Donbas War Aesthetic Thread

Post aesthetic pics of based Ukrainians

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Pick only one, hohol.
Also, no such thing as Ukraine.

Take this shit to /x/

>no such thing as Ukraine
that's one of the most nonsense and retarded memes around, it's so fucking nonsensical and stupid that not even the russian shitposters use it


Nice try fagt

Ukraine is based and you can’t refute this

this thread is based

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>Ukraine is based
Example of how they're based please. it's THE POOREST country in Europe! It's run by billionaire criminals who are stealing from people.

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Cлaвa Укpaїнi!

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> Run by billionaire criminals who are stealing from the people
Did you just accidentally describe Russia?

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No, the US and Ukraine. Stay buttmad, poorfag. Maybe by 2030 you'll be able to afford toilet paper and soap.

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That describes both Russia and Ukraine actually. Ukraine is in practice poorer and more chaotic Russia.
Hopefully things change for the better, but this is reality.

No, it describes the US... which is the most corrupt country on earth and is completely run by billionaires who sidestep laws as they please and are never prosecuted.
The only difference is that the US borrows trillions of dollars every few years so the population is kept happy with peanuts that they give us.

Get your polish killing Bandera shit outta here hohol.

Russia isn't a good state right now but to compare it to Ukraine would be disingenuine, it was bad but acceptable before the coup now it's just a complete shitshow.


yeah, but you can't deny he was a pretty interesting guy with a weird way of being sympathetic

He was a loser with a gun

US corruption is bad, but not Russia and Ukraine tier.

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no, he was a loser with an army

No such thing.

>that's one of the most nonsense and retarded memes around, it's so fucking nonsensical and stupid that not even the russian shitposters use it
Country 404 is a nice meme. But forcing it like this is no good at all, indeed.

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>US corruption is bad, but not Russia and Ukraine tier.
True. It's MUCH WORSE.

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And reports said hillary would win

>something someone said is wrong
>therefore everything I don't agree with is wrong
you're a moron. please castrate yourself with a blunt object. We don't want your stupidity in the gene pool.

Except it just plainly shows statistics, tho I'm not sure if financial secrecy=Corruption makes sense, tho there is probably some correlation.

And that Russian economy is a size of Italian. Whom to believe?

Ukraine is in a better or comparable state to Russia by most non-economical metrics though.

That being said, just like Russia, they'll be going through some rough time for about a decade until they fully recover. The difference is that Ukraine has a chance to improve much faster through relations with the west if they don't fuck it up.

>financial secrecy index is a metric for corruption
Let me guess, you only read the headline?

Pic related is the CPI, which is the corruption perception index, an actual measure for corruption.

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This describes like a half of civilized world.

Russias economy is just as dead as the guy you posted, what are you even on about?

Do you even read what you post?

>Pic related is the CPI, which is the corruption perception index, an actual measure for corruption.
lol'd. we're talking about ACTUAL corruption. how people pervcive things is irrelevant since the rich in the US own all the media and brainwash the population on daily basis.
Ever heard of lobbying? Do you know how big the lobbying industry is? It's nothing more than legalized corruption. Lobbying alone is bigger than any perceived corruption in Russia.
And let's not forget that the US NGOs make all those "corruption in Russia" charts.

>Russias economy is just as dead as the guy you posted, what are you even on about?
LMFAO... you should watch less CNN and other neocon jew-owned media bullshit sources.

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Im not even american (or a buttmad eastern euro for that matter) but to claim that Russias economy is even close to that of the US one is just retarded.

That said "Tyler Durden" isnt even a real person, and bitching about CNN when you post Russia Today is just hilarious.

