Hello Jow Forumsomrades

Hello Jow Forumsomrades,
My grandfather has recently passed away, and left us with two firearms. I am in a noguns country, so needless to say, my family is extremely spooked about them. I have offered to look at the firearms and see if there's any value to them (also to avoid my mother selling them for 2 bucks at the gunshop).
The first gun is a regular hunting shotgun. I don't have any pictures with me, but it doesn't really seem to have any value to it, although it is very vintage (probably pre-WWII) I will have to look at it a bit more intensively if my family will let me.
The second firearm however, is a mauser 1934. I don't know a lot about firearms despite browsing here for a few years now, but I can't quite seem to find a date of manufacture. The serial number is around 123XXX, and the VERY suspicious way the gun has been acquired by my grandfather leave me to believe it was originally looted/acquired during the war. It is a bit rusty and cranky, but with a very nice patina, nothing than a bit of grease/rubbing can't handle.
What do you think about it? Does this gun have any sort of value?

Attached: mauser1934.jpg (540x720, 63K)

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>What do you think about it?
Neat. Lots of people stashed weapons away after WW2 because of the climate of political instability and concern over further Soviet occupation of Europe.
>Does this gun have any sort of value?
Probably yes. Depends on your country.

Sorry about your grampa

Does the pistol have any military markings?

In the USA this would have a value of several hundred dollars. Specific markings or years of manufacture could make it more valuable, but condition would likely keep it from $1K even if it had something rare, like Kriegsmarine markings. Checking completed gunbroker sales confirm this range. I do not know what your country is and I do not know what prices are like there.

I don't think so, the only markings are the ones visible in the picture, other than that theres another marking of the serial number near the trigger, and there's another one on the other side. There is a mauser logo on the magazine though. I saw that apparently they changed logos for an eagle around 1941, if you are referring to that no, there's no military markings.

Guns in worse condition than yours recently sold on GB for $280. Guns in slightly better condition than yours recently sold from between $500 and $700. Guns in better condition than yours with specifically sought after markings (waffenamts, proof marks) sold for +$900

Like I said, I do not know what the market is like in your country, or what laws are like

Thank you for your answer senpai, I live in France, so the market might be slightly different, and I'm unsure of the laws, considering there is no papertrail for this gun.
I guess I will have to see the gunshop man.

Stash them away, tell your family you sold them, give them $250 to split up

I would 100% do that but my parents keep a tight hold on them, I would prefer someone could actually enjoy them. Also im a student and I can't keep firearms in my dorm.

I found this with google: legifrance.gouv.fr/affichCode.do?idArticle=LEGIARTI000029655207&idSectionTA=LEGISCTA000029658835&cidTexte=LEGITEXT000025503132&dateTexte=20150921

Maybe it will help. I do know that it is pretty common situation in France to find guns from WWII. Dead and captured soldiers leave tons of weapons which had to be collected. You also had the resistance which had lots of weapons too, but since they were being executed at such large numbers the people who stashed weapons are gone. It's not that uncommon for someone to open up a wall in Europe and find a bunch of hidden machine guns.

just keep the pistol and shoot some faggot french police if they come for that booty. you cuck faggot

Attached: 1549202150791.jpg (1302x960, 44K)

>inheriting a gun and having to jump through hoops to keep it.

fucking cuck

steal the pistol from them and fuck it, what are they going to do? call the police on their son?

Cock sucking cunt

Honestly? Yeah that wouldn't surprise me one bit from my mum, she is scared shitless about guns.
Also I wouldn't be able to buy ammo for it unless I show papers for it at the ammo store.
I can't risk doing something illegal as background and character checks are extremely important in my field.

>censors out last 4 of serial
>posts picture of full serial
I live and breathe

Yeah I'm dumb like that but figured what was the harm in it anyway

Showing the serial number doesn't matter. I do it all the time on Jow Forums and have never been worried.

you are going to be replaced by niggers

>t. 53%

France is not a no-gunz country. They actually have some of the better gun laws of western Europe. Get your license, keep the guns.

