have ranger tabs
>Ben sang a song about airborne ranger

For some reason it strikes me as a steven seagal movie that was made by a liberal and so they cast ben afflect instead of steven.

It’s a strange movie. I was surprised to find out JC Chandor directed it because he made Margin Call and A Most Violent Year which are both arthouse films that are heavy on dialogue have relatively complex plots. This movie Uses a lot of bro tier action movie cliches (mma, Metallica music, drinking and fucking shit up) and the plot is really straightforward but just kinda sputters out about halfway through. Thanks for reading my blog post.

Started off very promising and then petered off after the heli crash very quickly. Could have done so much more with it, I was honestly expecting some lone survivor tier firefights in the mountains instead of scenes of them freezing their nips off.

I mean the movie makes it a point to repeatedly tell you that Ben Afflecks character "can't even afford a truck" and that he's struggling to "support his girls" and "can't sell condos for shit" or whatever.

I thought it was totally in character for him to try for max cash. He's the only one that has a family and the movie brow beats you with how the only reason he caves and takes the job is because he can't provide for them.

It's totally in character. It's literally the only single dimension of that character. I kinda wish the 2nd half was more of a survival thing. Have them have to eat a donkey to survive the mountains, have the cash become this growing burden that takes a bigger and bigger physical toll on them, while the cartel hounds chase them through the mountains.

Instead we get some literal mudhut villager somehow getting the drop on our previously high speed low drag elite oper8r team which just felt really, reeeaaallly forced.

Also, what the fuck was the pilot thinking? He says "the chopper wont make it over the mountain because math and physics" and then Ben is like "but I totally really like need all of this" and the pilot just shrugs and says fuck it? Like. . . . . it's not a negotiable point. Any pilot would know that. Then he pushes it until the gear box melts which is . . . not really how helicopters work. Your chopper doesn't burn up and explode when it gets to it's service ceiling lol. Also learn to fuken sling load. You put most of the dosh in the hull and whatever portion of it would be over weight you put in the sling so you can drop it if you need to. They did the literal opposite of that. Who the fuck was that pilot?

that's basically every helicopter pilot in every action movie

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So is it a cuckold movie like A Most Violent Year?

>Helicopter Movie Cliches
>A helicopter makes an emergency landing on the roof of a building and crashes through the ceiling into a crowded room
When does that ever happen

That's what made it suck IMO. Army SF are paranoid about redundant plans for every contingency. one plan with no backups, no math counting every last bags weight beforehand, etc breaks suspension of disbelief.

my favorite part is where a guy takes an abdominal gunshot wound, then goes on a multi day backpacking trip, carrying heavy weight, and never has a problem even though all he does is slap a quick clot on it and a compress and I guess that's all the medical attention a GSW needs.

Guess he's too fuckin hard for sepsis, secondary infections, or any other normal medical reality.

Fuckin 5+ day hike over a mountain, gunfights, carrying hundreds of pounds of cargo, cold camping . . . . I mean come on.

I was just hoping for gangrene or sepsis and a heroic "I'll hold them off in the mountain pass, go on without me" last stand.

Instead the super troopers got flanked by some rando kid because I guess perimeter security isn't cool enough.

speaking of last stands, I saw Mile 22 the other day and thought it was pretty cool, at least that scene


sometimes a man's gotta churn out an easy money grabber to pay for things you know? it's like grabbing a second job and doing only the minimum to get by so you can pocket the extra check.

>having sights on for 10 days

The thing I don't get is how they didn't go in with a shitload of bags on them already. Like, what were they going to do if they couldn't find any?

Also, why not wear masks if they were planning on not killing the guards?

Any why not take cash out of the net, and into the chopper?
They could have bailed more cash and managed to get over the mountain.
They went in planning on getting out with 75mil, they got out with 250(I think). They could have dumped a shitload of cash and still got out with more than they went in looking for.

It doesn't show very good in the movie but I think they had the bags with them. No way they found that many bags laying in the house.

>Afflecks character
Yeah that was probably the most believable part. People with financial problems are the first to flip. It's why the Army runs credit checks. Someone sneeking up on him and blasting him from five feet away is unbelievable. That dude was in front of him until he turned around. How the fuck did that guy get there?

I hate when movie promos have names of the featured actors but they don't line up with said actor.

the whole point of the movie was that they kept getting greedier and greedier and that was why things ended poorly

in that sense, no, the movie wasn't meant to be realistic

Also, why didn't they stash the cash, then come back for it with another chopper?
Like everyone takes one bag, stash the rest somewhere.