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I'm not sure about that desu, I've been to both Ukraine and Russia a lot and still have part of my family in Ukraine and it, at least to me, seemed like it was better in Russia. Tho to be fair I've only been in 3 cities in Russia and I know most problematic are the small villages across the country, I'm just saying what I noticed. In Ukraine life after the coup was and still is terrible. Pensions and salaries rise by small amounts while everything else gets double the price. My grandpa at 85 still has to work to pay rent because his pension is about 70$, there are fewer jobs, less opportunity and government incompetence on a scale I haven't seen before.
Russians economy is by far inferior then the US's one, I agree with you on that. But the source the guy provided said it's only overtaken Germany. Saying the Russian economy is failing is just wrong, tho it's growth is slowing afaik. Also, RT is just as bad as CNN and FOX, it's just the different side of the coin. Here's a pretty interesting video:

I find it funny how vatniks and their fanclub will always refer to the most embarrassing shit about Russia thinking they're being smart.

Only 70% of Russians have access to decent sanitation. By that I mean running water, modern toilets (flushing, composting or whatever), as well as connection to sewer system. Over 1.4 million Russians literally shit outside. For Ukraine, around 95% of the population have access to decent sanitation.

So before you make fun of Ukrainians about struggling to pay for toilet paper, maybe you should worry about Russians not even having toilets to start with, no? Even today, one of the Russian words for going to the toilet comes from the french word 'sortir', which means go outside.

>which ranks countries "by their perceived levels of public sector[1] corruption, as determined by expert assessments and opinion surveys."
Oh yeah and Russian media aren't owned by the state and oligarchs now?

Stop being such a retarded nigger. I live in Switzerland. I've lived in Ukraine. If you think the corruption levels are even remotely comparable you really are clinically retarded.

Do you understand what multi-level corruption works? The perception index works because when people live in a corrupt country it slaps them in the face all the time. You'll know the rumors of one of your teachers not having the qualifications yet mysteriously being hired way above their qualifications. You'll have paid (or someone you know did) a teacher to get a passing grade without even going to the exam. You'll have dealt with the police not doing their job or intentionally charging you for random shit.

I've seen loads of this shit in Ukraine, but never once have I ever dealt with anything like this in Switzerland, nor do I know anyone who ever had it happen to them.

I wouldn't bother, most of them are baiting anyways. Most Russians are not happy with their current stagnating government, and that includes me. At least I've seen some Libertarian movements slowly crop up with the latest idea to limit access to the internet.

I excluded economical metrics intentionally though.

That being said, my experiences are a bit different. I have relatives in Russia that recently retired, and everyone was telling them to go to Ukraine because it would be much cheaper. But no, they stayed in Russia and now they don't have running water. I've never seen anyone without running water in Ukraine other than the gypsies. But yes, the economical situation is pretty bad and everyone lost a lot of purchasing power.

But what I'm saying is that outside of these metrics, you can look at many things and Russia is just beyond abysmal. Like in my other post, their access to sanitation is pathetic. They also have more crime, more corruption (how they managed that is beyond me), comparable education, healthcare, life expectancy... Even the AIDS epidemic in Ukraine is now finally going down, while Russia is beating new records. They have higher abortion, higher suicide, alcoholism and so on.

Don't worry, I don't do it for these retards, I do it for people who are easily influenced and might read it.

That being said, I do hope Russia does improve. One day I want to go there knowing it's finally moving towards decency, peace with their neighbors and real improvements for everyday Russian lives.

>and it, at least to me, seemed like it was better in Russia.
Putin's been working hard to turn Ukraine into a complete shithole ever since they had the audacity to show his little toyboy the door (not that said toyboy was good for the place either). Not bending to his appointed collaborator is a sin he won't forgive. Back home on the other hand he has to keep things at leats somewhat kinda bearable in order to remain tolerated.

You and me both mate, gotta hope Medvedev and his cronies get out asap, I fear only then will Russia start to improve. Cheers mate.

May be true but considering the gov after the coup was actively hostile towards Russia one can understand when they cut most ties with them, they still supply them with most of their gas and still have large unpaid russian debt afaik.

>One day I want to go there knowing it's finally moving towards decency, peace with their neighbors and real improvements for everyday Russian lives
>Thinking this will EVER happen

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Probably not in the next 10 years but I'm sure it will improve over some time. Just gotta apply what said as a first step.

>but I'm sure it will improve over some time
People have been thinking that about Russia for centuries now at this point and, well...