Acquiring a semi-automatic firearm is an entirely different matter than a shotgun. I truly wish I could keep them both but sadly its not possible. My grandma wants to get rid of it and my parents are freaked out (my mum at least). It's my plan to get a license in the future but they want to get rid of it now.

handgun license acquisition is very simple in France, I should know, I've had one since they passed their big gun control law many years ago. Your grandmother and your mother are just cucked by the European left media. It is truly sad to witness.

It is sad but I understand them being spooked by it. Keep in mind we have NO paperwork for them.

Faggot euro detected.
Fuck papers and your guy’s cuckitude.

>My grandma wants to get rid of it and my parents are freaked out
imagine being this afraid of an inanimate object

Cache les quelque part, et raconte à ta famille que tu les a abandonnés pour destruction à l'état.
Car c'est ça qui t'arrivera si tu va dans une armurerie, ils ne te proposeront pas de les racheter, car ils ne pourraient rien en tirer à la revente et ça les fait chier de "légaliser" une arme pour laquelle il n'existe aucune trace. Ils te demanderont de les abandonner pour destruction.

Garde les et ne raconte à personne que tu les possèdes. Efface ce fil.

>I live in France
>want to sell Grandfathers guns for a few bucks to spend on poppers and shitty cheese

You're a gun owner now, baugettanon. Grow a pair.

>handgun license acquisition is very simple in France

Register in a shooting club (they are all full so you can only do it in September at the start of the sporting year), wait one year, undergo three controlled shooting sessions during that year, with at least two months between two sessions, ask your club's approval for a pre-authorization, buy a safe, get a proof of residence and a full certificate of birth, and send all of that shit to the prefinct, then wait between 3 months and a year depending on your localization. And if you don't have a criminal or mental record the prefinct might give you the authorization to buy a category B gun (handguns and semi-auto firearms), or they might not, they don't have to say why.
You have 6 months to buy a gun with your authorization, after that it becomes invalid. Once you have bought your gun, the authorization is only valid 5 years, during which you'll have to renew your shooting license and undergo three controlled shooting sessions every year, only to do the same shit all over again when the five years expire to ask for a renewal of your authorization, with all the same paperwork as before. And again, the prefinct might or might not renew it. If they don't renew your authorization, you have three months to get rid of your gun.
You also have to do all of that shit everytime you want to ask for new authorizations.

Real simple, for sure.

Impossible, aucun moyen de les faire "disparaître", je n'habite plus chez mes parents et n'ai aucun moyen de les cacher. De plus je serais le premier suspect si ils disparaissent car j'ai déjà exprimé mon intérêt pour ces armes. Ma mère en particulier n'hésiterait pas une seule seconde pour avertir les autorités.

You absolute fucking triple nigger are you naturally retarded or did your cunt of a mother dropped you as a baby. I mentioned GOD knows how many times I personally WANT to keep the fucking guns. My family doesn't, and wants to get rid of them, fair fucking enough, it is not my place to decide what to do with my late grandfather's fucking property, I am already happy with the few precious items I got. Stop being such an obnoxious fucking ass you mongoloid cunt. I wanted to see if that gun had somewhat of a value so my folks don't get ripped off.

Do you live in northern France? I'd buy them from you if that solves your problem!

Cry more faggot

Attached: 1504150770470.gif (306x205, 2.97M)

Alors c'est mort. Dis adieu à ces armes qui finiront au pilon sur l'autel du progressisme de gauche.

>gets absolutely destroyed
C-cry more f-faggot :^)

>I live in France
put it in your pocket dude

>it is not my place to decide what to do with my late grandfather's fucking property
It is. They clearly don't "get it," and any sane grandpa would've wanted any grandchild with an interest to keep them instead of split a couple hundred eurobucks between the kids

Si il n'y a aucun autre moyen a la limite je les neutraliserais bien histoire d'avoir un souvenir en plus. Mais bon ca fait 60 ans que ces armes n'ont ni servi ni vu la lumière du jour, je doute que ca manquera a grand monde pour être complètement honnête.

Who did you destroy? The guy who legally owns guns and can shoot them whenever he wants? He was right, enjoy selling your family history for a few bucks, cuck.