It was pretty alright before the soviet union

>highest amount of engeneers/educated people per capita
Dont get me wrong, their gov is corrupt but the people make the best of it. Can't have it all

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I'm just pointing out shit.
And while Russia is the agressor in this case, Ukrainian government is highly anti-Russian.
Banning Russian music, or that shit they did lately?
That MP which celebrated those people burning in Odessa?
That shit is nasty. Opposing Russia while acting like a more rabid Russia does not look good.
I hope that comedian guy wins in their elections, he seems like a more sane option.
And I'm aware shit is murky and a lot of stuff is Russian provocation. But there are some very fucked up people and things happening in Ukraine.

Is there actually anything going on the front nowadays or is it just the usual taking potshots at each other with little actual fighting?

There's supposed to be a ceasefire tho I'm pretty sure Ukraine made some coordinated attacks a few months ago. Not sure if they achieved anything tho.

The article is about were dictators bank their money not government corruption you dumb Russian.

How are those T-80's working out for you, ivan?

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From the archive:
>It is the standard way of russians to deal with problems and own errors: Just accuse the other side of what you are or worse at.

>Russia has quite a problem with aids, drug addicts, poverty, corruption and one of the highest abortion rates of all western country-> West is degenerate
>Russian media is a joke that only fractionally critics the goverment-> Western media lie all the time
>Russia has a large muslim popultation percentage (15%)-> West is overrun with muslims
>Russia cant get a working democracy->democracy is failed and doesnt work

It's mostly non-russian sovietabos that have never been to Russia or blindly patriotic fools, but most Russians don't like the current government and approval ratings are only getting worse. Problem is that the two strongest parties are the "United Russia"-Medvedev/Putin party and the commie party. We need better alternatives.

Every other nation is capable of handling this kind of idiot from their nation, but russians dont do shit about them at all and then cry crocodile tears when there is a backlash for their inaction. So either russian actually like what those idiots say or they think it is everyone else job but theirs to deal with it. In both cases it is a shitty behaviour and the repulsion people got against russians is more than well deserve.

Afaik there's just not a lot of Russian folks on sites like these, and the ones that are, are mostly shills.

It takes balls to be a political dissident in Russia. That shit's a contact sport.

Just look at what he has done, he done what every other vantik is doing: telling everyone how they got it all wrong about Russia. Russians really really love that shit. It is deeply cored into their whole though structure.

>here have the next bullshit lie that is always played on repeat by every prorussian and vatnik
Come back when you actually spend more than a month on this board or you have grown some common sense.

So you're telling me most Russians on this site aren't shills? alright then. Where did I even imply Russia is in a good state? It's pretty fucked right now and will be for a while.

Sorry, read that one wrong, senpai. I apologise.

Is alright, I just wish my country will ride itself out of the shit it is in right now. Have a good night, mate.

>it is super hard to say something against idiots from your country on an anonymous south east asian basket weaving forum
And? There dont need many to tell those vatniks from time to time that they are scum even in the eyes of russians, but that never happens, hence the horrible reputation russians have accumilated over the years on this board.
It is just always the same talk and in the end nothing changes and russians remain to be a noticeably different group from other nations that never ever does anything against their worst shitposters.
And then they act all suprised when no one is taking their side anymore. People are just fed up seeing how biased they are and always take but never have any decency to do something right on their own. They are the cause for their own problems, it is that damn simple.

Its their own grave they are digging.

oh look it's this schizophrenic who calls everyone a Russian
I'm 100% certain you're some Ukrainian or something like that, only East Euros are this autistic, and your English is a dead giveaway
will you EVER admit where are you from?
don't bother, you won't get anything resembling a sane response from him
he's in every fucking thread remotely connected to Russia
whenever someone says anything else than ''Russia and everything Russian/Soviet is utter shit'', he will call you a vatnik, if he's there
dangerously insane human being

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>projecting that hard
Someone is triggered.

and here's this autist
I honestly don't know who I hate more, this guy or the ''anti-vatnik'' schizophrenic
making this board shittier one thread at the time
I know it's you, your writing style is instantly recognizable
I've seen you ask me and others where are we from, but I've never seen YOU answer where are you from
so will you finally admit where are you from?
why are you always avoiding this question?

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>you can only be that one guy
>you must be from ukraine
It aint so easy actually figuring out where i am from, isnt it? Maybe that is because i dont give away such traits as easily as the next vatnik pisser. I give you a little hint, there are at least 1-2 more of me.

as I said, I'm 100% certain you're East European, because your autism smells East European
you're clearly emotionally involved, no Westerner is this obsessed with Russia and vatniks
and no there aren't
you're one guy and you're in every thread about anything Russian or Soviet, just like this Mandic fucktard
I recognize your style of writing
I will always call you out in every thread where I see you
here's the ''backlash'' for your autism, you fucking creep

by the way, nice job not giving away ''traits''
you pretty much confirmed my theory

>as I said, I'm 100% certain you're East European, because your autism smells East European
>you're clearly emotionally involved, no Westerner is this obsessed with Russia and vatniks
>I will always call you out in every thread where I see you
>by the way, nice job not giving away ''traits''
>you pretty much confirmed my theory
>t. the user calling others schizophrenic
This is genuine becoming funny, but please dont be too suprised when "i" make those posts round the clock.

that's because you probably have no life and you're always here
in every thread vaguely related to Russia, you were there
and still avoiding the question are we
where are you from?
why are you so afraid or ashamed of answering that question?
and it's clearly relevant since I saw you pester dozens of people with such questions
so where are YOU from?

I came for aesthetics not arguments

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You cant tell because
a.) it simply aint obvious where i am coming from through what i do
b.) you are under the delusion that everyone of those posts must be from one guy
no wonder that you cant figure it out at all. This actually increases the fun of it a lot.

It always ends in "Amerimutt vs Vatnik" circlejerks
Welcome to Jow Forums

>where i am coming from through what i do
>that everyone of those posts must be from one guy
nice English fucktard
as I said, I'm pretty sure you're East European, obviously from some state where they hate Russia
you aren't doing this because of mythical vatnik horde here
you're doing it because you're an autist who has mistaken this board for Jow Forums or Jow Forums

go there and shit on Russia 24/7, I don't give a fuck

T B H Dude it is kind of easy to spot you- you always criticize other Russians for not going after vatniks, but why would they want to admit being from that shithole

he'll probably accuse you of being me
as I said, dangerously insane human being

and sorry for fucking up this thread but it was kinda shit anyway, and I just wanted to point out to this shithead that his autism has not gone unnoticed

What unit is that?

Probably some well-sponsored paramilitary ala Azov or something.

I doubt that - only a few units got Tavors. Initially only Omega got them, because they did all the fighting when Alfa punked out like a bitch.

Supposedly everything's been reorganized in the last 2 years, and all my info is at least that old.

>go there and shit on Russia 24/7, I don't give a fuck
You simply wont, you are too triggered and or involved to let go. See you in the next thread, trying to figure out who "i" am, because you cant refute what i say and need something else to.

>you always criticize other Russians for not going after vatniks
Which isnt a thing? I didnt even started with it, it is just a easy observable thing everyone can check on their own account.

usranija produces that jewshit

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Actually that isn't a Tavor, it's a Malyuk rifle, Ukranian made.
I assume something Ukranian considering the gun. But, I am not entirely sure.

Yea, they licensed Tavor's from Israel.

Now I am curious who donated the helmets.

Based Ukrainians will finally be free to die for Israel!

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I can't refute it because you never actually discuss the topic of the thread
you just shitpost about vatniks and your paranoid fantasies
only thing you do is shit on Russia and Russians and everyone who doesn't do the same as you
>figure out
I figured out
you might also be some Russian autist, there's Russians who hate Russia too
it's irrelevant though, you're autistic and you ruin threads


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Hello Armatard disguise persona number three hundred eighty four, still mad that a "schizo" got you banned and now you are going on a witch hunt against "him" as a form of revenge? How quaint that the whole schizo hunt only became a thing right after you got yourself banned for your autism.

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nope, fuck Armatard too for that matter