Might have to tell your family that you sold them, print up some fake receipts or something and cough up some cash you can say you got for them.
Then get your licenses sorted out, or just stash them away - guns are a useful thing to have.

OP, i'm the guy who gave you gunbroker prices early in the thread. I'm sorry for your situation. It's unfortunate to hear that it will be impossible for you to hold on to this firearm.
That being said, please do not heed the complete imbeciles insulting you. I can tell that it would mean a lot for you to keep this firearm, and you would really like to. Disregarding the law in this case is something extremely serious and is your decision, not pompous fools in another country with nothing at stake. This handgun, while it would be sad to lose, is only worth the risk if you deem it so.

Good luck to you. I'm sorry it happened this way.

>family history
What history? the only reason my gramps got these guns is literally no one was interested in them in the first place. He literally never used them NOR showed them off and kept them hidden all his life. I already have all the stuff I wanted which include stuff from his military service, these guns held no sentimental value to him nor to us, and it is not the only guns we have in our family.

> guns are a useful thing to have.
That was my reasoning as well. If it were only up to me I would have 100% kept them based on that alone. Unfortunately it is not, and my family has a very strong desire to follow the law.

Mouais, enfin sans parler du fusil qui n'a aucune valeur, rien que pour le pistolet, tu va devoir payer 200€ pour une neutra, sans compter les frais postaux aller/retour vers le banc de St-Etienne. Et vu comme les neutralisations sont faites depuis 2016 (soudure complète de toutes les parties amovibles), ça fait cher le presse papier.
D'ailleurs, vu que depuis l'été dernier, les armes neutralisées sont devenues des armes de catégorie C, elles sont soumises à déclaration avec licence de tir ou permis de chasse obligatoire, comme si c'était des armes fonctionnelles. Donc je ne vois pas de moyen pour toi de le garder.

Au fait, ça peut t'aider


La police doit être notifiée immédiatement après la découverte, et il y a un délais de 3 mois pour la faire neutraliser, à moins que tu ne demande une autorisation de détention et que tu la fasse garder par un armurier pendant ce temps (à prix fort).
Dans tous les cas, tu n'es pas le successeur de l'arme, l'enfant de ton grand-père l'est. Donc il n'y a que lui qui peut faire des démarches éventuelles.

En clair, c'est mort de chez mort.

At this point, it is pretty clear that you have convinced yourself that the right thing to do is to get rid of these weapons, which begs the question, why are you even posting on Jow Forums?

pocket mauser in .32 auto go for around $350
I was in literally the same position that you're in, with the same exact pistol, except I'm in America

Attached: apa yee yee.jpg (236x362, 19K)

Because, my dear american friend, as the OP clearly mentions, I wanted to know if that firearm in particular had value, as I'm sure you've notice, we are indeed in the weapons board of Jow Forums and thus deemed it a worthy question to be posted here.

Thank you, you and the other french user seem to be the only reasonable people in this thread. It is really sad to have to part with the weapon and I thank you for all your advice. You've been extremely insightful.

Merci beaucoup, je ne savais pas que les armes neutralisées étaient de catégorie C maintenant. J'essaierai de partager mes découvertes avec mes parents. Merci encore.

>what's a lock

I have one of those, it's an early concept for a self defense pistol. Never used in war. And go for around $500ish USD if I remember correctly

Its been sitting there for two generations and noone got hurt. Why os she scared of it now?

Well my mother didn't approve of it, nor did she live with my grandparents for a long time.

Here's a video on it youtube.com/watch?v=mDO4LP6v5xc

>You absolute fucking triple nigger are you naturally retarded or did your cunt of a mother dropped you as a baby. I mentioned GOD knows how many times I personally WANT to keep the fucking guns. My family doesn't, and wants to get rid of them, fair fucking enough, it is not my place to decide what to do with my late grandfather's fucking property, I am already happy with the few precious items I got. Stop being such an obnoxious fucking ass you mongoloid cunt. I wanted to see if that gun had somewhat of a value so my folks don't get ripped off.

Your Fu is strong like tiger.

if you cuck out and let them sell your grandpa's property your are hereby expelled from k/